7 questions for CREDO cofounder Laura Scher

It’s not easy to run a socially responsible business, to offer products that make sense for your customers, make revenue for your company—and make change for the world. But it can be done. CREDO has done it for 30 years. Recently we sat down with cofounder Laura Scher to discuss her social-change journey with CREDO.

1. Obviously you’re proud of building a company like CREDO. What gives you the most satisfaction?
The victories we win for progressive change. For example, CREDO was instrumental in stopping the Keystone XL pipeline, which would have been a disaster for our climate. We fought against Keystone for over five years. We raised more than $2 million for groups opposing the pipeline. We generated 42,000 phone calls, over half a million public comments and 4 million petition signatures against it. We organized a civil-disobedience pledge with nearly 100,000 anti-pipeline demonstrators. We even protested at the White House, where our cofounder, Michael Kieschnick, got arrested—twice!—by the D.C. police.

But I’m equally proud of all our victories, because all of them have made positive change in the world. CREDO is the largest corporate donor to Planned Parenthood, so I’m proud that action by our members helped convince the Susan G. Komen Foundation to reverse its decision to defund Planned Parenthood. For years we fought destructive oil drilling in the Arctic Refuge. And we’ve been working for marriage equality and LGBT rights since the day we opened our doors. I was thrilled when the Supreme Court made same-sex marriage legal.

Celebrating $80 million in donations

CREDO celebrates 30 years of positive social change

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Cyber Monday phone deals from CREDO Mobile

Start the holidays with a gift for yourself. Join CREDO Mobile and get a great deal on a new smartphone and data plan. You’ll also get the great feeling that comes with membership in our year-round movement to promote peace, sharing, goodwill and a better world for everyone.

Choose the Cyber Monday deal that suits your fancy and the phone company that shares your values. But hurry—these deals won’t last forever!

Already a CREDO Mobile member? Sign in to Member Services to see our limited-time holiday offers, exclusively for members like you.

Join CREDO Mobile with our Black (Responsible) Friday deals

On Black Friday, half of America will go to the mall to shop for stuff. Why not do something different? Get a great deal on a new smartphone and data plan, and—at the same time—give vital support to the progressive causes you care about. This month, CREDO Mobile members are supporting 3 amazing nonprofits (Center for Constitutional Rights, Moms Demand Action for Gun Sense in America and Pathfinder International) just by using their phones.

So if you’ve been considering switching to CREDO Mobile, now is the time to join us. See all of our Black Friday deals—choose the deal that suits your fancy and the phone company that shares your values.

Already a CREDO Mobile member? Sign in to Member Services to see our limited-time holiday offers, exclusively for members like you.


This Black Friday, a $200,000 gift

Braving the Black Friday crowds to shop for gifts? Here’s a great one you can give right now, from the comfort of your home. Help us give away $200,000 to this month’s CREDO donations recipients.

2015_11_1click_vote_blog_600x264 (1)

3 easy ways to stay on top of your data usage

Smartphones are amazing because they put the world at your fingertips—the latest news, your favorite podcasts, social media and (of course) cat videos. Most of the things we do on our smartphones require data. And staying on top of how much data you use in a month can be tricky, especially with a family plan.

If you’re a CREDO member, chances are you’ve seen our handy Usage for Current Bill Cycle meter in Member Services, where you can track minutes, text and data usage.

If you want to manage your data usage when you’re on the go, try one of these three easy ways:

1. Text the word USAGE to 27336
CREDO Mobile will reply back with how much data you’ve used in your current billing cycle, what your current data plan is, and when it refreshes. Texts from your CREDO Mobile phone to 27336 are free.

Text USAGE to 27336 to get your current usage

We’re pleased to introduce you to the CREDO Climate Heroes

CREDO Climate Heroes
President Obama’s rejection of the Keystone XL pipeline last week is a historic victory for the climate movement — one that would have been impossible without a massive, years-long campaign of grassroots activism and direct action.

Even as a decision on Keystone XL was delayed and delayed, a newly invigorated movement of everyday people were taking on other fossil fuel projects all over the country, and winning.

The lesson is clear: When hundreds of thousands of ordinary people take extraordinary action — including putting our bodies on the line and getting hauled off to jail — we can take on the fossil fuel industry and win, even when Beltway insiders tell us it’s impossible.

Your votes are in. Learn how we donated over $200,000 in October

In October 2015, more than 110,000 CREDO members voted on how we donate $214,467 to three amazing progressive nonprofits. We’re excited to share the results with you:

$83,599 to International Rescue Committee, which responds to the world’s worst humanitarian crises, including aiding the Syrian refugees fleeing a brutal civil war.

$69,788 to Medical Students for Choicewhich is helping to keep abortion safe and legal by training providers and advocating for reproductive health services curriculum in medical schools.

CREDO members funneled millions to the fight against Keystone XL. Today, we won.

Infographic about CREDO and Keystone XL

Get inspired by reading more about the Keystone XL victory, authored by our all-star CREDO Action campaigner Elijah Zarlin.

We did it! Thank President Obama for hearing our calls and rejecting Keystone XL.

Today, we made history when President Obama rejected Keystone XL. Not only did he reject it, he did so acknowledging that “we’re going to have to keep some fossil fuels in the ground.”

This is a monumental shift from President Obama and his “all of the above” energy strategy. And it is a monumental victory over an oil industry whose power to imperil all of us in the pursuit of greed has been unchecked for far too long.