Posted on November 28, 2016
Double Donations in December: Fighting for Climate Justice
Our government’s climate policies will take a sharp turn for the worse during Donald Trump’s administration, but our fight on this issue is far from over. Activists and landowners stood up to the Obama administration to stop the Keystone XL pipeline – and won. Right now, the Standing Rock Sioux tribe, which is leading the fight against the Dakota Access pipeline, is facing a violent reaction from law enforcement. The key to keeping fossil fuels in the ground during the next four years is going to be ensuring that local grassroots organizations are armed with resources and ready to fight.
That is why CREDO decided to select groups fighting for climate justice for one of the slates we will fund in our special December donations election. This month, instead of donating our typical monthly contribution, we’ll be donating over $300,000. And instead of three groups, you’ll be able to vote for three issue slates, each comprised of five nonprofits, to fund a total of 15 groups. These organizations are small grassroots organizations, meaning your vote will go even further.
Learn more about the groups in the “Fighting for Climate Justice” slate below, and cast your vote by Dec. 31.
Posted on November 16, 2016
8 Gift ideas for progressive people
We’re doing our best to foster a holiday season defined by progressive values. One way I’m doing that is by giving gifts that show we care — not only for the people we’re giving to, but for all people and for the planet that sustains us. Looking for ideas, I took a walk around our office and asked CREDO team members what they’re giving this year. They had a lot of great suggestions:
Mother Jones subscription
Suggested by Kat, Digital Affiliates Manager
Nonprofit and reader-supported, Mother Jones is the voice of independent journalism. It provides insightful investigative reporting, unbiased by a corporate agenda, which makes it a great gift for anyone who wants the straight scoop on the vital issues of our day. Plus, now is a good time to give Mother Jones. Just recently, a major conservative donor, angry at the coverage he received in the magazine, sued for libel. And while he lost, defending the case cost Mother Jones hundreds of thousands of dollars. So, giving a subscription this holiday season also gives the magazine much-needed support.
Suggested by Claire, Loyalty Marketing Manager
BeadforLife jewelry is not only a cool and colorful gift, but it’s also a great way to lift up women in Africa through entrepreneurship and education. The BeadforLife collection includes necklaces, bracelets and earrings, all handcrafted from recycled paper by Ugandan women working to move their families out of poverty. BeadforLife also operates a six-month training program that gives women the skills and confidence they need to create their own local businesses and achieve long-term success. Fair trade BeadforLife pieces are durable and affordable, a perfect gift for family, friends — and yourself as well.
Posted on November 11, 2016
At CREDO, your privacy is not for sale
At CREDO, protecting our customers’ privacy is not simply a policy, but a core value of our business. That’s why we were appalled to learn that AT&T sees your privacy as a path to profit. Citing “new documents” published by the Daily Beast, the Consumerist wrote (emphasis added):
[N]ot only does AT&T collect and retain a staggering amount of data on everything that happens in its network, but also that it has formed partnerships with law enforcement agencies all around the country to sell access to that database for as much as a million dollars per year.
At CREDO Mobile, your privacy is not for sale. Period. That is why CREDO became the first mobile phone company in 2014 to issue a transparency report following Edward Snowden’s revelations about the vast quantity of data ensnared by the National Security Agency. The Washington Post took note:
Ever since we learned that the country’s phone companies were handing vast amounts of data to the government under court order, pressure has been mounting for them to publish a Silicon Valley-type transparency report detailing how exactly they’re complying. Now the first such report is out. But instead of coming from industry mainstays such as Verizon or AT&T, the disclosure comes from a little-known, left-leaning service known as CREDO Mobile.
Posted on November 10, 2016
Fight back against Trump’s hate (sign the pledge)
It’s happened. A candidate who ran on a platform of hatred, racism and misogyny was just elected president of the United States.
While a Trump presidency will attack and assault every progressive value – from defending the environment to reining in corporate greed, from defending civil rights and the social safety net at home to promoting peace and human rights abroad, it’s important never to forget that his agenda and rhetoric put some people more than others at very real and very terrifying risk.
At CREDO, we are horrified by yesterday’s results, and we’re gearing up to stop the fascist who is about to become president and the Republican extremists who enabled and endorsed his racism, xenophobia and hate. But first, and most importantly, we want to make it clear that we stand in solidarity with the people who have the biggest stake in this fight.
No matter what, we will always stand shoulder-to-shoulder with every community Trump has attacked, threatened and marginalized in his campaign of hate. We will not be silent, and we will not back down.
Posted on November 7, 2016
New video: Standing with Color Of Change
This election season there has been unspeakable hatred and racism towards communities of color, the consequences of which we are still trying to understand. We are also living in a time where a week doesn’t go by without the media highlighting stories of police violence against people of color.
The ascendance of the Black Lives Matter movement and the activists who are challenging this status quo provide powerful inspiration for how to push back against systemic racism and oppression. In this context it was an honor to welcome to CREDO the leader of one of the most effective civil rights organizations in the country, Rashad Robinson, executive director of Color Of Change.
CREDO is incredibly proud to be a close partner of Color Of Change. Our members have directed over $310,000 to the organization, including a $57,639 grant from the August 2016 donations election. What matters even more is how we’ve locked arms to campaign together. We stood together against racist programming on Fox News during President Barack Obama’s first year in office, and against the American Legislative Exchange Council’s support of voter suppression and stand your ground laws. This year we worked together to pressure giant corporations not to sponsor Donald Trump’s hate by divesting from the Republican National Convention.
Posted on November 4, 2016
CREDO’s October grantees say thank you
Each month, CREDO members vote for how we distribute our funding to three amazing organizations fighting for progressive causes. Those small actions add up – with one click, you can dedicate resources to help prevent harmful pipeline development, fight for racial justice and stand up to corporate interests.
In October, over 59,000 CREDO members did just that. They voted in our donations election and helped us distribute our monthly donation to Bold, NAACP Legal Defense Fund and Other98.
These donations are made possible by thousands of CREDO customers and the revenue they generate through using our services. Their distribution depends entirely on the votes of CREDO activists – like you. And for that, our October recipients thank you.
Posted on November 3, 2016
An easy way to get polling place details
Election Day is just a few days away, and no act is more important to our democracy than voting. If you haven’t already voted early or by mail, you’ll want to have your polling place logistics on-hand for Tuesday, Nov. 8.
Luckily there are tools to make that easy. Google has set up simple search tools that will do just that, as long as you have location services enabled in your browser or smartphone settings.
In a recent blog post, Google explains that you can:
Search for “where to vote,” and Google with display your polling place location and voting ID laws:
Posted on November 2, 2016
Vote to fund three progressive organizations in November
This month, civil rights, environmental justice and women’s rights are all on CREDO’s November donations ballot.
Every month you have the opportunity to decide how CREDO divides our monthly donation among three amazing progressive organizations. This month we’ve chosen Fight for the Future, Oil Change International and Planned Parenthood.
Each of these organizations is a leader and is on the front lines of important progressive issues.
Learn about the important work these groups are doing and then vote for one, two, or all three.
Posted on October 27, 2016
This election is different
Elections always matter, but 2016 is different.
The unprecedented level of toxic bigotry and misogyny coming from Donald Trump is sickening. Normally we discuss the impact of what a president will do in the Oval Office. This year, Trump’s campaign alone is harming our country.
This was made abundantly clear in a recent report from the Southern Poverty Law Center, which found that the Trump campaign is “producing an alarming level of fear and anxiety among children of color and inflaming racial and ethnic tensions in the classroom. Many students worry about being deported.”
Children see and absorb the world around them, and while we would like to believe they can be insulated from the daily dose of awfulness on the evening news, there is an impact. The SPLC noted that “more than two-thirds of the teachers reported that students – mainly immigrants, children of immigrants and Muslims – have expressed concerns or fears about what might happen to them or their families after the election.”
Posted on October 25, 2016
New video: NARAL Pro-Choice America and the “forward flank” of the movement
NARAL Pro-Choice America President Ilyse Hogue visited CREDO’s office on Oct. 7 to talk about the future of the pro-choice movement and thank CREDO and our members for our longstanding partnership.