Donations spotlight: Support Earth Guardians as it presses for youth-driven climate action

Note from the CREDO Mobile team: This August, Earth Guardians is among three amazing groups that will receive a share of our monthly grant. Funding from the CREDO community will help Earth Guardians train diverse youth to be …

Our January grantees thank you for your support

Each month, CREDO members vote on how we distribute funding to three incredible nonprofits. In January, CREDO members voted to distribute our monthly donation among Public Counsel, Rainforest Action Network and She Should Run. These donations are made …

Our November grantees thank you for your support

Each month, CREDO members vote on how we distribute funding to three incredible nonprofits. In November, CREDO members voted to distribute our monthly donation among the American Civil Liberties Union, Mi Familia Vota Education Fund and These … delivers large-scale change for our planet and its people

Note from the CREDO Mobile team: This November, is among three amazing groups that will receive a share of our monthly grant. Funding from the CREDO Mobile community will help as it builds collective power through …

CREDO Climate Survey shows people know it’s an emergency and are ready to act

The first step in solving a problem is to acknowledge that there is one. Well, climate change is a problem. “We are in the early phase of a climate emergency,” warns a recent report co-authored by preeminent climate …

We’re now in a “climate emergency” but actions like the CREDO Climate Project are making a difference

And so it begins. “We are in the early phase of a climate emergency,” states a recent report co-authored by James Hansen, the NASA scientist who first warned the world about global warming, back in 1988. The report …

Funding from CREDO Mobile powers Green America’s fight for our climate

The climate news keeps getting worse. Recently, the UN’s World Meteorological Organization reported that global temperatures will surge past the critical threshold of 1.5 degrees Celsius above preindustrial levels within 5 years. Not 50 years, not 15 years, …

Puppy mills are harming innocent animals: You can make a difference

Note from the CREDO Mobile team: This October, the Animal Legal Defense Fund is among three amazing groups that will receive a share of our monthly grant. Funding from the CREDO Mobile community will help the Animal Legal …

Small actions make a big difference: Join the CREDO Mobile Climate Project

Life as we know it is facing its end. Not in some far-off future, not in two generations or 200 years. Not then, now. How in the world did we get here? Scientists first warned about climate change …

Fighting for Earth: How is taking action to stop climate change

Note from the CREDO team: This September, is among three amazing groups that will receive a share of our monthly grant. Funding from the CREDO community will help work for a safe climate and a prosperous, …