We just shut down Kevin McAleenan

By Nicole Regalado, CREDO Action campaign director This week, I led a protest that stopped Acting Secretary of  Homeland Security Kevin McAleenan from spreading more anti-immigrant hate and lies at the annual Immigration Law and Policy Conference at …

CREDO and allies shut down Trump’s racist DHS secretary

No Trump henchmen should be given a platform to spread hatred or defend the racist, xenophobic policies put into place by Donald Trump and Stephen Miller. Institutions that elevate the architects and enforcers of Trump’s hate and normalize …

CREDO leads protest at DHS Secretary Kirstjen Nielsen’s house in Alexandria, Virginia

This morning, we led a protest at the Alexandria, Virginia house of DHS Secretary Kirstjen Nielsen, one of Trump’s leading henchmen who is implementing Trump’s cruel and inhumane immigration policy. She doesn’t just oversee the ICE and Border …