This September vote for EveryLibrary, Social Security Works and Women’s March Network

This September, CREDO Mobile is supporting 3 nonprofits working for a better world. Your vote determines how the donation is allocated between the groups.  You can vote at

List of groups CREDO Mobile is funding in September:  Every Library, Social Security Works and Women's March Network.


Every Library LogoEveryLibrary

EveryLibrary is the national non-partisan library political action committee. We are dedicated to supporting democracy, election participation, and civics while opposing unconstitutional censorship attempts to discriminate against diverse readers. Your support will help us tell the library story to voters where funding is challenged on local ballots and through our Libraries2024 national outreach campaign. We want to activate voters on Election Day for their libraries and against censorship.

Social Security Works LogoSocial Security Works.

Social Security Works knows that the best defense against right-wing lies is a good offense. That’s why we fight every day to expand―never cut―our Social Security system!  Forces have been plotting to cut Social Security for nearly a century. Funding from CREDO members will help SSW defeat the plot to create a program to fast-track cuts to Social Security.

Women's March Network LogoWomen’s March Network

Women’s March Network is composed of women and allies fighting towards a feminist future and for justice every day all over the country in ways big and small. Funding from CREDO members will help Women’s March continue the hard, timely and necessary work of building a feminist future for all.

Voting is quick, easy and free. Be sure to vote by the end of the month.

CREDO Mobile customers who use our service everyday are the reason we are able to make these donations each month. Learn more about CREDO Mobile and help make progressive change every time you use your phone.