Why CREDO is fighting for a just and fair transition

Why CREDO is fighting for a just and fair transition

As we push for a world powered by 100% renewable energy sources, where fossil fuels remain in the ground and we fight to slow the devastating effects of climate change, it’s important that we not allow the burden of transitioning from dirty to clean sources to fall disproportionately on the workers and communities who have been a part of our former energy economy.

That’s why CREDO is fighting for a just, fair and equitable transition, where we, not only power the planet with renewable and sustainable sources, but we also provide workers and their families with a sustainable path forward in a new economy without fossil fuels.

Low-income communities and communities of color are already disproportionately impacted by the fossil fuel economy. Communities of color are much more likely to live within three miles of fossil fuel power plants than whiter communities, regardless of income. This proximity exposes communities to toxic emissions linked to higher rates of cancer, asthma and other serious health risks. Yet despite the health benefits of transitioning from fossil fuels, there are economic impacts as well.

The reality is that, as we continue moving away from fossil fuels, more plants and mines will close, companies will shutter their doors and workers will lose their jobs. And that means the transition to completely renewable energy sources could disrupt the livelihoods of tens of thousands of workers – and their communities – many of whom are indigenous, people of color or low-income who will bear the economic brunt of this drastic, but necessary, transition.

We must ensure that affected workers and their communities have the chance to participate in the new and quickly growing green economy at the same or greater pay, that public and private investments are made to provide workforce training and relocation, that workers’ benefits and health care for their families are preserved and where big polluters are held responsible for cleaning up the land and water they contaminated.

Here at CREDO, we realize that if we want to combat the climate crisis there’s no other sustainable alternative – and we need to make sure everyone makes the transition together.

Tuesday Tip: 5 ways to keep up the resistance before the midterm elections

Tuesday Tip: 5 ways to keep up the resistance before the midterm elections

Donald Trump might not be on the ballot this November, but his dangerous policies and hateful agenda certainly are.

Every politician running for re-election this fall who votes to confirm extremist judges or defends massive tax giveaways to the rich or turns a blind eye to the government terrorizing immigrants is explicitly supporting Trump’s agenda – and we must show them the door.

With the midterms quickly approaching, we can fight back and ensure our progressive agenda has a big election night. Here are five ways you can keep up the resistance before the midterm elections.

Register to vote

Resisting Trump isn’t just about resisting Trump himself – it’s about resisting his entire agenda and all those who enable him, from those in Congress all the way down to your local city and town officials.

That’s why it’s so critically important to vote, and the first step in that process is registering or ensuring your registration is up-to-date and accurate.  We’ve detailed everything to know in our recent Tuesday Tip: “How to register to vote — or find out if you’re already registered.”

Know your voting rights

Now that you’re registered to vote, and you’re all ready for November, what’s next? Getting to know your voting rights.

Even though so-called Jim Crow laws were technically abolished more than 50 years ago, voter suppression – both legal and illegal – is alive and thriving today. Whether it’s through racial gerrymandering, voter ID laws, voter intimidation, voter purges in minority districts, or election interference, extreme Republicans are going to all lengths to prevent minority and progressive voters from casting ballots. That’s why it’s so important that all voters know their rights.

Rock the Vote has a handy tool to search your voting rights by state. Check it out here.

Get involved locally

Interested in doing more than just voting this November? There are a lot of ways to get involved in the resistance right in your community, including joining a local resistance organization, like Indivisible, attending a protest or even helping at a local non-profit.

Volunteer for a campaign

Want to take a step further and help elect a progressive candidate? Many progressive campaigns are eager and very willing to bring on volunteers who can devote their time helping knock doors, making phone calls, entering data or providing transportation to voters and volunteers. Have a specialized skill, like web design or data analytics? Any campaign would be thrilled to have you help out.

Fire up your favorite search engine and learn about the candidates in your area. For example, try searching for “Progressive candidates near [YOUR TOWN].” Read up on their stances on important issues to you. Visit their websites and sign up to volunteer.

Fund the resistance and join CREDO

If you’re not yet a member of CREDO, you might be missing out on a critical way to fund the resistance with the products and services, like your cell phone, that you use every day. Each month, CREDO donates to three important progressive causes, many of whom are fighting the Trump agenda. In the last 30 years, we’ve donated more than $86 million to progressive groups, and we’re one of Planned Parenthood’s largest corporate donors.

CREDO members also fund an entire team of amazing progressive organizers and leaders at CREDO Action who help mobilize our 5 million member-strong activist base to take action.

To learn more about CREDO, our products and services and our mission to power the resistance, click here.

Our August grantees thank you for your support

Each month, CREDO members vote on how we distribute funding to three incredible organizations. Those small actions add up – with one click, you can help fund groups fighting Trump’s Supreme Court takeover, protecting Social Security and Medicare and standing up for women’s rights. In August, over 75,000 CREDO members voted to distribute our monthly donation to the Alliance for Justice Action Campaign, Social Security Works and UltraViolet.

These donations are made possible by CREDO customers and the revenue they generate by using our services. The distribution depends entirely on the votes of CREDO members like you. And for that, our August grant recipients want to say thank you.

Alliance for Justice Action Campaign
“Thank you! Your support will help AFJAC fight Trump and Senate Republicans’ attempts to fast-track Trump’s ultraconservative and unqualified judicial nominees for lifetime appointments to our courts.” To learn more, visit afjactioncampaign.org.

Social Security Works
“CREDO members were with Social Security Works at the beginning and have been an essential partner as we changed the conversation in America from whether benefits should be cut to by how much they should be expanded. Thank you for standing with us.” To learn more, visit socialsecurityworks.org/.

“We couldn’t do this without you. CREDO members like you make it possible for UltraViolet to create bold, strategic opportunities for women and allies to create a more equitable world for all women. Thank you for your support!” To learn more, visit weareultraviolet.org.

Now check out the three groups we are funding in September, and cast your vote to help distribute our donations.

CREDO members who use our products are the reason why we are able to make these donations each month. Learn more about CREDO Mobile, the carrier with a conscience.

Vote for these three amazing progressive groups this September

Every month, CREDO members vote to donate to three progressive groups. This month, you have the opportunity to fund groups fighting for economic justice, civil rights and voter participation by voting for Other98, the Southern Poverty Law Center and the Voter Participation Center.

Other98 does battle with Big Pharma, Big Oil, Big Banks and the sociopathic billionaires that have kidnapped our democracy. It knows that all struggles for justice are interconnected and won’t rest until America’s economy works for all of us.

A donation from CREDO members would help fund the organization’s Mosquito Fleet, a group of climate justice activists standing up for indigenous people in the Pacific Northwest who are peacefully confronting Kinder Morgan’s Trans Mountain pipeline expansion.

Southern Poverty Law Center
The Southern Poverty Law Center uses litigation, education and other forms of advocacy to work toward the day when the ideals of equal justice and equal opportunity will be a reality.

Funding from CREDO members would enable the SPLC to double down on its commitments to advancing social justice and standing up for the most vulnerable of our society.

The Voter Participation Center
The Voter Participation Center’s mission is to bring more people into our democracy and ensure that the underrepresented are fully represented. It works to register and mobilize the Rising American Electorate – unmarried women, people of color and young people.

With the midterm elections quickly approaching, CREDO funding would enable VPC to double its impact by matching CREDO’s funding and invest $100,000 into its registration and turnout programs.

Your vote this September will determine how we divide our monthly donation among these three progressive groups. Be sure to cast your vote to support one, two or all three by September 30.

CREDO members who use our products everyday are the reason why we are able to make these donations each month. Learn more about CREDO Mobile, the carrier with a conscience.

For Women’s Rights: Stop Trump’s Supreme Court Nominee

Since he entered the White House, Donald Trump has waged war on women’s rights. But his latest attack could do the most damage yet: his nomination of Brett Kavanaugh to replace Anthony Kennedy on the Supreme Court.

Kavanaugh is an extreme conservative who, if confirmed, would take away women’s rights for generations to come.

This is why we must stop his confirmation.

Throughout his career, Kavanaugh has ruled against the right of women to decide what’s best for their bodies, their health, and their lives. He would almost certainly provide the fifth vote to overturn Roe v. Wade.

But Kavanaugh’s anti-woman opinions don’t stop there. He has ruled to limit not only women’s access to abortion but to birth control as well. In 2015, he sided with employers who wanted to use religious objections to skirt the Affordable Care Act’s historic expansion of coverage for contraception.

The battle over Kavanaugh’s confirmation is a battle for our country’s future. And every American who believes, correctly, that the U.S. Constitution protects women’s – and every person’s –  freedom to make their own decisions about their bodies should join the fight against Brett Kavanaugh.

Please help us block Kavanaugh’s confirmation to the Supreme Court. Sign our petition urging the Senate to reject Kavanaugh and visit our #SaveSCOTUS campaign page to find more ways you can take action to #StopKavanaugh.


For Civil Rights: Stop Brett Kavanaugh, Trump’s Dangerous Supreme Court Nominee

For Civil Rights: Stop Brett Kavanaugh, Trump’s Dangerous Supreme Court Nominee

Since he launched his campaign, Donald Trump has been clear that his agenda is designed to serve and validate the white supremacist impulses of his base and undermine the civil rights of people of color, immigrants, women, LGBTQ people, and Muslims. His latest attempt to advance that agenda is his nomination of Brett Kavanaugh to replace Anthony Kennedy on the Supreme Court.

Kavanaugh, if confirmed, would enshrine Trump’s bigotry for generations by joining the conservative majority to roll back civil rights on all fronts—racial equality, religious freedom, marriage equality and other LGBTQ rights, as well as abortion, voting and workers’ rights.

This is why we must stop his confirmation.

Kavanaugh is an extreme conservative whose career until now demonstrates hostility to civil rights. In 2012, he upheld a voter ID law despite evidence that it would disenfranchise minority voters. He has repeatedly ruled against employees in workforce-discrimination cases.

The NAACP called Kavanaugh a “dangerous ideologue,” who “has been a strong and consistent voice for the wealthy and the powerful. Over and over again, he has ruled against civil rights, workers’ rights, consumer rights and women’s rights.”

In response to  Kavanaugh’s nomination, more than 100 civil rights groups signed a letter opposing his confirmation, noting that he would be the fifth and decisive vote on the Supreme Court to undermine a wide range of our core rights and legal protections.

These rights and protections are the foundation of our democracy. If you believe they’re worth fighting for, please join us in opposing the confirmation of Brett Kavanaugh to the Supreme Court. Sign our petition urging the Senate to reject Kavanaugh and share our video so others can take key actions to help #StopKavanaugh now.

You can learn about our campaign to stop Kavanaugh and find more ways to take action here.

Download free progressive posters from CREDO

Over the years, CREDO has provided progressive activists uniquely-designed and compelling posters to download and print out for rallies, marches and protests.

From the Women’s March, March for Our Lives and Pride to protests for net neutrality, to fight climate change or stop dirty oil pipelines, CREDO has been providing free posters for activists to help amplify their voices.

Browse through many of our posters throughout the years below and download and print out your favorites today!

Download Your Free Posters

Rise for Climate on Sept 8 – and download your free posters here

On Sept. 8, CREDO and our allies at 350.org, along with dozens of others, are organizing the Rise for Climate, Jobs & Justice marches thousands of rallies in cities and towns around the world to demand our local leaders commit to building a fossil-free world that puts people and justice before profits.

We hope you will mobilize with us – and you click here to find an event near you.

Before you head out on Sept. 8, be sure to download and print out a free sign we’ve designed for the marches. See you there!

Download your free Rise for Climate, Jobs, and Justice posters

Download #riseforclimate

Download NO MORE

Download Fossil Free Future

Download Just Transition

Download Stand for Climate Justice

Download Climate Justice is Social Justice

Tuesday Tip: 5 Things You Can Do to Help Spread the Word About Rise for Climate, Jobs and Justice on 9/8

Tuesday Tip: 5 Things You Can Do to Help Spread the Word About Rise for Climate, Jobs, and Justice on 9/8

For more than 30 years, CREDO has been fighting for our environment and to slow climate change. That’s why we’re so excited to help organize the Rise for Climate marches across the country and all across the world this Sept. 8.

It takes all of us – by reaching out to those around us, sharing stories and engaging — in order to help make Rise for Climate a success.

Here are ways from our allies at 350.org that anyone, no matter your digital skill level, can use new media to help spread the word.

1. Invite your friends and family

Send them an email, invite them to the RVSP page for a local event, call them, text them or send them an Instagram video. Whichever way you can, it’s important for you to reach out to those around you.

Most Rise for Climate events are an open invitation to anyone who wants to join. Everyone can have a role to play. Your brother could help make food for people, your best friend could help take photos and a total stranger may be up for organizing a banner-making session.

It’s also important as Sept. 8 gets closer to re-invite people! Reminders are crucial.

Source: Rise for Climate

2. Get Personal

First-person stories are one of your most powerful recruitment tools.

Why do you think it’s time for a fast and fair transition to 100 percent renewable energy for all?  Why are you joining? Share on your social media accounts why you have decided to join. When you post, use the hashtag #RiseForClimate.

Seeing the faces of real people that will be there, hearing about why they’re participating, and seeing them actually getting ready for the action can help your friends and followers imagine themselves being there too.

3. Share what’s happening right now

Are you passing out flyers? Making art? Holding local meetings? That’s awesome! Share footage, interview clips with participants and photos on your own social media. That way people in your networks can see the momentum building and can better understand what joining Rise For Climate will involve. And don’t forget to use #RiseForClimate so we can build the buzz and create a sense of FOMO (fear of missing out) globally too.

Source: 350 Bay Area

4. Ask people in your community to share and retweet

It doesn’t have to be a big celebrity. It could be your local football team, a local musician/band or an elected official. Who in your community do people listen to and who has a big reach on social media? Ask them and see if they can help spread the word.

Source: Rise for Climate

5. Amplify #RiseForClimate stories from around the world

Like you, others around the world are sharing their own stories – check out all the latest content here. Use your social media accounts to share what’s going on in other communities far from yours.

Check out the sample content and visual guides.

Editor’s note:  This piece is adapted from a post originally published by 350.org.

New video: Transgender Law Center visits CREDO headquarters

On Aug. 21, Kris Hayashi, Executive Director, and Isa Noyola, Deputy Director, of the  Transgender Law Center visited CREDO headquarters to discuss how transgender people are building community and power to protect and defend each other in a hostile and dangerous environment.

If you missed the live broadcast, you can watch the entire live stream below or here on our Facebook page or YouTube channel.


Join us for a live conversation with Transgender Law Center’s Kris Hayashi and Isa Noyola, who will discuss how they are standing up for the trans community in the face of increasing hostility. Tune in on Tues., Aug. 21 at 2:30 p.m. PT.

Posted by CREDO Mobile on Tuesday, August 21, 2018