The Women’s March on Washington, January 21, 2017

I’m heading to the Women’s March on Washington on Jan. 21 because I believe there is no more important moment than right now to stand for the values I believe in. In fact I booked my flight to …

Reduce your mobile data usage with Netflix’s new download feature

Got Netflix? Now you can watch many of its award-winning shows and movies as you travel by train, plane or automobile. This feature is available to all Netflix subscribers and can help conserve cellular data usage. Netflix now …

Update: Kasich vetoes extreme abortion ban, signs 20-week ban.

In the last few days, CREDO members made hundreds of calls to Gov. Kasich’s office urging him to keep abortion safe and legal in Ohio. On Tuesday, Gov. Kasich vetoed a bill that would have almost completely banned …

6 ways progressives can fight back against Trump

Election night 2016 left progressives shaken. America elected a bigot as president of the United States. Despite the results, we can still fight Donald Trump’s hateful, reckless agenda. At CREDO, where I serve as CEO, we are executing …

VICTORY: Dakota Access pipeline blocked

In a surprise move on Sunday, the Army Corps of Engineers denied the easement (PDF) needed for the Dakota Access pipeline to cross Lake Oahe, effectively blocking the construction of the pipeline from moving forward at this time.1, …

Victory: We just struck a blow against the right-wing’s agenda of hate

Our activism works. On Tuesday, after facing intense pressure from over 265,000 CREDO members and our allies in the progressive community, congressional Republicans caved and agreed to strip the anti-LGBTQ Russell Amendment from the defense spending bill. The …

Fight back against Trump’s hate (sign the pledge)

It’s happened. A candidate who ran on a platform of hatred, racism and misogyny was just elected president of the United States. While a Trump presidency will attack and assault every progressive value – from defending the environment …

An easy way to get polling place details

Election Day is just a few days away, and no act is more important to our democracy than voting. If you haven’t already voted early or by mail, you’ll want to have your polling place logistics on-hand for …

This election is different

Elections always matter, but 2016 is different. The unprecedented level of toxic bigotry and misogyny coming from Donald Trump is sickening. Normally we discuss the impact of what a president will do in the Oval Office. This year, …

Watch Michelle Obama make a case against Trump like no one else can

At a rally in Arizona, First Lady Michelle Obama denounced Donald Trump’s sexism in an incredibly powerful speech. Watch highlights from her speech in this short video.