Posted on October 6, 2022
5 Ways You Can Get Involved Right Now in the November Election
This year’s midterm election is one of the most consequential in our lifetimes. So many of the important issues we care about — from reproductive freedom and civil rights, to economic justice, voting rights and climate change — are all on the ballot in one way or another this year.
If you’re interested in getting involved in a substantive way — more than just chipping in $5 to your favorite candidate — here are 5 ways you can help protect and expand the progress we’ve made over the years, because too much is at stake to sit this one out.
#1 — Make a plan to vote
First thing’s first: it’s time to make a plan to cast your ballot on or before Election Day November 8. That means checking your voter registration (or register if you haven’t), learning about early and absentee voting in your state, and locating your polling place or voter dropbox.
Our grantee has everything you need to vote in this election, with tools to register to vote, find where you can cast your ballot and a lot more.
Visit to learn more.
#2 — Write letters to voters in competitive races
Handwritten letters have proven to be an effective way to encourage voters to participate in elections.
Our allies at Vote Forward facilitate volunteer letter writing to voters in competitive races across the country on a drop date in late October when receiving a nudge to vote is most powerful — and your letters to voters could help increase turnout.
Visit to learn more, or register for a new letter writer orientation training to jump right in.
#3 — Mobilize women voters with Supermajority
Despite the doom and gloom you may see on the news, especially concerning women’s rights, our grantee partners at Supermajority know that there are very specific and achievable things we can do right now to turn things around and make this country work for women
Their 2022 campaign Activate260 is recruiting 1,000 “Women Are Voting Captains” this year who are a dedicated team of women working to mobilize 2.5 million women in our five key states before Election Day.
If you want to help make real progress for women and want an important way to get involved, check out their Activate260 campaign page to sign up and learn more.
#4 — Build power with Black Voters Matter
The mission of our grantees at Black Voters Matter is to increase civic engagement and power building in predominantly Black communities.
Their 2022 campaign and tour is titled “We Won’t Black Down” and will make stops across the country up to November 8 to engage with Black voters, policymakers, faith-based leaders, Black influencers and HBCU students. (Click here to find a stop near you)
They are looking for volunteers who want to join their power building team and make a real impact. Sign up for their virtual training “Intro to the Power Building Team” and learn how you can get involved.
#5 — Talk to your friends and family about voting
According to our friends at the ACLU, friend-to-friend contact can increase voter turnout by up to 8 percent and have up to two times more impact than a cold call, text, or door knock.
That’s why they are asking supporters to talk to friends and family to have a big impact this election to ensure more people head to the polls to protect our rights.
Learn more about their “Friends Ask Friends to Vote” initiative, then pledge to vote for your values to receive updates from the ACLU on more ways you can get involved.
Posted on October 6, 2022
Why Race Matters in Redistricting: Protecting Black Power and Preserving Democracy
Note from the CREDO team: This October, the Legal Defense Fund is among three amazing groups that will receive a share of our monthly grant. Funding from the CREDO community will support LDF’s efforts to expand democracy, eliminate disparities, and achieve racial justice, especially during these perilous times.
Please read this crossposted blog post that LDF shared with the CREDO community about their critical work to fight back against racist voter redistricting efforts, then click here to visit to cast your vote to help determine how we distribute our monthly grant to this organization and our other amazing grantees this October.
The United States Supreme Court will soon consider a major redistricting case that could have significant nationwide implications. In Milligan v. Merrill (now known as Merrill v. Milligan before the Supreme Court), in which LDF is delivering oral arguments, the Court will determine whether Alabama’s new congressional map violates the Voting Rights Act (VRA) of 1965 by placing Black voters into legislative districts in a way that dilutes their political power. Critically, the case will also determine whether race can be considered at all in redistricting, including as a means to remedy racially discriminatory maps. The decision could have nationwide implications, impacting redistricting in all states at every level of government from Congress down to local school boards.
When taken at face value, a race-blind method of drawing new maps may sound like a fair way to organize electoral districts. However, prohibiting racial considerations in the redistricting process would actually have a devastating impact on Black representation and political power – and undermine longstanding Supreme Court precedent. Indeed, in light of the Court’s consideration of Milligan, it’s critical to understand the important role that race plays in the redistricting process as a means of ensuring equitable representation and political power, as well as to be aware of how removing race from redistricting would undermine our democratic institutions.
Every 10 years, the federal government conducts a census to collect data that reflect demographic changes and trends from the preceding decade. For example, the 2020 census revealed that people of color drove 95% of Texas’s population growth from 2010-20. It also found that the state has three of the five fastest-growing cities in the country. Data like these are crucial when state lawmakers begin drawing new legislative maps, as it is their responsibility under Section 2 of the VRA to ensure that growing communities of color are fairly represented.
Fulfilling that obligation requires states to look at voting patterns along racial lines to ensure that the voices of voters of color are not being sidelined or drowned out because of the way the district lines are drawn. This can happen in states or localities where voters of color tend to have different candidate and policy preferences from white voters, and where they are relegated to an insubstantial minority in most or all districts. In those circumstances, it becomes virtually impossible for communities of color to influence who gets elected or what policies their elected representatives pursue.
However, despite this reality, many state officials have blatantly ignored this responsibility following the 2020 census, disregarding pleas to adhere to the law and related guidance from civil rights advocates, grassroots organizations, and community leaders. And, on top of this, recent Supreme Court decisions have limited or eliminated protections that were previously in place to prevent lawmakers from drawing racially discriminatory maps. The consequences of these actions could be ruinous for Black political power.
For example, the Louisiana voting age population is around 33% Black and 58% white. Yet, in 2021, state officials passed a congressional map where Black Louisianans are the majority in only one of the state’s six districts. At the same time, Louisiana’s stark polarized voting patterns mean that candidates supported by Black voters have never been elected in a district where they are not the majority. Essentially, this means that Black voters are only able to influence the electoral outcome in around 17% of Louisiana’s districts, while white voters determine the outcome in 83% of them – a striking disparity when compared against Black and white demographic representation.
LDF subsequently sued Louisiana on behalf of Black voters and a district court agreed that the state’s map likely violated the VRA, ordering officials to draw a new map that includes an additional majority-minority district. However, in a summary order that gave no reasoning, the Supreme Court halted this corrective process, allowing the 2022 election to go forward under a map that the lower court found to be discriminatory. The fate of this case is now tied to the Milligan decision.
Sometimes officials also try to perpetuate false or misleading claims about the rationale behind their maps (often pointing to a partisan explanation) in order to justify the dilution of Black votes. In South Carolina, for example, LDF recently challenged the state’s new congressional map that packs the majority of Black voters into one district while dividing (or “cracking”) those who remain in such a scattered way that their electoral influence is severely diminished. State officials recently argued that the map is legal by claiming that it represents a partisan gerrymander rather than a racial gerrymander, but the fact remains: legislators disenfranchised Black voters to achieve this, tactically drawing the map to diminish Black political power and access to representatives who can serve their interests.
Justifying the silencing of Black voters with disingenuous claims of partisan advantage is deeply concerning. It also undermines a core tenet of American democracy: to ensure fair and equal representation for all. At its core, redistricting is a civic engagement process. However, as a result of the cynical and discriminatory manipulation of district lines, Black voters are increasingly unable to select candidates who represent them – continuing the legacy of a political process that is stacked against them.
Ultimately, the Supreme Court’s decision in Milligan will either allow Black voters to have a fair shot at electing candidates of their choice or permit state redistricting committees to pretend that race and the legacy of racial discrimination do not exist, undermining one of the key protections of the VRA and eliminating one of the major purposes of the decennial census. In all three states where LDF is currently challenging racially discriminatory maps, the use of race in redistricting is essential to dismantle and remedy the enduring roadblocks to Black self-determination that have remained ever-present since this country’s founding. At a time where voting rights are under attack at seemingly every level, it is imperative that the Supreme Court preserve the very foundation of our democracy.
Posted on October 6, 2022
Americans for Tax Fairness is ensuring corporations and the rich pay their fair share
Note from the CREDO team: This October, Americans for Tax Fairness is among three amazing groups that will receive a share of our monthly grant. Funding from the CREDO community will help Americans for Tax Fairness continue its work fighting for a fairer tax code, from lobbying Congress and holding billionaires accountable, to reaching millions on social media to engaging with activists like you!
Read this important blog post about the organization’s work to fight for tax fairness, then click here to visit to cast your vote to help determine how we distribute our monthly grant to ATF and our other amazing grantees this October.
Hopefully and not without struggle, America has entered a new Progressive Era. But none of the things progressives want to do to make society better—improve access to healthcare, lower housing costs, strengthen our schools, narrow economic inequality, protect our democracy, and much more—are possible without first confronting a central problem: rich people and corporations don’t pay enough taxes.
Until very recently, conservative trickle-down economics dominated the vital question of how we raise and spend public money. Beginning with the Reagan tax and budget cuts of the early 1980s and with only a few exceptions over the next four decades, the debate in Washington and in state capitals around the country has centered on how much to cut taxes on the wealthy and corporations, on the long-disproven theory that the economic benefits would eventually filter down to everyone else.
Americans for Tax Fairness was founded in 2012, in part, to change that false narrative. To do that we have undertaken an aggressive effort to focus attention on the need for the wealthy (and the corporations they largely own) to pay their fair share of taxes so we can narrow the nation’s destabilizing income and wage gaps, invest in people and their communities, and create an economy that works for everyone. We have done extensive polling and message testing to show that the public strands with us, not the richest one percent and biggest corporations. Though polls prove it is widely popular across the political spectrum, real tax reform that ensures the wealthy and big corporations pay their fair share can be a challenging issue to organize around and to make central to the political debate. Few people enjoy paying taxes, the IRS can seem scary, the subject involves complicated math.
Even among Democratic politicians there is an erroneous but long-standing fear of being punished for raising taxes. That’s why for the past 10 years, Americans for Tax Fairness—a coalition of hundreds of endorsing national and state organizations—has been leading a successful effort to make progressive tax reform comprehensible, meaningful, central to movement activism and politically attractive.
ATF is the strategic hub between all the forces needed to win this debate: think tanks and academics; unions and national advocacy groups; grassroots groups and digital organizers.
ATF’s small but effective staff executes a broad range of activities in pursuit of the organization’s tax-fairness goals. It digests and simplifies tax research to make the sometimes technical issues relevant and even inspiring to the public. ATF produces original policy research, such as its regular reports on the extraordinary wealth growth of billionaires during the pandemic. ATF also engages and coordinates the activities of the coalition’s member organizations; spearheads the lobbying of Congress and the executive branch; mobilizes activists through state partners, email and social media; and promotes tax-fairness issues in the news media.
In 2021 alone, ATF appeared 4,500 times in the media, garnering an audience of over 5.3 billion views. ATF research was cited or representatives of the group were quoted in the Washington Post, New York Times, Wall Street Journal, CBS News, CNN, Politico, and many other prominent national news sources. Our social media team produces a steady stream of content used by online organizers, organizations and elected officials alike.
The 2020 presidential primary was proof that the debate had been transformed within the Democratic Party, in part through ATF’s efforts. Every candidate—even moderate ones like the eventual winner, Joe Biden—offered tax plans that raised at least $4 trillion in fairer taxes on the rich and corporations to invest in health care, child care, education, housing, infrastructure, clean energy and more. Biden ran and won the general election on that platform. Yet the subsequent resistance to Biden’s bold vision by members of his own party that shrunk his program to the still significant but much diminished Inflation Reduction Act shows how much work remains to be done.
As it enters its second decade, Americans for Tax Fairness stands ready to leverage its experience, reputation and the hard work of its dedicated staff and many coalition partners to continue the journey towards true tax fairness.
Posted on October 6, 2022
Indigenous women defending the Amazon
Note from the CREDO Team: Our grantees at Amazon Watch wanted to make sure you read this important blog post about their work empowering Indigenous women who are defending the Amazon. Thanks to CREDO members, who have helped us donate $175,840 to the organization, they can continue this critical work.
“During the pandemic, many of us almost died, but we didn’t — because we supported each other, because we prepared our medicines from the forest. The forest contains all that we need, our food and our medicines. That is why we take care of the forest and say no to extraction, no to mining, no to logging. That is why we are here as Mujeres Amazónicas. We are not here to negotiate. We are here to unite as women defending the forest.”
– Zoila Castillo, Kichwa woman defender, at the inauguration of Casa de Mujeres Amazónicas
Indigenous women are pushing back at the systems that are threatening their rights and lives across the Amazon Basin.
The Amazon Rainforest is a crucially important ecosystem, one whose impact extends far beyond its borders. It stabilizes the global climate and contains one-third of all terrestrial species on Earth and a large percentage of the world’s flowing fresh water. The Amazon is also home to and stewarded by 511 Indigenous peoples, including 66 groups living in voluntary isolation.
Indigenous women are on the front lines of defending land, water, and life from the multiple crises facing the Amazon biome. In some of the most dangerous regions in the world to be an earth defender, Amazonian women also face gendered violence while defending their territories from extraction and destruction. Deforestation, resource extraction, land grabs, and destructive development projects have pushed the ecosystem to its tipping point.
Averting the tipping point is essential for the rainforest and for the world’s global climate. Now, Indigenous women are bringing global attention to violence against the earth and her defenders, resisting extractive industries, and building a pan-Amazon women-led movement to permanently protect the rainforest and our climate.
Essential to Indigenous women’s self-determination and futures are the following: land back; women’s land ownership; and sacred Indigenous-only spaces for healing, retreat, convenings, and trainings, as well as regenerative agriculture, forest medicine, and a healthier present and future for Indigenous women.
In solidarity with Indigenous women, Amazon Watch and long-time supporter and environmental advocate Lynn Thorenson, in honor and memory of her son Dru, and empowered by donors like CREDO, are supporting the safety, security, and wellbeing of Indigenous women earth defenders. One of the women defenders’ initiatives they will support is the purchase of a house and land for Casa de Mujeres Amazónicas. This vision advances a decolonized space to gather, mobilize, heal, and practice traditional knowledge and medicine, and it can serve as a model for communities throughout the Amazon Basin.
“Extractive violence against the land and violence against Indigenous women go hand and hand. We believe that healing women is also healing the earth.”
– Nina Gualinga, Kichwa women defender and Women Defenders Program Coordinator at Amazon Watch
At a moment where gender-based violence against Indigenous women and girls is increasing, public health support for Indigenous peoples has been absent during the COVID-19 pandemic, and oil spills and floods continue to harm Amazonian communities, supporting frontline Indigenous women earth defenders is a critical act of solidarity and a call of hope for the future we know is possible.
We can still avert the tipping point if we take decisive and immediate action to see Indigenous solutions across the finish line. In solidarity with Indigenous, forest, and traditional peoples, Amazon Watch is working towards the permanent protection of 80% of the Amazon by 2025 via the defense and demarcation of Indigenous territories. We must keep standing forests standing. Supporting Indigenous women’s leadership, healing, and visions is critical to doing so.
“Women are the sacred seeds of existence. We are the resistance! We can no longer accept the disrespect, death, and destruction promoted by the patriarchy and by the governments of the world. We resist violence to protect our lives, rights, and territories. We want our territories demarcated now! That is our constitutional right!”
– Sônia Guajajara, Articulation of Indigenous Peoples of Brazil
CREDO’s support uplifts the leadership, knowledge, and solutions of women defenders and Indigenous peoples throughout the Amazon Basin. Thank you for being part of the movement for the rainforest and our collective future!
Posted on October 6, 2022
How CREDO members helped JHU Center for Gun Violence Solutions curb gun violence
Note from the CREDO Team: In March 2022, CREDO members voted to donate $22,700 to help fund the critical work of the Johns Hopkins Center for Gun Violence Solutions, formerly known as the Educational Fund to Stop Gun Violence. To date, you’ve helped us donate $101,357 to the organization to help curb gun violence. Here’s a quick update on how CREDO members have helped further their important work.
Gun violence can often feel like an intractable problem in the United States. Mass shootings are taking place nearly every day. Some lawmakers respond to record gun deaths with laws that put more guns on our streets. Supreme Court justices overturn existing gun violence protections.
But even in a year with so much bloodshed and tragedy, the gun violence prevention movement — with the help of contributions from organizations like CREDO — has made significant progress, and laid the groundwork for more successes in the near future.
In the wake of mass shootings in Buffalo, New York and Uvalde, Texas, the Center for Gun Violence Solutions at Johns Hopkins’ Bloomberg School of Public Health worked alongside state partners to pass vital and strategic gun violence prevention laws in New York and Delaware within weeks of those deadly incidents.
In Delaware, funding from CREDO helped sustain around-the-clock pressure on lawmakers to pass an assault weapons ban, impose limits on high-capacity magazines, strengthen background check laws, raise the purchasing age on firearms to 21, and more. In New York, a state that already has some of the strictest gun laws in the country, lawmakers recognized they could do even more, by making it easier for health care providers to seek Extreme Risk Protection Orders which provide a means to remove firearms for those individuals who pose a safety risk to themselves or others, and allowing for the microstamping of bullet cartridges to better identify guns that are used to commit crimes.
The bold, swift action by lawmakers in two states demonstrates the progress that can be made with the right combination of political will and a constant, well-funded pressure campaign. It’s a model that can and should be replicated in statehouses around the country.
But victories this year are not limited to state legislatures. Even as the Supreme Court rolled back gun violence prevention measures by hobbling permit laws, Congress mustered enough support for the bipartisan Safer Communities Act, a package of gun laws that — while short of what the Center and others called for — included critically important provisions that will unquestionably save lives.
Incomplete as the package may be, it nevertheless represents the most significant piece of federal gun violence prevention legislation in nearly three decades.
Among the components of the bill are $750 million to fund crisis intervention programs, including extreme risk protection order implementation, $250 million to fund violence interruption programs in communities around the country; strengthening federal background check laws for purchasers aged 18-21; and closing the so-called “gun show loophole” by requiring more private sellers to register as firearm dealers and thus subject them to background check requirements.
And while funding from CREDO helped the Center drive many of these victories at the state and federal levels, the impact of additional resources is perhaps felt most acutely within individual communities. The allocation of funding for violence interruption programming has the potential to make an immediate and profound impact on neighborhoods where gun violence is most prevalent and devastating. Ensuring that state and federal allocations are made in consultation with community organizers and impacted individuals — those who stand on the front lines of our gun violence epidemic — will be a vital next step to ensure this new legislation realizes its full potential.
In the months since CREDO’s investment in the Educational Fund to Stop Gun Violence, much has changed for the better in how we work. We merged with the Johns Hopkins Center for Gun Violence Prevention and Policy to form the new Johns Hopkins Center for Gun Violence Solutions at the Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health. By combining the efforts of our two teams, we created a dynamic and innovative new organization that can better focus on the serious public health implications of gun violence. For example, the new organization has renewed capacity to expand and fine-tune the technical assistance that it provides to the Safer States Initiative network around the country, helping them respond to the ever-changing landscape of gun violence in their communities. Thanks in part to the additional resources provided by CREDO, we are better able to tailor our technical assistance to state organizations and help them meet the specific needs of their regions.
There is far too often a feeling of helplessness looming over the work that gun violence prevention advocates are doing. But as the past year has demonstrated, the concerted effort by activists, lawmakers, and organizations committed to curbing gun violence can make a difference.
Posted on October 4, 2022
From the Frontlines of the Leuser Ecosystem to the Corporate Boardrooms: Rainforest Action Network’s Unique Approach
Note from the CREDO team: This October, Rainforest Action Network (RAN) is among three amazing groups that will receive a share of our monthly grant. Funding from the CREDO community will help RAN exert public and inside pressure on corporations, banks and other institutions to stop environmentally destructive practices.
Read this important blog post from RAN’s Senior Communications Strategist Laurel Sutherlin, then click here to visit to cast your vote to help determine how we distribute our monthly grant to this organization and our other amazing grantees this October.
At Rainforest Action Network (RAN), we specialize in following the money between rainforest destruction and human rights abuses and the huge global corporations that are ultimately driving them. In Indonesia’s extraordinary Leuser Ecosystem, the last place on earth where the critically endangered Sumatran tiger, orangutan, rhino, and elephant still roam together in the same habitat, we have spent years connecting the dots from illegal Conflict Palm Oil plantations deep in the Sumatran jungle through to the household name brands that are putting that palm oil into products filling the shelves in grocery stores around the world.
At the end of September 2022, RAN released a report that conclusively establishes that deforestation linked to major consumer goods companies is on the rise, not falling, in the nationally protected Rawa Singkil Wildlife Reserve in Indonesia’s globally important Leuser Ecosystem. This new investigative report, Carbon Bombs Scandal: Big Brands Driving Climate Disaster for Palm Oil, reveals that public commitments by major global brands are failing to stop illegally produced palm oil from entering global supply chains.
Using evidence obtained through field investigations, satellite imagery analysis, and supply chain research, RAN’s investigation proves that palm oil produced in this protected nature reserve, in violation of corporate deforestation-free commitments, continues to make its way into the products sold by Procter & Gamble, Mondelēz, Nestlé, Unilever, PepsiCo, Colgate-Palmolive, Ferrero, and Nissin Foods.
For decades now, the destruction of Indonesia’s peatlands has been a globally significant driver of carbon pollution into the atmosphere. In the lead-up to the Paris COP21 climate summit in 2015, fires from peatlands being cleared for palm oil production in the country were recorded to be spewing more carbon into the sky than the entire emissions of the United States combined. Since then, the multinational brands responsible for this climate catastrophe have issued new “Forest Positive” pledges and collective plans to end deforestation and address their role in driving climate change through their consumption of palm oil.
‘Forest Positive’ pledges are not being fulfilled on the frontlines of palm oil expansion in Indonesia as these big brands have failed to break their ties to illegal palm oil grown at the expense of carbon-rich peatlands inside the Rawa Singkil Wildlife Reserve since a similar scandal exposed by RAN in 2019.
RAN is calling on the ten brands exposed in its report to immediately take action to invest in lasting solutions that protect the Singkil-Bengkung region from further destruction and end sourcing from rogue palm oil suppliers until transparent and verifiable monitoring, traceability and No Deforestation, No Peatland and No Exploitation (NDPE) compliance systems are in place.
RAN is working closely with our allies to turn up the heat on Procter and Gamble (P&G) to finally pressure the company to do the right thing and cut Conflict Palm Oil from its supply chain. Since last year, RAN has collaborated with a coalition of local activists to put regular pressure on P&G at their headquarters in Cincinnati, OH through protest, art, and community building. We are continuing to push the company with public pressure tactics, which also include flooding P&G’s executive leadership with tens of thousands of emails, postcards, and petitions from our supporters.
Our work would not be complete without also incorporating the demands of our partners on the ground in Indonesia. RAN remains committed to humanizing the impacts of deforestation and elevating the voices and stories of the frontline communities. We take leadership from Indigenous and frontline communities, support rigorous investigations on the ground and bring this evidence to the company decision makers through the media, well-researched reports, and directly to their boardroom. This completes our distinctive “inside-outside” approach.
We invite you to be a part of our network and take action against P&G at our REVEL Virtual Rally on October 20th at 5 pm PT / 8 pm ET. Here we will share some updates on the exciting work with our Indonesian partners in the Leuser Ecosystem. You’ll see behind-the-scenes footage from our direct actions against P&G in addition to some of our other corporate targets. To conclude, we’ll act together to escalate the pressure on P&G and remind them that we will not back down until our collective demands are met. We hope you join us!
Posted on October 1, 2022
Our September grantees thank you for your support
Each month, CREDO members vote on how we distribute funding to three incredible nonprofits. Those small actions add up – with one click, you can help fund groups working for civil rights, gun violence prevention and abortion rights. In September, CREDO members voted to distribute our monthly donation among Facing History and Ourselves, March for Our Lives and National Abortion Hotline.
These donations are made possible by CREDO customers and the revenue they generate by using our services. The distribution depends entirely on the votes of CREDO members like you. And for that, our September grant recipients thank you.
Facing History and Ourselves
“Thank you! Your vote helps teachers like me create classrooms where inclusion, reflection, and participation are valued; where students grapple with moral dilemmas, develop their convictions, and gain agency to stand up for what they believe.” – Stephanie Papas, Facing History teacher in California for over 20 years
To learn more, visit
March for Our Lives
“Thank you for supporting MFOL’s youth leaders on the frontlines of the fight to end gun violence. This support from CREDO members couldn’t come at a more critical moment, as gun violence has become the leading cause of death for America’s young people.” – Natalie Fall, Director of Development, March for Our Lives
To learn more, visit
National Abortion Hotline
“Thank you so much for supporting the National Abortion Hotline. We are so appreciative of your generosity during this critical time. Your support will provide direct financial assistance to help people obtain the abortion care they need.” – Melissa Fowler, Chief Program Officer, National Abortion Hotline
To learn more, visit
Now check out the three groups we are funding in October, and cast your vote to help distribute our donations.
CREDO members who use our products are the reason why we are able to make these donations each month. Learn more about CREDO Mobile, the carrier with a conscience.
Posted on September 29, 2022
How to factory reset your phone to protect your personal information
Got a new phone? That’s great! Now, first things first — what to do with your old one after you’ve backed it up.
If you’re like most people, your smartphone contains a lot of personal information like emails, photos, logins, financial and health information, and so much more.
So, before trading in, selling or giving away it to family or friends, you’ll want to take the quick step to factory reset your device.
In this week’s tip, we’ll show you how you can quickly and securely erase your personal data and other sensitive information before getting rid of your old smartphone.
As we mentioned above, make sure you have recently backed up your smartphone before securely erasing your device, because you won’t be able to retrieve your data once your phone is reset. To learn how to backup your iOS or Android device, check out our recent blog post on 4 simple ways to backup your phone.
How to factory reset your iPhone
The preparation for erasing your iPhone actually takes a little bit longer than the few steps needed to wipe your device — but this prep is critical to protecting your data and account information.
- If you have an Apple Watch, unpair it from your iPhone now.
- Backup your iPhone, if you haven’t yet already.
- Make sure you have your phone’s passcode and your Apple ID password ready.
- Sign out of iCloud and the iTunes & App Store.
- To erase your iPhone, go to Settings > General > Transfer or Reset iPhone, then tap Erase All Content and Settings.
- Remove your SIM card. To be extra safe, it’s a good idea to remove your SIM card if you plan to give away or sell your phone. Your SIM card may contain your phone number, security information and billing information. To remove, locate the SIM tray (usually on the right side of your device) and insert a paperclip into the hole to pop out the tray. Take out the SIM card and replace the tray.
How to factory reset your Android
Factory resetting your Android device is very straightforward, but the process may vary depending on your device. If you have any issues, please contact your manufacturer for more information.
- Backup your data on your Android.
- Plug in your device or charge it to at least 70%.
- Open Settings > System.
- Tap Reset options, then tap Erase all data and follow the on-screen directions.
Posted on September 22, 2022
How to use Google Maps Live View to always find your way
Ever get lost walking in a big city, airport or mall and the regular map on your smartphone isn’t helping you find your way?
You’re in luck! A little-known feature in Google Maps harnesses its “augmented reality” technology and your smartphone’s camera to give you live 3D walking directions, as well as useful information like how busy a restaurant is, reviews and user-generated photos.
Using this helpful feature is quick and easy, and this week’s tip we’ll show you how to always know the way to go.
How to use Live View in Google Maps
Live View in Google Maps is a great enhanced navigation tool when you’re walking anywhere that Google has documented. Google’s AI technology uses your camera to identify buildings, streets and other objects in the viewfinder, and the GPS positions your location on the map.
Live View is only available when mapping out walking directions. Here’s how to get started:
- Open Google Maps on your device (iPhone or Android)
- Under the Explore or Go tabs, search for your destination, then tap “Directions”
- Beneath your destination, tap the walk icon.
- At the bottom of the screen, tap “Live View”
- If this your first time using Live View, you may be prompted with some instructions and asking you to grant access to your camera
- Point your rear-facing camera at buildings or other landmarks around you. You’ll need to keep your phone in a raised position to continue using this feature.
- Follow the on-screen directions to your destination — but stay aware of your surroundings while you look at your phone!
Posted on September 13, 2022
Mass Shootings Can Be Stopped Only if We Work Together
Think of someone you love. Picture them now. Your child, grandchild, mom, dad, partner, spouse, sibling, or best friend. Where do they attend school, work, or church? What is their name? What was the last thing you said to them? Are there any family traditions, vacations, or life milestones that make you smile?
Now imagine you’re at work and a breaking news alert lights up your phone: a shooting at a shopping center close to where they live. It feels surreal to see a place you know written there in black and white. The word “shooting” makes you feel numb.
You reach out. One text, then another, no response. You call, no answer.
Another breaking news alert: multiple deaths and injuries. In a panic you rush to the scene, then the hospital. You’re met with chaos. You notice a jacket you bought them for their birthday lying in a corner of the ER. It’s bloodied and cut in half. You catch the eye of a nurse and finally learn that your loved one sustained six gunshot wounds to the chest and one to the head while trying to shield others. They are gone. The doctor is speaking, but you can’t hear anything. You think of how you just saw them that morning, you didn’t get to say goodbye. Nothing seems to matter, not the trivial arguments or the canceled plans. Certainly not politics.
There are nearly a hundred families who live this gut-wrenching reality every day. Maybe you’re one of them. No person should live this nightmare. In order for this country to function, we need to balance responsibility with freedom. This is what reasonable gun owners believe too.
March For Our Lives (MFOL) was founded in 2018 after the shooting in Parkland, FL. In the weeks following the tragedy, students organized one of the largest protests in our nation’s history. Millions marched in Washington, DC, and in 800+ sibling marches around the world. March For Our Lives evolved from a moment into a movement: with 200+ local chapters across the country today, we are in our fifth year more dedicated and poised than ever to empower the next generation to eradicate gun violence in all forms. MFOL works to advance lifesaving legislation and community-based solutions to address America’s gun violence epidemic at the federal, state, and local levels.
Since we marched most recently on June 11th, the Bipartisan Safer Communities Act was signed into law, becoming the first piece of gun violence prevention legislation passed in about 30 years. This included $250 million in funding for community violence intervention programs, enhanced background checks for ages 18 to 21, and investment in child and family mental health care. It’s far from perfect, but it’s a start.
In the meantime, the gun violence epidemic has only metastasized. Today, guns are the leading cause of death. As of September 12th, there have been over 479 mass shootings in the U.S. in 2022, according to the Gun Violence Archive.
As this public health crisis continues, Americans are finally finding common ground. Gun owners, even former gun industry executives, are demanding action because tragedies like Uvalde do not reflect their values. If we can agree that killing children is unacceptable, then we need to either prevent people intent on killing from getting their hands on the guns they use or stop their intent to kill in the first place.
Shooters are often radicalized and moved to kill because of racism and hatred, just like in Buffalo. That isn’t a mental illness. A long process occurred that led him to a desire to pick up a gun and kill. That’s the case for all kinds of gun violence in this country. No law is perfect, but if we focus on stopping the process of radicalization to violence, we can reduce gun deaths by half over the next decade. And we need to act now.
To every person reading this: I ask you to take action in whatever capacity you can. Have conversations about gun violence prevention with your family and friends. If you’re able, donate to March For Our Lives so we can continue organizing in our communities, taking on the gun lobby, supporting sensible gun reform policies, and more. Our leaders have failed us, and so we’re left wondering: Who will be next? We can’t afford to wait to find out.
CREDO and its members have been vital supporters of March for Our Lives over the years, empowering young people to fight for a peaceful and just future for all Americans. We’re deeply grateful to the CREDO community for demonstrating a steadfast commitment to ending the epidemic of gun violence. We will not back down until our nation’s gun laws reflect the will of the majority of Americans rather than the deadly agenda of the NRA and gun industry.
To learn more about our work and join us, visit