Posted on December 22, 2016
What we accomplished together in 2016
The only way to stop Donald Trump is to meet his toxic agenda with fierce resistance at every turn. In 2016, CREDO members showed they know how to do just that.
Trump becoming president-elect does not erase the victories and game-changing campaigns that CREDO members made possible this past year. If anything, it makes them more important. These victories are forceful reminders of what it is possible to do together, and models for how CREDO will continue fighting in the years to come.

In 2016, CREDO members generated 23,144,334 petition signatures, and made 147,468 high-impact phone calls to targets. Thanks to CREDO customers and everyone who voted to choose which groups to support, we donated over $2 million to innovative and cutting-edge progressive groups – over $5,000 per day, every day of 2016.
Progressives cannot win if we pick DC lobbying over people power. We cannot win with more establishment, corporate-centered policies, or if we fail to invest in the progressive groups that work every day to make lives better. Because of you, CREDO is the antidote to the failed strategy of D.C. Democrats.
In 2017, CREDO members will continue to lead the resistance to Trump’s racist, misogynistic, xenophobic, anti-working people, Wall Street agenda. We hope you will stand with us.