How to make your older phone feel new again

We use our smartphones every day, but with the constant use and abuse, it’s easy for them to start feeling old and worn out.  Fortunately, there are a number of steps you can take to keep your phone …

How to keep your phone running in tip-top shape

Getting the most out of your smartphone is important, whether you’re playing a fun new game, utilizing those blazing fast speeds, uploading a video to social media or storing all your precious photos. But to enjoy all that …

How to safely sanitize your phone and keep it germ-free

Let’s face it: Our phones are filthy. We touch contaminated surfaces then touch our devices. We speak right into our phones, transferring germs from our mouth. We have our phones when we eat and — let’s be honest …

CREDO Tip: Your phone is dirty. Here’s how to clean it.

It’s a gross reality: Our phones are filthy. We touch dirty surfaces all day while checking email and social media. We cough and sneeze on our devices. And, don’t be shy, we probably bring our phones into the …