The final results of our 2016 donations program are in

The Women’s March on Washington, January 21, 2017

I’m heading to the Women’s March on Washington on Jan. 21 because I believe there is no more important moment than right now to stand for the values I believe in. In fact I booked my flight to …

Forbes features our list of 8 women’s advocacy groups to support

CREDO was recently featured in Forbes for our recommendations on where to donate to support women’s rights this holiday season. “Come December, a blizzard’s worth of lists and ‘best gift’ ideas typically blanket the internet and airwaves to compete …

Update: Kasich vetoes extreme abortion ban, signs 20-week ban.

In the last few days, CREDO members made hundreds of calls to Gov. Kasich’s office urging him to keep abortion safe and legal in Ohio. On Tuesday, Gov. Kasich vetoed a bill that would have almost completely banned …

How your votes are making a difference: a thank-you from our November grantees

Each month, CREDO members vote for how we distribute our monthly donation to three amazing organizations fighting for progressive causes. Those small actions add up. Last month, over 57,000 CREDO members voted on how to distribute our funds …

Vote to fund three progressive organizations in November

This month, civil rights, environmental justice and women’s rights are all on CREDO’s November donations ballot. Every month you have the opportunity to decide how CREDO divides our monthly donation among three amazing progressive organizations. This month we’ve …

New video: NARAL Pro-Choice America and the “forward flank” of the movement

NARAL Pro-Choice America President Ilyse Hogue visited CREDO’s office on Oct. 7 to talk about the future of the pro-choice movement and thank CREDO and our members for our longstanding partnership.

Your vote matters: a thank-you from August’s donations recipients

CREDO gives to three incredible nonprofits every month. These donations are made possible by thousands of CREDO customers and the revenue they generate. Last month, over 48,000 CREDO members voted on how to distribute our funds to, …

Celebrating Women’s Equality Day and the right to vote

August 26 is the 96th anniversary of women being granted the right to vote. The ratification of the 19th Amendment in 1920 is now celebrated as Women’s Equality Day in the United States, after groundbreaking Congresswoman Bella Abzug …

Who’s on the CREDO Donations ballot in August

What makes CREDO a different type of mobile company? Every month we donate to three amazing progressive nonprofits and we let you decide how we divide this pool of money. For August we’ve selected, Color Of Change …