San Francisco men support abortion rights

Issues of reproductive freedom impact women, their children, their families and their communities, so protecting abortion rights should be important to all of us. Too often the media classifies abortion and the fight for abortion access as just …

Women for Women International visits CREDO headquarters

Economic security is an integral part of women’s ability to achieve full equality and freedom. Here in the U.S., CREDO activists are helping fight for equal pay, raise the minimum wage, and guarantee paid sick and family leave. …

5 Things Worth Celebrating This International Women’s Day

When we celebrate International Women’s Day on March 8, we’ll be reminded that the fight for women’s equality is far from over. American women still earn only 78 cents for every dollar that men earn. And worldwide, the picture …

Defend Roe v. Wade on its 43rd anniversary

Historic victories like Roe v. Wade are why CREDO exists: It takes a movement to win these victories and relentless dedication to defend them. In the 43 years since women won reproductive freedom, that freedom has been under …

Why CREDO is donating to three pro-choice groups this month

As you may have seen, CREDO will be making donations this month to three pro-choice organizations – NARAL Pro Choice America, Planned Parenthood affiliates and the National Latina Institute for Reproductive Health. The donations to these three pro-choice …

6 Questions for Heidi Hess, CREDO’s lead women’s rights campaigner

Heidi Hess is a Senior Campaign Manager with CREDO Action. If you passed by her on the sidewalk, you probably wouldn’t guess that she’s our strategic campaign mastermind on all things women’s rights. But she’s that and more, …

Now and always, CREDO stands with Planned Parenthood

The violent attack on a Planned Parenthood clinic in Colorado last month shook us all. But it also strengthened our resolve to defend women’s rights from extremists everywhere, whether in our communities or on Capitol Hill. Planned Parenthood …

It’s not funny anymore: The right wing’s war on Planned Parenthood

A new comic by Tom Tomorrow:

Three ways to stand with Planned Parenthood on #PinkOut Day (even from your desk!)

Our friends at Planned Parenthood are organizing a National #PinkOut Day today, September 29, to demonstrate just how many people across the country are willing to stand up and fight for Planned Parenthood. Will you show your support …

1.2 million petitions to Congress: No cuts to Planned Parenthood

On Tuesday, together with representatives from Daily Kos, MoveOn and Democracy for America, I delivered more than 1.2 million petition signatures, including more than 770,000 from CREDO activists, to Democratic Leader Harry Reid and Sen. Elizabeth Warren. Leader …