CREDO stands with Planned Parenthood

Together, CREDO and its members have raised over $3 million for Planned Parenthood, making us Planned Parenthood’s largest corporate donor. And together, we can do even more to support women’s access to vital healthcare services. When you join CREDO …

CREDO members power nearly $2.4 million in progressive donations

CREDO members helped raise nearly $2.4 million for progressive activism and infrastructure in 2014. This funding could not be more crucial or timely, as Republicans and right-wing politicians—many of them funded by AT&T and Verizon—have seized control in …

What a year for progressive politics: 2014 CREDO activism report

Looking to 2015, the outcome of literally thousands of fights will depend on what we can do together. That’s because what we’ve learned in 2014 is the willingness of President Obama and his fellow Democrats to stand up …