Posted on April 21, 2020
50 Years On, Earth Day’s Legal Legacy Looms Large
Fifty years ago, it wasn’t unusual for rivers to catch fire, for overflowing landfills to seep toxic gases, or for smog-filled skies to dominate our landscapes. While we still have a long way to go toward a healthy, sustainable planet for all, we’ve also come a long way since the first Earth Day brought 20 million Americans into the streets, effectively jumpstarting the modern environmental movement.
Five decades of groundbreaking legislation and the persistence of determined activists and policymakers has led to a decrease in pollution, the protection of wild spaces and endangered species, and the beginning of the clean energy revolution.
Much of this progress was made possible by the creation or passing of:
- The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (1970)
- National Environmental Protection Act (1970)
- Clean Air Act (1970)
- Clean Water Act (1972)
- Endangered Species Act (1973)
- Toxic Substances Control Act (1976)
For Earthjustice—a non-profit public interest environmental law organization—these bedrock laws have become fundamental tools of the trade. Since 1971, Earthjustice has been the legal backbone for the environmental movement, all while representing their clients free of charge. With over 140 lawyers across the country, no one is better positioned to wield the power of the law and the strength of partnership to protect people’s health, to preserve magnificent places and wildlife, to advance clean energy and to combat climate change.
Today, progress is threatened by new challenges. Climate change is our new normal. Our federal government is controlled by those intent on taking us backward, propping up fossil fuels and dismantling foundational environmental laws. This year, as we celebrate 50 years of Earth Day and all the achievements of the past, we must look toward the next 50 years that will be crucial for the future of our planet.
We invite you to join us in honoring Earth Day’s 50th anniversary by learning more about the rules that protect public health and the environment.
Click here to read more about each of these key laws, and how Earthjustice utilizes these laws as tools for change.
Posted on April 15, 2020
How to help local businesses and nonprofits during the coronavirus pandemic
Here in California, where CREDO is headquartered, many of our amazing local businesses — which employ thousands of workers and provide the character that makes our communities so vibrant and special — have been closed for weeks. Other businesses, deemed essential, have seen drops in business and face layoffs and economic uncertainty as well. Local nonprofits, especially those that rely on grassroots funding, have been affected, too.
It’s not just in California — small businesses are struggling in communities across the country, especially as the Trump administration’s small business relief programs are mired in issues, and Wall Street banks are refusing to service many loans. But together, we can do our small part to help our local businesses and nonprofits during this time of need.
Next time you’re about to make a purchase during our collective quarantine, think about how you can direct it to a local business instead of a major retailer. Here are some tips to help the small businesses and organizations in your communities during the coronavirus pandemic.
Order Delivery or Takeout
Restaurants and their workers are some of the hardest hit during this crisis, as restaurants close their dine-in operations. By June, some are estimating that 5 to 7 million restaurant workers across the country could lose their jobs. Many restaurants have transitioned some of their business to takeout and delivery to stay up and running and employ (a portion of) their workforce. This could be a good time to order your favorite meal or two from a local eatery.
But is it safe to order delivery or curbside pickup? According to the Food and Drug Administration, “there is no evidence to suggest that food produced in the United States can transmit COVID-19.” Likewise, infectious disease and food safety experts typically agree that food itself is not likely to transmit the virus, but if you feel wary, you may want to order cooked foods. Here’s more from experts interviewed by NPR.
What many suggest you do, however, is practice proper social distancing when your food is delivered or picked up. Many restaurants now offer contactless delivery, or you can leave delivery instructions to ensure your food is left at your door. Immediately wash your hands and avoid touching your face after bringing your food inside and unpacking it. Then, of course, leave your delivery person — who is most likely a self-employed gig worker — a larger-than-normal tip.
Buy Online or Purchase Gift Cards
Many non-essential local businesses have closed their brick-and-mortar storefronts, but most are keeping up their web and social media presences, where they could still be selling their offerings online. If not, give them a call to find out if they are still open and what they have available for delivery. They may be offering specials now, too, so it might be a good time to send business their way, if you are able to.
Another way you can help inject a little more into your local economy is to purchase gift cards from your favorite local business. This way, if a business isn’t currently open or is facing other difficulties, you are providing some relief to your community now, and you can use the gift card later when businesses reopen.
Donate to Local Nonprofits
During this pandemic, many large nonprofits, especially those working on COVID-19 relief work, are seeing encouraging signs of philanthropy. In fact, CREDO is donating $75,000 among three organizations providing critical coronavirus aid where it’s needed, which is in addition to our regular monthly donations to great nonprofit groups, some of whom are working on COVID-19 relief projects
But other local nonprofits may be struggling to make ends meet right now, including providing critical services and ensuring their employees continue to earn a living. Right now, many local shelters and food pantries are desperately in need of donations. If you’re able to give during this time, especially if you’re in a place to donate a portion of your government stimulus payment, your local nonprofits — who may be overlooked during this time — will really appreciate your generosity. Not sure to whom to give in your community? Check out Great Nonprofits and Charity Navigator to search for organizations near you.
Leave Glowing Online Reviews
Talk to a local business owner and they’ll tell you they rely on third-party review sites to keep new customers coming in. For many small businesses, these review sites can make, or unfortunately break a business, especially if one of the major sites elevates a poor review or two. But in today’s hyper-connected, algorithm-based economy, small businesses must contend with this reality, even as many storefronts are currently closed.
If you find yourself with a little extra time, set up an account on Yelp and Google (go to Google maps and search for the business) and leave some five-star reviews for your favorite local businesses. Jump on Instagram and Facebook and leave some glowing comments. We can be pretty sure your local businesses will appreciate it.
Tip Excessively
We mentioned this above, and we can’t stress this enough: Please tip and tip generously, if you can. Many delivery workers are self-employed gig workers who may lack basic protections like health insurance, sick pay or personal protective equipment that is not provided by their employing service. Recently, some Instacart users have shamefully lured delivery gig workers with large tips, only to change the tips to $0.00 after their groceries were delivered.
Many of these workers are putting themselves in potentially dangerous situations by continuing to earn a living. Show them your appreciation with a large tip. And please, don’t change your tip after delivery, unless it’s to give them more.
Posted on April 15, 2020
Pesticide Action Network’s COVID-19 Response: Food system resources & initiatives
Our allies at the Pesticide Action Network — who CREDO members have donated more than $387,000 to over the last 30 years — are doing some incredible work during the coronavirus pandemic. Read on to learn more about their important work. You can also learn more by visiting their website here.
There’s a lot moving out in the world right now. In food and farm systems work, resources are being mobilized to support those most in need during this public health crisis — often by directly impacted communities, from the bottom up.
At the same time, conversations are underway about the deep changes needed to our food system, and how best to press for them right now when it’s so clear to all how fragile and grossly inequitable the current system is.
The long haul
Here at PAN, we’re deep in these urgent conversations, and we’re feeling encouraged and hopeful about where they might lead. We also know we’ll be in this work for the long haul.
Over the coming week we’ll be stepping back a bit to give staff time to spend with their families and communities during this time of crisis. We’ll be back in full force in early April, supporting frontline communities and working toward transformational change.
Meanwhile we’ve collected some of the most compelling food system resources we’ve come across to date, both for accessing immediate support and pushing for the longer term, systemic shifts needed.
Frontline resources
Many of the groups who are on the frontline of harmful impacts from industrial agriculture like pesticides are also on the frontlines of coronavirus harm. Farmworkers, small farmers, food workers and Indigenous communities are all bearing the brunt of this crisis in different ways.
Below are just a few of the many resources and action alerts we’ve seen aiming to support these groups during the pandemic.
Farmworkers: Many farmworker partners are advocating for better on-farm health and safety protections and hazard pay for farmworkers as they continue working in this dangerous time. Our friend at the United Farmworkers issued this open letter to agricultural employers, and Farmworker Association of Florida highlights the vulnerability of farmworkers to the coronavirus.
Food workers: Our partners at the Food Chain Workers Alliance have organized this petition calling on state and federal policymakers to immediately support workers across the food system impacted by the virus.
Farmers: Many farmers lost their local markets when schools and some farmers markets shut down. Across the country, initiatives are moving forward to connect consumers directly with these farmers. Many regions are producing resource sites for local produce like this Rooting Resilience site for Bay Area. Local Harvest provides a website with nationwide CSA (Community Supported Agriculture) listings, and the Center for a Livable Future maps local Food Policy Councils, many of which are connecting local farmers to consumers across the country.
Indigenous communities: Indigenous Rising Media is hosting a series of webinars about the impacts of COVID-19, and the Indigenous Food and Agriculture Initiative at University of Arkansas is compiling educational information and updates as well.
Moving toward transformation
How can we, together, promote the resilient, equitable food systems we know are needed? In the immediate term, how best to influence the groundwork being laid by the billions of dollars coming out of Washington DC?
These conversations are happening now, and will be ongoing.
We’ve been inspired by calls to relocalize the food system from many of our close partners, and the ongoing push from sustainable agriculture advocates to ensure allocated funds actually reach farmers that need it most.
We’re also in conversation with a cohort of rural populists which will be advocating for long term investment in rural communities and local food economies.
And we stand firmly in solidarity with those calling for an urgent shift to agricultural and economic systems that support a stable and livable climate; we know farming can and must be a core climate solution.
We look forward to deepening collaboration with all our partners and supporters in this work, as we build the just, healthy and resilient food system needed, together.
Posted on April 14, 2020
How to Request an Absentee Ballot During the Coronavirus Pandemic
The 2020 elections are the most consequential in generations. But with a global pandemic not only straining our healthcare system, paralyzing our economy and upending our daily lives, our fundamental right to vote is equally under threat.
No one should have to choose between their health and safety and their right to vote. While most states and the federal government have yet to adopt universal vote by mail, one of the best ways right now to stay safe this election season and participate in the process is voting by absentee ballot.
We’ve put together a quick guide and handy tool to help you retain your right to vote and request an absentee ballot in the upcoming elections.
Right now, only five states, Colorado, Hawaii, Oregon, Washington and Utah, offer all-mail voting. If you live in one of these states, you’re in luck. But the vast majority of Americans lack mail-in voting options. Multiple bills to enact election security and universal vote-by-mail have stalled in Congress, blocked by Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell, who has allowed hundreds of important House-passed bills to collect dust on his desk.
Without an option to vote by mail for everyone, how can you exercise your right to vote while protecting your health? A different vote-by-mail alternative: Absentee ballots.
Each state has its own rules governing absentee voting — some with more stringent requirements, others enjoy no-excuse absentee voting. Luckily, a number of states have begun relaxing the rules for who can request an absentee ballot, raising the count to 34 states and the District of Columbia now allowing no-excuse absentee voting. Some states, like California, are taking proactive measures to send ballots directly to registered voters.
If your state hasn’t held its primary election yet, now is the time to request your absentee ballot. Sixteen states and one territory — Alaska, Connecticut, Delaware, Georgia, Hawaii, Indiana, Kentucky, Louisiana, Maryland, New Jersey, New York, Ohio, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, West Virginia, Wyoming and Puerto Rico — have recently pushed their primaries back or instituted vote by mail. You can find out the rules for your state here.
Requesting your ballot is simple. The non-profit provides a number of handy resources to register to vote, verify your registration status and, of course, request an absentee ballot. If you’re ready to request yours, try out their easy-to-use tool below to submit your request.
Editors note: This blog post was updated on May 13, 2020.
Posted on April 7, 2020
CREDO Donates $75,000 for COVID-19 Relief
As our nation continues to reel from the coronavirus pandemic, all of us here at CREDO know we have a moral obligation to help those affected in any way we can.
It’s vital now more than ever to ensure frontline organizations have the resources to respond by getting food, relief and critical aid to where it’s immediately needed. That’s why, last week, we established a special COVID-19 Response Fund to donate $75,000 — above and beyond our monthly giving to nonprofit groups — to three organizations working to help our most vulnerable communities.
More than 16,000 CREDO members stepped up over the last few days to help us decide how to distribute these funds among Mercy Corps, National Domestic Workers Alliance and World Central Kitchen. Here are the results:
$23,708 to Mercy Corps
$28,732 to the National Domestic Workers Alliance
$22,560 to World Central Kitchen
Mercy Corps
The $23,708 CREDO donation will help Mercy Corps, through its Mercy Corps’ COVID-19 Resilience Fund, provide emergency supplies, food, clean water and urgently needed support to vulnerable families and communities during this crisis and beyond.
National Domestic Workers Alliance
With its $28,732 CREDO donation, NDWA’s “Coronavirus Care Fund” is working to slow the spread of the virus by providing emergency assistance for domestic workers that enables them to stay home and healthy.
World Central Kitchen
A $22,560 CREDO donation will help World Central Kitchen deliver fresh meals, help get restaurants back to work, feed frontline healthcare workers and map out feeding efforts during this crisis.
Thank you to all our members and customers who helped us distribute this critical funding during this crisis. If you’d like to help us distribute even more donations — at no cost to you — to three nonprofits in April doing important work for the climate, peace and civil rights, please visit and vote today.
Posted on April 4, 2020
Our March grantees thank you for your support
Each month, CREDO members vote on how we distribute funding to three incredible nonprofits. Those small actions add up – with one click, you can help fund groups fighting for economic justice, climate justice and women’s rights. In March, nearly 70,000 CREDO members voted to distribute our monthly donation to Americans for Tax Fairness, Friends of the Earth and NARAL Pro-Choice America.
These donations are made possible by CREDO customers and the revenue they generate by using our services. The distribution depends entirely on the votes of CREDO members like you. And for that, our March grant recipients thank you.
Americans for Tax Fairness
“Thanks so much for your support! CREDO members help make it possible for us to amplify the voices of our hundreds of thousands of online members and our organizational partners to create an economy that works for all of us.” – Frank Clemente, Executive Director
To learn more, visit
Friends of the Earth
“Thank you for your support and partnership! We value your dedication to our work to defend the environment and champion a healthy and just world. CREDO members like you help us fight—and win—many important battles for our planet.” – Erich Pica, President
To learn more, visit
NARAL Pro-Choice America
“We are thankful for the support of CREDO members as we work to protect reproductive freedom. NARAL will continue to fight for the right to access abortion and with your support, we are meeting this critical moment stronger than ever!” – Ilyse G. Hogue, President
To learn more, visit NARAL Pro-Choice America.
Now check out the three groups we are funding in April, and cast your vote to help distribute our donations.
CREDO members who use our products are the reason why we are able to make these donations each month. Learn more about CREDO Mobile, the carrier with a conscience.
Posted on April 2, 2020
Vote now: Help us distribute $75,000 for coronavirus relief
We’re facing a global pandemic the likes of which our planet hasn’t seen in generations.
Hundreds of thousands here in our country have tested positive, and sadly, thousands have already died. The coronavirus pandemic has upended our health care system, our economy and our way of life, and so many people are suffering the effects. It truly breaks our hearts.
Here at CREDO, we have a moral obligation to do what we can to help the people who are affected and the organizations working to make a difference.
That’s why we’ve created a “CREDO COVID-19 Response Fund” to give $75,000 to three organizations working on the front lines of the coronavirus crisis, in addition to the donations we make every month. As always, this gift comes at no cost to our members.
We’d like your help to distribute these funds among Mercy Corps, World Central Kitchen and the National Domestic Workers Alliance. Click here to vote for one, two or all three organizations making a difference during this difficult time before voting ends on April 6.
Mercy Corps
Mercy Corps is a global team of humanitarians, working together on the front lines of today’s biggest crises to create a future of possibility, where everyone can prosper. Its mission is to alleviate suffering, poverty and oppression by helping people build secure, productive and just communities.
This donation will help fund Mercy Corps’ COVID-19 Resilience Fund to help provide emergency supplies, food, clean water and urgently needed support to vulnerable families and communities during this crisis and beyond. Learn more about Mercy Corps here.
National Domestic Workers Alliance
The National Domestic Workers Alliance is one of the nation’s leading voices for dignity and fairness for the millions of domestic workers in the United States. Founded in 2007, NDWA works for respect, recognition, and inclusion in labor protections for domestic workers, the majority of whom are immigrants and women of color.
A donation will help fund NDWA’s “Coronavirus Care Fund” which is working to slow the spread of the virus by providing emergency assistance for domestic workers that enables them to stay home and healthy. Learn more about National Domestic Workers Alliance here.
World Central Kitchen
World Central Kitchen is a not-for-profit non-governmental organization devoted to providing meals in the wake of natural disasters. Founded in 2010 by celebrity chef José Andrés, the organization prepared food in Haiti following its devastating earthquake. Their motto is, “A hot plate of food when it’s needed most.”
Funding will help WCK deliver fresh meals, help get restaurants back to work, feed frontline healthcare workers and map out feeding efforts during this crisis. Learn more about World Central Kitchen here.
Voting ends on Monday, April 6, so please cast your vote today to help fund one, two or all three of these groups doing critical work during the coronavirus pandemic.
Posted on April 1, 2020
Vote for Amnesty International, Earthjustice and United We Dream Action this April
Every month, CREDO members vote to distribute our monthly donation to three incredible progressive causes – and every vote makes a difference. This April, you can support groups fighting for human rights, climate justice and immigrant rights by voting to fund Amnesty International, Earthjustice and United We Dream Action.
Amnesty International is a global grassroots movement and one of the world’s foremost defenders of human rights. With millions of activists worldwide, the organization works tirelessly toward fair treatment for people everywhere.
Support from CREDO Mobile and its members will help Amnesty International USA as it works at home and abroad to fight injustice and help create a world where human rights are enjoyed by all.
Earthjustice is the premier nonprofit environmental law organization. The organization wields the power of law and the strength of partnership to protect people’s health, preserve magnificent places and wildlife, advance clean energy, and combat a climate crisis.
Your support will help Earthjustice take on the most consequential legal fights of our time, working with communities and partners to ensure the survival of the wild, force solutions to the climate emergency, and secure a healthy environment for all.
United We Dream Action is building a multi-racial, multi-ethnic movement of young people organizing for justice for immigrants and all communities of color in the US.
Funding from CREDO members will allow United We Dream Action to face a new decade of struggle and victory as we build a movement that best illustrates the world we desire.
Your vote this month will determine how we divide our monthly donation among these three progressive groups. Be sure to cast your vote to support one, two or all three by April 30.
CREDO members who use our products and services everyday are the reason we are able to make these donations each month. Learn more about CREDO Mobile and CREDO Energy and join our movement.