How to use less data and save money on your mobile bill

People are looking to save money wherever they can. One place you might look is your phone bill. Do you have an unlimited data plan? It makes sense if you’re a heavy data user—streaming HD, making video calls—or …

Fake news is everywhere—and it’s dangerous. Here’s how to know it when you see it

In the good old days, fake news was funny. “I married Bigfoot.” “Computer virus spreads to humans!” We saw stuff like that at the supermarket checkout counter and we laughed. Now, fake news is everywhere—and it’s no joke. …

How to digitize printed photos with your phone

Photographs—on paper. Remember those? If you’re old enough, you’ve probably got an album or shoebox full of them, stuck away in a closet somewhere. You get them out now and then, look through them, feel happy (or sad), …

New Year’s resolution: Change the world with your shopping choices

Well, the New Year is here. And for many of us it’s not so happy. Because it brings with it a lot of unease. The causes we care about are under real threat. Causes like reproductive freedom, economic …

Your mobile apps are watching you: Change these settings to stop them

The apps on your phone know a lot about you. They know where you are every moment of the day and night. They know what websites you visit and what you look at when you’re there. They know …

CREDO Mobile – Holiday Gift Guide

The holidays are a tough time for the environment.  Household waste increases 25% between Thanksgiving and New Year’s Day(1).  A big part of this increased waste is gifts, many that are unwanted, that end up in landfills. If …

Conscious consuming for the holidays: Try these alternatives to Amazon

Amazon. If you’re like us, you’ve got feelings. On the one hand, it’s so convenient. A few clicks and whatever you want is at your door in a day. On the other hand, a lot goes on at …

Phone porting fraud: First, scammers steal your number—then your money

It’s a nightmare scenario. You wake up, grab your phone and discover that you have no service. You can’t call or text. But you still have WiFi, so you check your email—and see a message from your bank …

Are you charging your phone wrong?

Phones are awesome. We love our phones. But let’s be honest. There are times when our phones annoy us, especially as they get older. They respond sluggishly to taps and prompts. They load apps slowly. Sometimes the screen …