The Top CREDO Tips of 2022 (part 2): Stop robocalls, protect your data and so much more

As we say a fond farewell to 2022, it’s that time again to revisit the most popular phone and tech tips from the year! From stopping annoying robocalls, protecting your personal data from the prying eyes of your …

Turn off this one setting to save your smartphone battery

If you’ve noticed your smartphone’s battery draining faster than usual, you’re not alone. It happens to all of us — and we make sure our charger is always close by. So what can you do to save the …

How to keep your apps from draining your phone’s battery

It’s frustrating when the battery in your phone dies unexpectedly — but there are a number of ways to keep your phone’s power from draining too fast. One way: Find out which power-hungry apps are sucking the most …