Petition: Fix the Voting Rights Act now

Fix the Voting Rights Act now!

Fifty years ago this summer, at the height of the civil rights movement, Congress passed and President Lyndon B. Johnson signed the Voting Rights Act to prohibit racial discrimination in voting. The law wasn’t perfect, but it frequently stopped states with a history of discriminatory voting laws from preventing African-Americans and Latinos from voting.

But In 2013, the right-wing ideologues on the United States Supreme Court handed down a shameful decision that gutted the Voting Rights Act, ending decades of protection for minorities against discriminatory and unfair attempts to limit voting based on one’s race.

Progressive champions in Congress have just introduced the Voting Rights Advancement Act, which would restore the Voting Rights Act and stop Republicans in states around the country from enacting racist voter ID and voter suppression laws. We need to keep the pressure on Congress to crack down on racial discrimination in voting.

Sign the petition: Stop voter suppression and pass the Voting Rights Advancement Act.

Petition: Stop the sneak attack on Net Neutrality


On June 12, the Federal Communications Commission’s (FCC) Open Internet Order mandating the strongest Net Neutrality protections in history finally went into effect. It was a tremendous victory for the millions of Americans, including hundreds of thousands of CREDO members, who fought for these rules.

But Big Telecom’s allies in Congress have slipped language into a 158-page government-funding bill that would take away these Net Neutrality protections we all fought so hard to win. It’s nothing less than a sneak attack on Net Neutrality.

The U.S. House Appropriations Committee passed the bill on June 17. The full House is expected to vote soon, so we need to act fast to defend Net Neutrality from this backdoor attack.

Sign the petition: Stop the sneak attack on Net Neutrality. Click here to sign the petition.

Results are in! Who CREDO members funded in June 2015

CREDO members helped us decide how to donate over $200,000 in June. We’re please to share the results!

Here’s how we donated last month:

$63,462 to International Gay & Lesbian Human Rights Commission. They defend the human rights of people who experience discrimination or abuse on the basis of their sexual orientation and gender identity.

Samsung Galaxy S6: Everything you need to know

The next big thing is here—the brilliant new Samsung Galaxy S6.

PC Magazine calls it “The best screen, process and body design of any Android-powered phone.” Mashable says it’s “Arguably the most technically advanced smartphone ever made.”

Things we love about the S6:

  • Sparkling design: Solid glass front and back with aluminum surround
  • Crystal-clear camera: 5MP front, 16MP rear with image stabilization
  • Stunning display: Quad HD Super AMOLED screen
  • Lightning-quick processor: 2.1GHz Exynos chip
  • Easy charging: Wireless charging built in

The S6 is now available at CREDO Mobile, America’s only progressive phone company.

Already a member? You may be eligible to upgrade onto the S6. View your special offers.

Another perfect 5 star rating for CREDO privacy policies

Do you value your privacy? So do we.

The Electronic Frontier Foundation just released its 2015 report, “Who Has Your Back? Protecting Your Data from Government Requests.”

And for the second year in a row, CREDO is the only mobile phone company to earn a perfect score. AT&T and Verizon received just 1 star and 2 stars respectively, a decline from their 2014 ratings.

The latest Republican attack on women


Here they go again.

Republicans in Congress have introduced another bill to cut off women’s access to health care. This time they are trying to eliminate Title X, the only federal program devoted to providing low-income women with family planning services, birth control, well-woman visits, and STD and cancer screenings.1

Why do Republicans want to cut a program that not only provides vital medical care to nearly 4.6 million women but saved around two billion dollars last year?2 Because a quarter of Title X funds go to Planned Parenthood clinics. And there’s no better way to score political points with your extremist, anti-woman base, than to attack Planned Parenthood, no matter the consequences for women and their families.

Republicans in Congress have to stop playing politics with women’s lives. Tell them not to cut family planning funding. Click here to sign the petition.

CREDO celebrates Supreme Court’s legalization of gay marriage

Supreme court marriage equality announcement graphic

Today, the Supreme Court legalized marriage equality across the U.S.

Congratulations. We now pronounce this country a better place.

Here at CREDO, we’ve been working for marriage equality and LGBT rights for 30 years, since the day we opened our doors. So we’re thrilled the high court has finally made same-sex marriage legal nationwide. And we hope you’re as happy as we are.

Say hello to CREDO.

Hi. Welcome to our new blog. We hope you’ll stop by often to learn about the ever-evolving ways you can make progressive change with CREDO.

This is the place to read about new offerings from CREDO Mobile and CREDO Credit Card, unique services you can use to make a difference in the world—without doing anything different in your daily life.

This is also the place to stay up to date with our vibrant political activism. Sign a CREDO Action petition to support a cause you believe in. Read about the victories we’re winning for social change. Cast your monthly donations vote to direct funding to a nonprofit you care about.

How should we donate in June? You tell us.

Each month, CREDO makes a donation—typically close to $200,000—to three worthy nonprofits. Your vote determines how much of that total each group receives. To cast your vote, go to

Here’s who we’re funding in June:

International Gay & Lesbian Human Rights Commission defends the human rights of people who experience discrimination or abuse on the basis of their sexual orientation and gender identity.

Tom Tomorrow comic explains the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP)

tomtmrw-tpp-blog-post-hero-599x506If you’re a progressive, this Tom Tomorrow comic will scare you.

Worked out in secret by government negotiators and corporate lobbyists, the TPP would supersede U.S. laws. It would offshore jobs and undermine wages. It would expose public health and environmental safeguards and consumer protections like net neutrality to repeal by pro-corporate tribunals above our judicial system.