Our Election Is at Risk. Businesses Can Help.

We are proud that CREDO Mobile has been a leader in a growing movement of purpose-driven businesses that believe they have a responsibility to help create positive social change. One of the ways we can amplify our social impact is by ensuring every voter is heard on Election Day. 

Every election presents an opportunity to have a say in government priorities and create change. As COVID-19 continues to rage on around us, good governance has never been more important. Americans are suffering greatly from the inability of our political leaders to agree on a suitable response to the coronavirus. Stability, order, and the minimization of risk — key conditions needed to keep our economy running smoothly — are now in short order.

This is especially true in light of recent protests against police brutality that have swept across our nation. People are calling for racial justice and an end to police violence — issues that companies like CREDO Mobile have always cared about deeply. But we may not be able to have our say at the ballot box and ensure social and racial justice if our polling place is closed or our absentee ballot gets lost.

Luckily, businesses can help. Our friends at Business for America have identified three simple steps that any company can take to facilitate our democratic process.

1. Offer paid time off to vote on Election Day.

This is a simple one. In a 2018 report, researchers found that 44 percent of surveyed companies already offered paid time off to vote. This year, let’s aim for 100. Providing paid time off is especially crucial for low-income workers who otherwise might not be willing or able to forgo pay and head to the polls. Lower-income people also disproportionately tend to be people of color — a fact that exacerbates lower voter turnout among minorities. In light of nationwide calls for racial justice, offering paid time off to vote is one way that businesses can show genuine support.

The bottom line is this: come November, no one should have to choose between earning a paycheck and casting their ballot.

2. Provide election assistance in your community, like poll workers and PPE.

Even during a pandemic, every voter should be able to cast their ballot with confidence that it will be counted accurately and without risking their physical safety. But right now, election officials across the country are short on the resources needed to ensure the 2020 election is safe, secure, accessible, and credible.

Staffing the polls will be especially challenging since the majority of poll workers are ages 65 and up and at a high risk of COVID-19 complications. As a result, more of them are choosing to stay home, forcing election officials to close polling locations — especially in lower-income areas that are often short-staffed in ordinary times. In addition, most states will be faced with a massive surge in absentee ballots during what will likely be a record turnout election, and they may lack the funds to manage this increase. In some cases, election officials find themselves having to shift funds from critical cybersecurity in order to purchase PPE.

Voters who don’t receive their absentee ballots then have to choose whether to risk their health in order to exercise their fundamental right to vote. If the election process is chaotic and voters are unable to vote, the entire election’s results could be called into question.

Business for America is mobilizing businesses to help the 2020 election go smoothly. We urge businesses across the country to offer assistance through Operation Vote Safe. Ask your employees to sign up to become election workers. Provide personal protective equipment to ensure the safety of voters and poll workers alike. Offer business facilities as voting stations that provide ample space for social distancing. Provide technology support. Help deliver effective voter communications that combat misinformation. These are all great ways to engage your employees while helping to make an impact in your community.

3. Make democracy a key part of your corporate purpose and sustainability goals.

Getting involved during the runup to Election Day is essential, but so much more must be done to restore confidence in our democratic institutions.

The health of our democracy is vital to our future because we need politics to function well and allow us to implement public choices on important issues. So, as businesses seek to strengthen representative democracy, they are also preserving a vital public resource. This is corporate civic engagement of the best possible kind. It’s not about businesses using political power to advance corporate interests; it’s about businesses working with their employees, customers, and community stakeholders to shape a government that works for all of us.

With businesses, government, and communities working in tandem, there is every reason to believe that this year’s unprecedented election can still be one that restores America’s faith in democracy. To learn more and get involved, please visit www.BFA.us.

2020 Voter Checklist: What you need to know about voting in this election

The 2020 election will be like no other in modern history. As Americans reel from a global pandemic that could make in-person voting risky, the current occupant of the White House is taking unprecedented steps to undermine the election, upend our democracy and make it harder for us to vote by mail.

Despite all the challenges this year, we can — and must — cast our ballots. It’s simply too important, and the stakes are too high. But the rules and deadlines for registering, requesting a ballot and casting a vote vary from state to state. That’s why we’ve compiled a simple checklist, with help from our grantee partners at Vote.org, for you to use and share to ensure you and your friends can vote safely and securely this election season.

1. Check your voter registration

Deadlines and requirements for voter registration vary state by state. And even though you may have registered to vote in the past, it’s possible that you may not be on the voter rolls any longer due to a variety of factors. 

According to our allies at the Brennan Center for Justice, the prevalence of voter purges — “the often-flawed process of cleaning up voter rolls by deleting names from registration lists” —  is on the rise. The organization found that states removed nearly 16 million voters from the rolls between 2014 and 2016, a 33 percent increase over the 2006 and 2008, with the highest increase found in states with a history of voting discrimination. 

Check your voter registration here.

2. Register to vote

If you find that you’re not registered to vote, it’s time to register now. While some states allow you to register the same day you vote (many do not), same-day registration won’t be feasible if you decide to vote by mail, so we suggest you register as soon as possible. 

Register to vote. It could take less than two minutes.

3. Request your absentee or mail-in ballot

Now that you’re registered, it’s time to request your ballot. While some states are proactively taking steps to send absentee ballot applications to all eligible voters, many are not, so it’s important to learn the rules in your state and request a ballot if you need one. (By the way, despite the rhetoric you may hear, the terms “mail in voting” and “absentee voting” are essentially the same thing.)

We believe that no one should have to risk their health and safety to exercise their right to cast a vote. That’s why mail-in voting is so important this election for those who choose to use it. While Trump falsely calls mail-in voting “fraudulent” (although he requested a mail-in ballot himself) and plays political games with postal service operations, it’s critical that you request your ballot as soon as possible in case of delays or other issues with the mail. 

Request your absentee or mail-in ballot. (You will need to print and mail your application to complete this step) 

4. Return your mail-in ballot

With potential mail delays leading up to Election Day, it’s possible that your ballot may not be counted if your local officials receive it after November 3. That’s why it’s essential to mail your ballot back as soon as you can. Here are the receipt and postmark deadlines for each state.

But mailing your ballot is not the only way to return it. Many states allow you to return your ballot in person to local officials, and some states and municipalities are setting up ballot drop boxes so you can safely return your ballots. Depending on the laws in your state, you may also be eligible to allow another person to return your ballot. Here are some rules governing who can collect and return an absentee ballot other than the voter.

Note: Despite viral social media posts claiming your return envelope requires multiple stamps lest it won’t be delivered, a recent fact-check found that the USPS will deliver your ballot regardless of postage. Our allies at the ACLU have filed a lawsuit on behalf of Black Voters Matter (a CREDO grantee on this month’s ballot) challenging the constitutionality of requiring voters to buy stamps to vote, equating the mandate to a poll tax.

5. Find your polling place

If you are unable or do not want to cast your ballot by mail, or if you do not receive your mail-in ballot in time or worried it won’t be counted, you should still have the option to vote in-person. Not all people, including those who live in tribal lands or rural areas, have reliable postal service, and people with disabilities who require accommodations or those who need to register to vote on Election Day can vote by mail. In addition, Black Americans are disproportionately disadvantaged by vote-by-mail. 

If the issues during recent primary elections are any indicator, be aware that many jurisdictions could face challenges holding in-person voting during the pandemic, and you may face obstacles casting your ballot in a safe or timely manner. 

Find your polling place here.

6. Do you need documentation to vote in person?

If you are voting in person, especially for the first time, you may need a photo ID or other documentation. Check out this list of voter ID laws by state from the National Conference of State Legislatures to see what you may need to bring with you to your polling pace.

7. Voting safely in person

If you do vote in person, wear a mask, social distance, and practice proper hand hygiene. If your state allows for it, vote during an early in-person voting period. Here’s a state-by-state list of laws governing early voting.

On Election Day, consider voting during off-peak hours to avoid larger crowds, if you can. You may also expect long wait times as lines could be very long. Local officials are scaling down polling locations and staff, so a surge of in-person voting on Election Day could cause big issues. As Michele Obama recently said, “We have got to grab our comfortable shoes, put on our masks, pack a brown bag dinner and maybe breakfast too, because we’ve got to be willing to stand in line all night if we have to.”

Write letters to voters & strengthen our democracy with Vote Forward

Vote Forward is a nonprofit organization with a mission to empower grassroots volunteers to help register voters from under-represented demographics and encourage them to vote. We build tools to enable Americans, wherever they may be, to encourage fellow citizens to participate in our democracy. 

Starting with our first field experiment in Alabama in 2017, we’ve conducted multiple randomized trials that have shown that writing these letters is the single most effective use of volunteer time from afar. Thousands of volunteers now use our software platform to take action to strengthen our democracy from home. 

In 2020, our goal is to inspire volunteers to write 10 million “Please vote!” letters in the months leading up to the election. The letters will be mailed en masse in October, at the start of the get-out-the-vote period. We’re calling it The Big Send and we’re forming a coalition of volunteers and allies to help make it as big as possible. 

Letter-writing is an easy and fun activity, even for first-time volunteers, and a great way to engage in a tangible, impactful action. And in the age of social distancing, it’s an activity we can all do by ourselves at home.

Volunteers are already writing more than 10,000 letters per day on average, but we need help to reach our goal of 10 million letters! 

Are you ready to take part and help reach voters across the country safely from home? Join Vote Forward and start writing letters today!

To learn more about CREDO’s voting rights project CREDO Votes 2020, where you can take action, watch videos, win prizes and help us distribute $250,000 among three great voting rights nonprofits, please visit CREDOMobile.com/votingrights.

The Truth About Vote by Mail

Originally posted to Vote.org on May 27, 2020

In times like these, we’re more aware than ever that the future of our democracy – in addition to our very lives – depends on who we choose to lead us. That’s why this November’s election is so important; it’s our opportunity to keep who we like, and replace who we don’t.

Fortunately, some state officials have recently taken significant steps to make voting safer and more accessible, by allowing their residents to vote by mail. Prior to this pandemic, over 50 percent of states allowed their residents to vote by mail as an open option. But now, with the pandemic raging in full force across America, many policymakers have chosen to expand voters’ options to participate in this year’s elections from the safety of their homes.Sadly, partisan bickering has cast a shadow of doubt over the legitimacy of voting by mail as an alternative to voting in person. For this reason, I want to reassure you that voting by mail is a secure and established part of our American electoral system that has long been supported by Republicans and Democrats alike.

For those who remain unconvinced, however, here are some compelling facts to substantiate this claim:

  • In the last two federal elections, roughly one in every four Americans cast a mail-in ballot. Most politicians, on both sides of the aisle, regularly vote by mail.
  • Despite the staggering number of mail-in votes that have been cast – more than 250 million since the year 2000 – the fraud rate for voting by mail has remained at essentially zero, barely registering at 0.0000001 percent.
  • Every state in America currently offers accommodations to voters who cannot make it to the polls, by allowing some, if not all, to vote by mail. Never before has this type of accommodation been considered “controversial.”
  • Harsh penalties serve as effective deterrents for anyone seeking to commit voter fraud. At the federal level, criminal and civil penalties of up to 5 years in prison, and $10,000 in fines can be levied for each act of fraud. Penalties vary at the state level, but can be equally, if not more, severe.
  • Post-election audits are effective means of identifying irregularities or misconduct in a jurisdiction’s vote. Since audits can only be meaningfully carried out when there is a voter-verified paper record of each vote, mail-in ballots (which are paper-based), are perfectly suited for effective audits.
  • If there are concerns that an eligible voter’s mail ballot could be lost or uncounted, in-person polling sites are effective mechanisms to correct problems, provide essential services, and ensure that every eligible voter can cast a valid ballot.No system that relies on mail balloting can operate without accessible in-person voting sites, both for those who cannot or will not vote by mail, and as a fail-safe to the unexpected problems that may arise.

In these uncertain times, voting needs to be as safe, secure, and easy as possible. At Vote.org, we believe that no American should have to put their health at risk to vote. That’s why we strongly encourage election officials at the federal, state, and local levels to adopt policy changes that would allow any voter to safely cast a ballot this November by expanding everyone and anyone’s opportunity to vote by mail.Want to learn more about Vote.org’s work and how you can get involved? Visit CREDOMobile.com/votingrights to learn more, watch some great videos about your voting rights, and even have the chance to win prizes. Then cast your vote for Vote.org and our two other voting rights grantees this month at CREDODonations.com.

AT&T Supports Right-Wing Causes. Here are 10 Reasons to Drop Them Right Now

For years, AT&T has cozied up to Republican lawmakers, curried favor with Donald Trump and his administration, and donated millions to right-wing politicians and causes. And now it seems AT&T still can’t keep their hands out of the Republican cookie jar.

New reporting from Judd Legum at Popular Information found that while AT&T publicly claims it supports Black Lives Matter, the company has quietly funded the campaign of Republican Sen. Kelly Loeffler of Georgia, who adamantly opposes the Black Lives Matter movement, calling it violent, destructive and anti-Semitic. It probably also goes without saying that Loeffler is staunchly pro-life, pro-gun and anti-LGBTQ, but that didn’t seem to deter AT&T’s donation to her campaign.

It’s not surprising that AT&T would jump on the public relations bandwagon to boost its image during nationwide protests for Black lives, while continuing to privately support Republican politicians who oppose racial justice.

Here are 9 other reasons you should drop AT&T if you don’t want your mobile bill supporting right-wing causes.

AT&T supports the campaign of Ted Yoho, who called AOC a “f*cking b*tch”

Last month, Republican Rep. Ted Yoho accosted progressive Congresswoman Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez on the steps of the U.S. Capitol, calling her disgusting and a “f*cking b*itch” while wagging his finger and denigrating her in public, first reported by The Hill newspaper, then additionally by CNN

AT&T has donated $20,000 to Ted Yoho’s campaign.

While Yoho offered a non-apology, ridiculously claiming “I cannot apologize for my passion,” AOC countered with an incredible speech on the House floor, condemning Yoho and the pervasive sexism women are forced to endure. You can watch it here:

AT&T donated $2 million to Donald Trump’s inaugural committee

Donald Trump’s 2017 inaugural committee raised a lot of money. A record-setting $107 million, in fact. The more than $2 million that AT&T funnelled to Trump stood above the pack: AT&T was the largest corporate donor to the inauguration, and second only to notorious right-wing funder Sheldon Adelson. 

In late 2018, it was reported that federal prosecutors were investigating the sources of Trump’s inauguration slush fund to determine if any donors illegally “[gave] money in exchange for political favors.” At the time, AT&T had been seeking approval for a $85.4 billion acquisition of Time Warner. 

AT&T donated $2.7 million to 193 anti-LGBTQ politicians

AT&T can rainbow-stripe its logo for Pride Month, wave the rainbow flag and claim it supports the LGBTQ community, but none of those things can make up for the fact that AT&T is directly funding politicians who are fighting against equality and LGBTQ rights.

While AT&T has long touted its inclusive employee policies and support of LGBTQ causes, in 2017 and 2018, AT&T donated a total of $2.755 million to 193 anti-LGBTQ politicians

AT&T is making millions from Trump’s racist deportation agenda

As Donald Trump ramps up his attacks on immigrant communities, corporate America is cashing in. Well-known consumer brands are profiting from lucrative contracts with Customs and Border Protection, the agency dehumanizing immigrants, jailing children in cages without basic needs and tearing families apart.

AT&T made more than $1.8 million from CBP’s deportation agenda, including $1.3 million since Donald Trump took office.

AT&T fired workers after raking in billions from Trump’s tax scam

In 2017, AT&T promised it would invest $1 billion in telecom infrastructure and create “7,000 good jobs for the middle class” if Congress passed Trump’s tax scam and slashed tax rates for corporate America. 

Instead, AT&T laid off 23,000 workers, cut capital spending and pocketed $3 billion in a massive tax windfall. Their CEO even took home $29 million in total compensation as his employees received pink slips.

AT&T helped re-elect white supremacist Congressman Steve King

Congressman Steve King is a racist and white supremacist. He publicly courts favor with right-wing extremists, believes immigrants are “undermining our culture” and keeps a confederate flag on his desk.

Yet, AT&T has been one of Steve King’s largest corporate donors. Over his long, racist career, King received more than $60,000 from AT&T, including $10,000 – the legal maximum limit – for his 2018 re-election campaign.

AT&T donated nearly $200,000 to anti-abortion politicians

According to the company’s career website, AT&T claims that it wants to “make sure women at AT&T feel supported in everything they do.” 

Yet, as right-wing lawmakers across the country continue to enact some of the most restrictive laws on reproductive rights, AT&T has donated almost $200,000 to politicians in states leading the fight to ban abortions and restrict women’s rights.

AT&T paid Michael Cohen, Donald Trump’s fixer, $600,000

In 2017 and 2018, AT&T paid $600,000 to Trump’s convicted lawyer and fixer Michael Cohen to “advise” on various matters in the telecommunications industry – even though Cohen is not an expert in the field. 

The timing of the payments to Cohen through a shady shell corporation raises serious questions about AT&T’s intentions to influence the Trump administration. Not only was AT&T’s proposed mega-merger with Time Warner pending before the Department of Justice, but AT&T also made payments to Cohen just as Trump’s hand-picked FCC chairman Ajit Pai pushed through the repeal of net neutrality regulations despite massive public outcry.

AT&T is one of the NSA’s “most trusted partners”

We’ve known for a while that AT&T was working hand-in-hand with the NSA to spy on Americans’ internet traffic. But an investigative report by the Intercept revealed eight cities where AT&T hosts “wiretap rooms” for the NSA to skim data as it passes through their networking equipment.

The Intercept report confirms what we already knew: the NSA “considers AT&T to be one of its most trusted partners and has lauded the company’s ‘extreme willingness to help.’”

Unlike AT&T, we will never compromise our progressive values for profit. We will never align ourselves with right-wing hate. We will never fund white supremacy. We’re not spending millions to influence Republican lawmakers or making massive donations to Donald Trump.

In contrast, we’re helping to fund the progressive movement through our philanthropy powered by our members who use our products and services every day. We donate nearly $2 million each year to groups like Color of Change, the ACLU, Doctors without Borders and 350.org who are fighting for Black lives and civil rights, peace, climate justice and more.

If you’re not already a CREDO member and would like to switch to the mobile company that shares your values and donates to progressive groups every month, please check out CREDO Mobile here.


Four things you can do to support Black Voters everywhere

Black Voters Matter works to increase power in our communities because effective voting allows a community to determine its own destiny. We are working tirelessly to increase voter registration and turnout and advocate for policies to expand voting rights/access, including expanded early voting, resisting voter ID, re-entry restoration of rights and strengthening the Voting Rights Act.

During this unprecedented time, we as Americans are all responsible for ensuring that Black Voters everywhere exercise power in their communities. BVM has listed a few ways below you can support Black Voters:

Make sure you’re registered to vote

 If you are not registered to vote, please do so immediately. You can register online for your individual state here.

Also, make sure to confirm you are still registered. Many states, cites, and counties have purged voter rolls in attempt to suppress your vote. You can verify if your registration is still valid here.

Learn your state’s procedures for Absentee Ballots and Mail in Voting

Be prepared to exercise your right to vote and limit your exposure to COVID during this election season. You can go to https://www.usa.gov/absentee-voting to learn the rules for your individual state.

Respond to the 2020 Census now

The census deadline has been extended, and you can still complete the 2020 census online, by phone, or by mail. It is now more imperative than ever to make sure that every citizen is counted, as the resources allocated by the Census count can be distributed to the lower income communities that will be disproportionately affected by COVID-19 and by police reform. You can go to the US Census website to find out more on how to complete it.


Now more than ever, we need your help in this fight to ensure that Black Voters Matter everywhere. Sign up to be BVM texter, and you can help us send out text messages to encourage people to participate in elections. You can also volunteer helping our partner organizations register people to vote, and other volunteer activities depending on your state and where you live.

BVM is committed to ensuring that our goal of increasing power in marginalized, predominantly Black communities carries on, despite the health crisis and voter suppression we are all facing. We know that collectively we can all get through this together! If you would like to learn more about our updated efforts, please visit https://blackvotersmatterfund.org/. Thank you for your support of Black Voters Matter!

Our July grantees thank you for your support

Each month, CREDO members vote on how we distribute funding to three incredible nonprofits. Those small actions add up – with one click, you can help fund groups working to end hunger, to help survivors of domestic violence, and to fight for climate justice. In July, over 30,000 CREDO members voted to distribute our monthly donation to Feeding America, the National Domestic Violence Hotline and Sunrise Movement.

These donations are made possible by CREDO customers and the revenue they generate by using our services. The distribution depends entirely on the votes of CREDO members like you. And for that, our July grant recipients thank you.

Feeding America

“Hunger is an issue that impacts every community in our country. We are tremendously grateful to CREDO and its members for their support and for helping to fight hunger during a time of increased need. ” – Daniel Nisbet, Vice President of Development, Feeding America

To learn more, visit www.feedingamerica.org.


National Domestic Violence Hotline

“Thank you for your incredible support! CREDO members like you help make it possible for The Hotline to fulfill our mission and provide crisis intervention, prevention and education free of charge 24/7 to people throughout the US and its territories.” – Katie Ray-Jones, CEO, National Domestic Violence Hotline

To learn more, visit https://www.thehotline.org/.


Sunrise Movement

“Thank you for your support of our movement to win the Green New Deal. It’s because of you that in less than three years, our movement has grown to more ten thousand volunteers in 350 local hubs in all fifty states plus DC and Puerto Rico.” – Varshini Prakash, Executive Director, Sunrise Movement

To learn more, visit sunrisemovement.org/donate.

Now check out the three groups we are funding in August, and cast your vote to help distribute our donations.

CREDO members who use our products are the reason why we are able to make these donations each month. Learn more about CREDO Mobile, the carrier with a conscience.

Don’t fall for AT&T’s shady upgrade tactics

Last week, AT&T sent out an email to its customers with a pretty scary headline: “UPDATE NEEDED.” 

The email went on to explain that the customer’s phone “is not compatible with the new network and you need to replace it to continue receiving service,” and rather conveniently included a way to purchase a new phone online.

Here’s the problem: The email was completely misleading. According to recent reports, AT&T won’t make the network switch until February 2022 — almost two full years from now. Yet, AT&T insinuated that its customers — some who purchased a phone just last year — needed to upgrade immediately lest they lose service.

To say we’re disappointed is an understatement. As a mobile provider that was founded on doing good, we pride ourselves on treating our customers with respect, by providing top notch products, protecting customer privacy, a mission of philanthropy to progressive causes, and great service on the nation’s best network.

Honestly, we’re not surprised by AT&T’s shady tactics. The company has a long history of corporate greed and supporting Republican politicians and right-wing interests. They’ve donated millions to Donald Trump and anti-LGBTQ candidates and have worked hand-in-hand to help the NSA spy on Americans’ internet traffic. Here are 8 reasons to drop AT&T right now.

We’re here to tell you that we’ll never resort to shady and misleading sales tactics — or supporting right-wing causes. Our customers choose us because they trust us as a company and because we share their values. We donate nearly $2 million each year to progressive causes fighting for civil rights, reproductive freedom, climate justice and more — and every month, we include our members in the donations process to help us decide how to distribute our funding. We don’t know any other mobile carrier that can say that.

If you’re still with AT&T (or any other carrier for that matter), consider making the switch to CREDO. You can bring your own device with you and choose between Visa Prepaid Card rewards or data savings each month, it’s up to you! Just give our friendly advocates a call at 1-866-996-4341. If you’re already a CREDO customer, help your friends ditch AT&T and join CREDO, and get a $100 bill credit on us for each friend you refer that joins!

Six great books to add to your summer reading list

If you’re like us, you’re spending a lot more time at home this summer. While that’s been a drag on our summer barbecues, trips to the beach and vacation plans, it does mean we have more time to catch up on some great books we’ve missed.

We reached out to a few of our grantee partners to help us compile a great summer reading list just for our members. Here are six great book recommendations ranging from topics like women’s rights, voting rights, climate change, economic justice and more from Doctors Without Borders/Médecins Sans Frontières, Black Alliance for Just Immigration, Sunrise Movement, Women’s March, Economic Policy Institute and Free Speech for People.

Fumbling Toward Repair: A Workbook for Community Accountability Facilitators

by Mariame Kaba and Shira Hassan 

Recommended by Nana Gyamfi, Executive Director, Black Alliance for Just Immigration:

“Building a world without cops and cages is going to require more than desire and vision – it’s going to require us to learn new ways of understanding and addressing interpersonal and community harm that are accessible to the people most impacted by violence in our society. This workbook lights and guides the way for those of us working for abolition in our lifetime.”

Assata: An Autobiography 

by Assata Shakur

Recommended by Tabitha St. Bernard-Jacobs, Director of Community Engagement, Women’s March:

“Assata’s story is one of injustice and pain but also one of inner liberation, of love and of laying it all on the line for the pursuit of that dream of liberation. It lays bare the failings of systems designed to marginalize and harm Black people and how community is sometimes all we have.”

Jane Eyre 

by Charlotte Bronte

Recommended by Thea M. Lee, President, Economic Policy Institute:

“I decided to go with Jane Eyre, by Charlotte Bronte, as it is a book I have loved and reread many times. As a young girl reading Jane Eyre, I was struck by the central character’s fierce independence, integrity and assertion of her humanity and inherent rights – despite her poverty, orphanhood, and lack of conventional beauty.”

Winning the Green New Deal: Why We Must, How We Can

By Varshini Prakash and Guido Girgenti

Recommended by Varshini Prakash, Executive Director, Sunrise Movement:

From the publisher: “An urgent and definitive collection of essays from leaders and experts championing the Green New Deal—and a detailed playbook for how we can win it—including contributions by leading activists and progressive writers like Varshini Prakash, Rhiana Gunn-Wright, Bill McKibben, Rev William Barber II, and more.”

The Undocumented Americans 

by Karla Cornejo Villavicencio

Recommended by John C. Bonifaz, President, Free Speech For People

“The march for justice, equality, and human dignity for all must include undocumented Americans.  In this powerful book, Karla Cornejo Villavicencio gives voice to what it means to be undocumented in America today.  And, she challenges us all to see the undocumented for who they are: human beings, whose stories, whose hopes and whose dreams must be heard.” 

Life on the Ground Floor: Letters from the Edge of Emergency Medicine

By James Maskalyk, MD. 

Recommended by Avril Benoît, Executive Director of Doctors Without Borders/Médecins Sans Frontières in the United States (MSF-USA):

“From the inside of an ER, this MD and writer who first came to my attention because he was a gifted blogger while on assignment with Doctors Without Borders, takes us on a journey into the viscera of bodies and souls under stress. If medical textbooks were written with such literary skill, we’d all want to be doctors.”

Sunrise Movement pressures the media to cover climate change (thanks in part to CREDO members!)

Last year, thanks to the support from tens of thousands of CREDO members voting to donate to Sunrise Movement, our country experienced a sea change in how the news reports on the climate crisis.

In all of 2019, the mainstream media spent 4 hours total covering climate change, despite historic floods and fires. That changed after Sunrise launched our #Climate Debate campaign, calling for the Democratic candidates for president to spend significant time discussing their solutions to the crisis. Our movement led a 3 day sit-in of dozens of young people blockading the DNC headquarters calling for an end to this media blackout.

Our actions resulted in multiple climate panels and forums on cable news devoted to climate action and the presidential primary. The highest profile of these, CNN’s Climate Crisis Town Hall, resulted in 7 hours of sustained coverage of climate change in the news. We couldn’t have done it without CREDO’s help.

While we started out in 2017 with a dozen members, Sunrise Movement has grown into one of the largest youth-led organizations in the country, with more than 350 volunteer-driven hubs in all fifty states, Washington DC, and Puerto Rico. We lead the struggle to make climate change an urgent political priority across America, end the corrupting influence of fossil fuel executives on our politics, and elect leaders who stand up for the health and wellbeing of all people. Sunrise fights for good jobs and a livable future through bold, equitable, federal climate action in the form of the Green New Deal.

We now face a pivotal moment in our country’s history. The 2020 elections will have global ramifications, representing our last best chance to prevent irreversible damage to our homes by finally introducing comprehensive legislation to halt the climate crisis while building a more just and equitable society. Thanks in part to our movement, Joe Biden recently announced a major shift in his climate platform, adopting the just frameworks that we’ve been fighting for. We pushed him to embrace a more aggressive timeline for a 100% clean electricity transition, now at 2035 instead of 2050. That’s the power of our movement. But we know we can’t stop now.

We need your help. To support Green New Deal champions across the country, our movement has made over 1.6 million calls across the country in just a few months, driving progressive candidates to victory in both red and blue districts. Ahead of the November general election, we are continuing this push to ensure that the Green New Deal becomes flagship policy. Learn more about the fight and sign up to join us here: https://www.sunrisemovement.org/join.

Be sure to check out this month’s grantees and consider casting your vote for Sunrise here: https://www.credodonations.com/