For Women’s Rights: Stop Trump’s Supreme Court Nominee

Since he entered the White House, Donald Trump has waged war on women’s rights. But his latest attack could do the most damage yet: his nomination of Brett Kavanaugh to replace Anthony Kennedy on the Supreme Court.

Kavanaugh is an extreme conservative who, if confirmed, would take away women’s rights for generations to come.

This is why we must stop his confirmation.

Throughout his career, Kavanaugh has ruled against the right of women to decide what’s best for their bodies, their health, and their lives. He would almost certainly provide the fifth vote to overturn Roe v. Wade.

But Kavanaugh’s anti-woman opinions don’t stop there. He has ruled to limit not only women’s access to abortion but to birth control as well. In 2015, he sided with employers who wanted to use religious objections to skirt the Affordable Care Act’s historic expansion of coverage for contraception.

The battle over Kavanaugh’s confirmation is a battle for our country’s future. And every American who believes, correctly, that the U.S. Constitution protects women’s – and every person’s –  freedom to make their own decisions about their bodies should join the fight against Brett Kavanaugh.

Please help us block Kavanaugh’s confirmation to the Supreme Court. Sign our petition urging the Senate to reject Kavanaugh and visit our #SaveSCOTUS campaign page to find more ways you can take action to #StopKavanaugh.