Giving travel advice? Do it with a Google Maps List

Giving advice: we all like to do it, most of us, anyway. And we especially like giving travel advice, telling friends and family who are on a trip about the best places to visit in our hometown — …

Spring cleaning for your phone – delete those zombie apps

If you’re like most people, you’ve got a lot of apps on your phone that you never use. Streaming channels you don’t watch, fitness apps you’ve fallen out with, games that now bore you. A quarter of all …

How to use your phone to scan your important tax documents

Tax Day is right around the corner, and if you haven’t filed yet, it’s time to quickly get all your documents in order. The best way to save, store or upload your tax documents, especially if you have …

Quick ways to extend your phone’s battery life

Smartphones are basically small computers. And, like any computer, they use a lot of power. Also like any computer, they’re useless if they don’t have a charge. So a part of most people’s routine these days is periodically …

Prevent your phone from overheating

It’s getting hot out there, and as the planet warms from climate change, it’s bound to get even hotter. That also means your phone is becoming more susceptible to overheating — which can spell trouble. A hot phone …

The Top CREDO Tips of 2022 (part 2): Stop robocalls, protect your data and so much more

As we say a fond farewell to 2022, it’s that time again to revisit the most popular phone and tech tips from the year! From stopping annoying robocalls, protecting your personal data from the prying eyes of your …

How to use Google Maps Live View to always find your way

Ever get lost walking in a big city, airport or mall and the regular map on your smartphone isn’t helping you find your way? You’re in luck! A little-known feature in Google Maps harnesses its “augmented reality” technology …

The Top 10 CREDO Tips of 2021

It’s December, so it’s that time of year to reflect on the last 12 months — and what better way than with a Top 10 List! Throughout the year, we sent you helpful articles to learn more about …

How to keep your apps from draining your phone’s battery

It’s frustrating when the battery in your phone dies unexpectedly — but there are a number of ways to keep your phone’s power from draining too fast. One way: Find out which power-hungry apps are sucking the most …