Donations highlight: Support as it works to ensure that every eligible American has the freedom to vote

Note from the CREDO Mobile team: This May, is among three amazing groups that will receive a share of our monthly grant. Funding from the CREDO Mobile community will support in its work to increase voting and reach historically underserved voters of color and underrepresented young voters.

 Read this important blog post about’s critical work, then visit and cast your vote to help send funding to the group to assist its efforts—and the efforts of our other outstanding May grantees.

As we approach the pivotal 2024 general election, the urgent need for civic engagement and voter participation has never been more clear. Against a backdrop of ongoing threats to democracy and an evolving legislative and political landscape, remains one of the strongest and most trusted institutions ensuring that every eligible American has the freedom to vote.’s mission is to expand the electorate and encourage people to be lifelong voters. We do this with our cutting-edge voter tools, through direct voter outreach, by amplifying our tools and outreach with partners and influencers, by providing election and polling information to users, and by directly educating voters about election laws that may affect their right to vote. And, sometimes, by challenging those laws in court.

In 2020 and 2022, ran the largest voter-mobilization programs in our history. Focusing on young people, communities of color and low-income voters, played a crucial role in increasing voter participation. In 2020, over 39 million people came to to get the tools and information they needed to vote. Since 2019, we’ve helped register over 5 million voters, which makes the largest independent voter registration organization in the nation.

Building on our remarkable achievements in previous election cycles, we continue to lead the charge in revolutionizing voter engagement and accessibility. With a focus on innovation, inclusivity and data-driven strategies, is poised to make an even greater impact in 2024.’s impact is deep and broad.

  • Leading voter registration efforts. According to an independent voter registration survey, registers more voters than any other independent organization in the country. We registered more than double the number of voters as the next-largest organization in the 2022 midterms. The voters we register are younger and more racially diverse than the electorate. Notably,’s voters are also more likely to vote. In 2020, 81% of those who registered on ended up casting a ballot. Already, has registered nearly 500,000 voters this cycle, including over 200,000 18-year-olds, which is nearly double the number of 18-year-olds registered by this point in 2020.

  • Trending up women voters. Women have long outpaced men in using’s registration tool and that trend is accelerating in the 2024 election. Of the nearly 500,000 voters we’ve helped register this cycle, 61% are women.
  • Breaking new ground on the radio. is committed to maximizing the impact of every donation we receive – and there’s no better example of this than the groundbreaking, culturally relevant radio program we’ve created to turn out infrequent voters in communities of color. Every ad is locally tailored to the communities it airs in and ads are matched with local accents and dialects, using different Spanish-language accents for relevant Spanish speakers. We even have Navajo-translated ads. This randomized control-trial-proven, best-in-class radio program has set a new standard for nonpartisan GOTV programs. In 2022, the radio program turned out more than 220,000 voters who otherwise would not have voted. In fact, the Analyst Institute found that this represents “one of the most cost-efficient mobilization programs in a presidential election” that it has ever tested. You can read more about this and other innovative programs here.
  • Building campus programs. org realizes that on-ramping the next generation of voters is key to building a healthy democracy for years to come. Central to the strategy is the prioritization of engagement at historically Black colleges and universities (HBCUs) and minority-serving institutions (MSIs). Significantly, 70% of people who use’s registration tool are under age 35.

  • Forging strategic partnerships. leverages partnerships with companies, nonprofits, athletes, celebrities, labor unions, artists and many others to amplify our reach in targeted communities by empowering trusted messengers and platforms with the trusted brand and information provided by On National Voter Registration Day last year, an Instagram post from Taylor Swift encouraging people to register via led to 30,000 new voters in one day and a total of more than 41,000 over the course of the week. This work with Swift was recently honored with a Webby Award for Best Influencer Collaboration.

Our program has engaged over 1,000 companies to give paid time off to vote to their employees and our partnerships with the NBA and NBPA, as well as US Soccer, Athlete Ally and Athletes Unlimited, leverage the platform of sports to activate fans, players, coaches and staff around civic engagement. A recently launched partnership with Snapchat promises to reach 100 million young people on the social media platform with tools and information. We also provide the voter-engagement technology for many groups in the space, including but not limited to: NAACP, Voto Latino, Headcount, When We All Vote, Southern Poverty Law Center, Black Voters Matter, Poder Latinx, and many others.

  • Pushing strategic litigation. While is supporting voters daily, we are also fighting in the courtroom to ensure that voters have a fair shot. We’re in active litigation in Georgia, Texas and Florida challenging “wet signature” laws that require voters to print voting forms and sign with a pen and ink, even as these same states accept electronic signatures on all kinds of official forms, from drivers’ licenses to tax returns.

As we look ahead to the 2024 elections, the work of has never been more important. With the future of democracy at stake, is leading the charge to ensure that every eligible voter has the opportunity to make their voice heard.

To support’s mission and get involved in the fight for democracy, visit  Together, we can build a more inclusive and participatory democracy for all Americans.