#DemocracyAwakening: Overturn Citizens United

Six years ago today, the Supreme Court unleashed a number of assaults on our democracy with its disastrous Citizens United decision: The rise of Super PACs, the idea that corporations are people and money equals speech, and a …

Why CREDO is donating to three pro-choice groups this month

As you may have seen, CREDO will be making donations this month to three pro-choice organizations – NARAL Pro Choice America, Planned Parenthood affiliates and the National Latina Institute for Reproductive Health. The donations to these three pro-choice …

10 things President Obama must say in his last State of the Union

Tomorrow, President Obama will deliver his final State of the Union Address. The last of his presidency, this speech will define his agenda for the next year. There is no upcoming reelection campaign or midterm to use as …

How progressives won in 2015

 The past few months have been both challenging and inspiring for progressive activists. When you work for social justice, equality, and peace, you never get a break and you’re always in the middle of an important grassroots fight. …

What Republicans can actually do to make us safer

This week marks three years since 20 first graders and six educators were killed at Sandy Hook Elementary school in Newtown, Connecticut. Since Sandy Hook, gun violence has continued unabated in the United States because Congress has done …

Now and always, CREDO stands with Planned Parenthood

The violent attack on a Planned Parenthood clinic in Colorado last month shook us all. But it also strengthened our resolve to defend women’s rights from extremists everywhere, whether in our communities or on Capitol Hill. Planned Parenthood …

We’re pleased to introduce you to the CREDO Climate Heroes

President Obama’s rejection of the Keystone XL pipeline last week is a historic victory for the climate movement — one that would have been impossible without a massive, years-long campaign of grassroots activism and direct action. Even as a decision …

CREDO members funneled millions to the fight against Keystone XL. Today, we won.

Get inspired by reading more about the Keystone XL victory, authored by our all-star CREDO Action campaigner Elijah Zarlin.

We did it! Thank President Obama for hearing our calls and rejecting Keystone XL.

Today, we made history when President Obama rejected Keystone XL. Not only did he reject it, he did so acknowledging that “we’re going to have to keep some fossil fuels in the ground.” This is a monumental shift …

California’s New Motor Voter Act is a huge win for voter participation

In 2014, the state of California ranked 38th in voter registration and 43rd in voter participation, with nearly 7 million Californians who were eligible to vote but unregistered. That’s why the New Motor Voter Act, which was just …