The latest Republican attack on women

Here they go again. Republicans in Congress have introduced another bill to cut off women’s access to health care. This time they are trying to eliminate Title X, the only federal program devoted to providing low-income women with …

CREDO celebrates Supreme Court’s legalization of gay marriage

Today, the Supreme Court legalized marriage equality across the U.S. Congratulations. We now pronounce this country a better place. Here at CREDO, we’ve been working for marriage equality and LGBT rights for 30 years, since the day we …

Tom Tomorrow comic explains the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP)

If you’re a progressive, this Tom Tomorrow comic will scare you. Worked out in secret by government negotiators and corporate lobbyists, the TPP would supersede U.S. laws. It would offshore jobs and undermine wages. It would expose public health …

Victory: NFL gives up tax-exempt status

The NFL earns billions in revenue every year, but hasn’t paid a dime in taxes since the 1960s because it’s considered a “nonprofit organization.” More than 434,000 CREDO activists have taken action over the last two years to …

Big Telecom sues over net neutrality

We scored a huge victory over Big Telecom companies like AT&T, Comcast and Verizon when the Federal Communications Commission announced plans to enact strong rules to protect net neutrality under Title II. But now, AT&T is challenging the …

Victory: EPA restricts Monsanto’s bee-killing insecticide

Big news in the fight to save bee populations from pesticides: The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) recently announced that it won’t approve any new or expanded uses of bee-killing neonicotinoid pesticides while it continues to study the threats …

Tom Tomorrow comic: Republican freshmen bankrolled by AT&T and Verizon

If you’re a progressive, this Tom Tomorrow comic on the Republican freshmen in Congress will scare you. But if you’re a customer of Big Telecom, it will also infuriate you. Because during the 2014 midterms, AT&T and Verizon bankrolled …

Workers win big wage victories

At Walmart, about 500,000 hourly workers will be getting a raise, thanks in part to CREDO members who launched campaigns calling on Walmart and its directors for higher wages. CREDO members have supported this fight by donating $50,332 …

What a year for progressive politics: 2014 CREDO activism report

Looking to 2015, the outcome of literally thousands of fights will depend on what we can do together. That’s because what we’ve learned in 2014 is the willingness of President Obama and his fellow Democrats to stand up …

VICTORY: Florida panthers safe from Big Oil

Florida panthers number barely over 100 in the wild and can’t afford unnecessary, new threats. The state of Florida issued a permit to Dan A. Hughes Co. for the construction of a new oil and gas waste disposal …