How CREDO is fighting to protect net neutrality

When Donald Trump’s Federal Communication Commission (FCC) decided on a party-line vote last year to dismantle regulations governing net neutrality, Big Telecom took a victory lap. Their plan to install former telecom lobbyist Ajit Pai as chairman of …

CREDO stands up to Trump’s attacks on sanctuary cities

Upholding the dignity of all who live and work in this country is fundamental to who we are as a company and as a nation. That’s why CREDO Mobile recently joined nearly 50 technology companies to file an …

CREDO Mobile recognized for unwavering support of gender equality

I’m honored to announce that CREDO Mobile was given the Best Corporate Giving for Gender Equality award by Philanthropy Women for our commitment to gender equity funding. The 2018 Philanthropy Women Leadership Awards are awarded to “recipients who have …

Not all telecoms want to destroy the internet

When the Federal Communications Commission meets today to repeal Obama-era regulations that protect net neutrality, the free and open internet as we know it could be drastically transformed. The rules that help preserve the internet as a place …

More companies should take a stand in the age of Trump

The morning after the election one year ago, I shared the same sense of dread that parents, teachers and so many business leaders experienced: I feared for the future of our country. But more immediately, I worried about …

CREDO Mobile stands with Planned Parenthood’s #BusinessForBC campaign

As the Trump administration rolls back the Affordable Care Act’s birth control benefit, allowing employers to discriminate against women, CREDO Mobile remains dedicated to providing no-cost birth control coverage for our employees. So that’s why we’re proud to …

Update: CREDO fights for your privacy in the face of government intrusion

Protecting privacy is a core value for CREDO and a hallmark of our promise to our customers. We value your privacy, and we will fight to defend it. Last year, after we successfully fought a federal government gag …

At CREDO, staying green is a core value

Here at CREDO, we live our progressive values every day, and one of our strongest values is doing business as sustainably as we can. That’s why we’ve implemented green practices throughout our company. Here are some of the …

CREDO is the only mobile phone company fighting for your privacy

At CREDO, we stand for protecting your privacy and have a long history of fighting for it. From our work to stop internet spying and data collection by the government to our long-standing privacy policies that are at …

Books CREDO recommends: Summer 2017 edition

The dog days of summer are in full swing, but the attacks on the middle class and the country’s most vulnerable by the Trump administration continue in full force. Here at CREDO, we’re not letting the summer heat …