Posted on December 18, 2020
How CREDO Grantee Free Speech For People is Defending Democracy
In 2020, our democracy was tested like never before. This crisis laid bare the critical and urgent need we now face to repair, rebuild, and improve our democratic processes. Free Speech For People is ready to lead the fight. With our bold, singular, and innovative actions in the courts and in legislatures across the country, we work every day to ensure all people have an equal voice and an equal vote in our democracy.
Free Speech For People is marking this year ten years of fighting for our democracy. Since our founding on the day of the Supreme Court decision in Citizens United v. FEC, we have won critical victories to get big money out of politics, challenge corruption at the highest levels of government, fight for free and fair elections, and advance new laws grounded in the promises of political equality for all. We are proud to share with you this summary of a few of our key victories from 2020.
Enabled 35,000 New Voters to Register to Vote in Arizona for the November Election
We filed a federal lawsuit to extend the voter registration deadline in Arizona, due to decreased voter registration activity as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic. We won our lawsuit to extend the deadline, allowing time for an additional 35,000 new voters to register to vote in Arizona for the general election.
Protected Voters in Minnesota from Illegal Threats of Voter Intimidation
We filed a federal lawsuit against a private mercenary contractor which planned to hire and deploy armed ex-soldiers to polling sites in Minnesota. We won our lawsuit under the Voting Rights Act, prohibiting the company from moving forward with their illegal voter intimidation plans in the state.
Prompted Censure of Largest Electronic Voting Machine Vendor in Nation
We co-issued a letter to the US Election Assistance Commission detailing false claims made by Election Systems & Software regarding the federal certification of an electronic voting machine with an insecure wireless modem. The EAC agreed with our findings and censured ES&S.
Launched Actions Across the Country to Protect the Health and Safety of Voters
Following the onset of COVID-19, we launched new litigation across the country to protect the health and safety of voters casting a ballot in person, and we published a safe-voting guide, with infectious disease expert and FSFP Board member Joia Mukherjee and former Minnesota Secretary of State Mark Ritchie.
In January 2020, the Seattle City Council unanimously passed our bill to end spending by foreign-influenced corporations in Seattle elections, in a major victory for Seattle voters and for defending the integrity of local elections. This victory followed the unprecedented attempts by Amazon and other companies to influence the outcome of the fall 2019 Seattle City Council elections. We were proud to work with Seattle City Council President Lorena González in drafting this legislation and we share in this victory with our campaign partners, Fix Democracy First and the Seattle area chapter of the League of Women Voters.
In June 2020, we filed a petition for review before the U.S. Supreme Court in our case to abolish super PACs. In March 2010, the decision in the case of v. FEC, unleashed super PACs into our political process. Big money forces have used super PACs to influence elections; overwhelm the voices of everyday people; and defeat public interest laws. While the Supreme Court decided in November 2020 not to review this case, we continue to pursue other efforts to revisit the ruling in Speechnow, including advancing our model law in new jurisdictions across the country to end super PAC spending in local elections.
We co-launched a campaign calling for the impeachment of Donald Trump for his repeated abuses of power and for his defiance of the Constitution and the rule of law. Following his impeachment in December 2019, we continued to call on Congress to hold the President accountable to the law. We launched a legal challenge to the unconstitutional presidential pardon of Sheriff Joe Arpaio after his conviction for racial profiling and civil rights violations. Following a series of legal actions, in March 2020, a court determined that Arpaio’s conviction could not be vacated. In June 2020, we filed a Freedom of Information Act request regarding armed personnel at racial justice protests falsely claiming to be law enforcement. This action followed the release of our statement in support of the movement to demand justice and equality for all.
Our democracy may have been tested this year, but Free Speech For People has risen to the occasion and we will continue the fight to defend our democracy and our Constitution in the year ahead and beyond. To read more about our work, please visit,
This month, Free Speech For People joins the Center for Economic and Policy Research and Green America on our December donations ballot to share a portion of our monthly grant. Please visit to vote for one, two or all three organizations to help us determine how to distribute these donations among these amazing groups.
Posted on December 15, 2020
11 Reasons to Say Goodbye to Trump and AT&T at the Same Time
In a few short weeks, we can all breathe a big sigh of relief. America’s collective nightmare — Donald Trump’s hateful and incompetent administration — will finally be over.
But Trump’s legacy will surely leave lasting scars on our progressive values and democractic institutions, and his corporate backers are to blame for much of the damage that he and the Republican Party have caused.
Top of Trump’s corporate enabler list: AT&T. Publicly, AT&T claims to support social progress, including Black Lives Matter and LGBTQ rights, but then turns around and quietly funds extreme conservatives who adamantly oppose those values. Over the last four-plus years, AT&T has donated millions to Trump and some of the worst in the Republican party and profited from Trump’s dangerous agenda.
As we say farewell to 2020, it’s time for a reminder about the role AT&T played in undermining our progressive values during the Trump era. Here are 11 reasons to say #ByeDon and so long to AT&T together, once and for all.
AT&T Donated More Than $1.1 Million to Republicans in the 2020 Election
In the 2020 election alone, AT&T’s political action committee donated more than $1.1 million to the Republican party and its candidates. Not only did AT&T directly support the reelection of individual right-wing Republican candidates in 2020, it gave hundreds of thousands to party committees that worked specifically to reelect Trump, flip the House to Republican control and support right-wing Senators.
Who are some of those Republicans that AT&T’s money supported? 126 House Republicans — 60 percent of the party in that chamber, including leaders — who signed on to support Trump’s baseless lawsuit to throw out millions of legal votes in the 2020 Presidential election in a brazen attempt to undermine our Constitution and subvert our democracy. Luckily, their desperate lawsuit failed.
AT&T Donated $2 Million to Donald Trump’s Inauguration
Donald Trump’s 2017 inaugural committee raised a lot of money. A record-setting $107 million, in fact. The more than $2 million that AT&T funnelled to Trump stood above the pack: AT&T was the largest corporate donor to the inauguration, and second only to notorious right-wing funder Sheldon Adelson.
In late 2018, it was reported that federal prosecutors were investigating the sources of Trump’s inauguration slush fund to determine if any donors illegally “[gave] money in exchange for political favors.” At the time, AT&T had been seeking approval for a $85.4 billion acquisition of Time Warner.
AT&T Donated $2.7 Million to 193 Anti-LGBTQ Politicians
AT&T can rainbow-stripe its logo for Pride Month, wave the rainbow flag and claim it supports the LGBTQ community, but none of those things can make up for the fact that AT&T is directly funding politicians who are fighting against equality and LGBTQ rights.
While AT&T has long touted its inclusive employee policies and support of LGBTQ causes AT&T donated a total of $2,755,000 to 193 anti-LGBTQ politicians in 2017 and 2018.
AT&T Donated Nearly $200,000 to Anti-Abortion Politicians
According to the company’s career website, AT&T claims that it wants to “make sure women at AT&T feel supported in everything they do.”
Yet, as right-wing lawmakers across the country continue to enact some of the most restrictive laws on reproductive rights, AT&T donated almost $200,000 to politicians in states leading the fight to ban abortions and restrict women’s rights.
AT&T Claims to Support Black Lives Matter, Quietly Funds Anti-BLM Senator who Posed with Former KKK Leader
In the wake of the murder of George Floyd and nationwide protests calling for racial justice and police reform, many corporations including AT&T jumped on the public relations bandwagon to publicly support the Black Lives Matter movement.
But reporting about the company’s donations at the time revealed just the opposite. Judd Legum at Popular Information found that while AT&T publicly claimed it supported Black Lives Matter, the company had quietly funded the campaign of Republican Sen. Kelly Loeffler of Georgia, who adamantly opposes the Black Lives Matter movement, calling it violent, destructive and anti-Semitic. Now new reporting has revealed that Loeffler, who is currently in a heated runoff election in Georgia, recently posed for a picture with the former head of the KKK.
AT&T Paid Michael Cohen, Donald Trump’s Fixer, $600,000
In 2017 and 2018, AT&T paid $600,000 to Trump’s convicted lawyer and fixer Michael Cohen to “advise” on various matters in the telecommunications industry – even though Cohen is not an expert in the field.
The timing of the payments to Cohen through a shady shell corporation raises serious questions about AT&T’s intentions to influence the Trump administration. Not only was AT&T’s proposed mega-merger with Time Warner pending before the Department of Justice, but AT&T also made payments to Cohen just as Trump’s hand-picked FCC chairman Ajit Pai pushed through the repeal of net neutrality regulations despite massive public outcry.
AT&T Supported the Campaign of Ted Yoho, who Called AOC a “f*cking b*tch”
This July, Republican Rep. Ted Yoho accosted progressive Congresswoman Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez on the steps of the U.S. Capitol, calling her disgusting and a “f*cking b*itch” while wagging his finger and denigrating her in public. AT&T has donated $20,000 to Ted Yoho’s campaign.
While Yoho offered a non-apology, ridiculously claiming “I cannot apologize for my passion,” AOC countered with an incredible speech on the House floor, condemning Yoho and the pervasive sexism women are forced to endure. You can watch it here:
AT&T Made Millions from Trump’s Racist Deportation Agenda
As Donald Trump ramped up his attacks on immigrant communities, corporate America, including AT&T, cashed in. Well-known consumer brands profited from lucrative contracts with Customs and Border Protection, the agency dehumanizing immigrants, jailing children in cages without basic needs and tearing families apart.
AT&T made more than $1.8 million from CBP’s deportation agenda, including $1.3 million since Donald Trump took office.
AT&T Fired Workers after Raking in Billions from Trump’s Tax Scam
In 2017, AT&T promised it would invest $1 billion in telecom infrastructure and create “7,000 good jobs for the middle class” if Congress passed Trump’s tax scam and slashed tax rates for corporate America.
Instead, AT&T laid off 23,000 workers, cut capital spending and pocketed $3 billion in a massive tax windfall. Their CEO even took home $29 million in total compensation as his employees received pink slips.
AT&T Helped Re-Elect White Supremacist Rep. Steve King
Soon-to-be former Rep. Steve King is a racist and white supremacist. He publicly courts favor with right-wing extremists, believes immigrants are “undermining our culture” and keeps a confederate flag on his desk.
Yet, AT&T has been one of Steve King’s largest corporate donors. Over his long, racist career, King received more than $60,000 from AT&T, including $10,000 – the legal maximum limit – for his 2018 re-election campaign.
AT&T is One of the NSA’s “Most Trusted Partners”
We’ve known for a while that AT&T was working hand-in-hand with the NSA to spy on Americans’ internet traffic. But an investigative report by the Intercept revealed eight cities where AT&T hosts “wiretap rooms” for the NSA to skim data as it passes through their networking equipment.
The Intercept report confirms what we already knew: the NSA “considers AT&T to be one of its most trusted partners and has lauded the company’s ‘extreme willingness to help.’”
If you or your friends haven’t made the switch to CREDO, ask yourself: Do you want your money supporting this?
Unlike AT&T, we at CREDO will never, ever align ourselves with right-wing hate, Republican candidates or conservative causes. CREDO members can rest assured that we will never compromise our progressive values for profit.
In contrast, our company was founded on the mission to fund the progressive movement through our philanthropy, which is powered by our members who use our products and services every day. We donate nearly $2 million each year to groups like Color of Change, the ACLU, Doctors without Borders, Planned Parenthood and who are fighting for Black lives and civil rights, peace, climate justice, LGBTQ rights, reproductive freedom and more.
If you’re not already a CREDO member and would like to switch to the mobile company that shares your values and donates to progressive nonprofits every month, please check out CREDO Mobile here. If you’re already a CREDO Mobile customer, get rewarded with a $100 bill credit for each friend you refer to CREDO. Get $500 for referring 5 friends, it’s that easy! Get started here.
Posted on December 10, 2020
How to get involved in the Georgia runoff elections
Right now, all eyes are on Georgia.
That’s because the outcome of the upcoming Jan. 5 runoff elections will determine control of the U.S. Senate, with hopes of meaningful action on climate, voting rights, equality, reproductive freedom and racial justice hanging in the balance.
Here’s the problem: Runoff elections in Georgia have historically favored Republicans. But the incredible work this November by all the amazing groups in Georgia, including CREDO grantees Fair Fight, Vote Forward,, the ACLU and others, proved that organizing, fighting voter suppression and turning out young voters and voters of color were big keys to flipping the state.
And that’s where your help again could make a big difference. We’ve put together a quick guide on how you can get involved in the Georgia runoff election, no matter where you are.
Volunteer with Fair Fight
CREDO grantee Fair Fight, the organization founded by progressive voting rights activist and former Georgia gubernatorial candidate Stacey Abrams, helped register 800,000 voters in Georgia and played a major role in flipping the state in November.
Now, with the focus on Georgia again, Fair Fight is mobilizing voters for the January runoffs — and they’re looking for volunteers to call and text voters in the state to make sure they have the information they need to make a plan to vote either by mail or in person.
To get started, you’ll need to attend one of the many Zoom training sessions being held over the next few weeks. Sign up to attend a training and start volunteering with Fair Fight here.
Help turnout young voters with Sunrise Movement
Young people in Georgia voted in record numbers in November, and our allies at Sunrise Movement are working hard to replicate that turnout with younger voters this January. Whether you’re new to phonebanking or a seasoned activist, you can join one of their phonebanks on Tuesdays and Wednesdays from 6 – 8pm EST to contact young Georgia voters and ensure they vote in the upcoming election.
Sign up here to help turnout young voters with Sunrise Movement.
Mobilize Latinx voters with Mijente
November election exit polls in Georgia found that Latinx voters overwhelmingly rejected Trump and Republican Senate candidates, so their voices and votes will be critical to the outcome in the January runoffs.
CREDO grantee Mijente is working to turnout Mexican, Cuban, Puerto Rican and other Latinx voters across Georgia, so if you speak Spanish (although not required), you can help the organization with its mobilization efforts ahead of Election Day.
Learn more and sign up to help mobilize Latinx voters with Mijente.
Turnout Black voters with the NAACP
The NAACP doesn’t mince words on its civic engagement website: “Black voters in Georgia will decide the future of America” and “Black voters in Georgia are the most powerful voters in America right now.”
The NAACP is recruiting volunteers from out-of-state and within Georgia to boost Black voter turnout. Sign up to help with their text and phonebanks, join their poll watching efforts or provide legal protection for voters, if you’re qualified.
Apply to become an ACLU Poll Worker
If you live in Georgia, you may be able to apply to become a poll worker in your county through the ACLU of Georgia. While the organization is currently recruiting previous poll workers who participated in the recent election, you still have the opportunity to apply through the ACLU’s website.
Learn more about becoming a poll worker and how to apply here.
Georgia Voter Resources from
If you vote in Georgia, our friends and grantee partners at have all the information, rules and deadlines you need to request your ballot, vote early or in person, track your ballot, provisional ballots, and what to do if your ballot is rejected.
Posted on December 8, 2020
How the Center for Economic and Policy Research is Fighting for an Economy that Works for Everyone
The Center for Economic and Policy Research uncovers the stealth causes of economic inequality that often elude policymakers and other researchers. We look at the causes and effects of inequality: how working people are falling farther behind on the one hand, while high-powered executives cash in on the other. CEPR shines a light on the ways in which the system is rigged and offers policy solutions that reverse the trend of growing inequality.
Through our research, we have brought to light the abuses wrought by outsized corporate influence, lack of regulation and increased financialization. CEPR Co-director Eileen Appelbaum’s groundbreaking work on private equity has educated the public and policymakers about PE’s abusive practices. CEPR Senior Economist Dean Baker is an expert in other ways the rich and powerful have deliberately structured the market to redistribute income upward. He outlines how government-granted patent monopolies allow pharmaceutical companies to extract billions from everyday people when drug research could be publicly funded for a fraction of the cost. His work debunks the myth of “maximizing profits,” illustrating how corrupt corporate governance structures allow CEOs to rip off the companies they work for, causing great economic waste.
This power grab by corporate elites and their enablers has created an economy that is unequal and unjust, with low wage workers, women and people of color paying the price. CEPR analyzes the data and provides research that documents the devastating effects of an unequal economy on real peoples’ lives.Our Project on Work, Poverty and Inequality examines the United States’ outdated social safety net and sheds light on how more Americans than ever are falling through the cracks. The project includes reports, public comment, and other pieces calling for improvements in how the country measures and addresses economic security, with a particular focus on families. This work reflects “Progressive Family Values”, a change in the way we discuss poverty and the safety net.Our series of reports on unionization document how unions have historically improved the lives of workers across race, ethnicity and gender lines. Unions have protected workers of color most of all, but unionization is shrinking everywhere except the public sector. Unfortunately, public sector workers are increasingly under attack and Black public sector workers are paying the highest price.
The Covid 19 pandemic has lifted the veil on the many challenges faced by frontline workers, those “essential” workers who have been the real heroes of the pandemic. As we noted in our series of reports, these Americans “have been “essential” and under-supported for much longer than their time in the spotlight. Our work documented that women workers and Black workers are overrepresented in these industries.
But we don’t just write about the problems, we provide innovative policy solutions. CEPR Senior Fellow Shawn Fremstad is a widely-recognized proponent of new public measures of poverty and economic insecurity that better reflect differences in wealth, debt and hardships between various groups. Some of our bold ideas include fundamentally rethinking our economic security system for workers and working-age people.Other policies that were once considered outside the mainstream are now widely supported. Dean Baker’s work on publicly funded drug trials as a means to address soaring prescription drug costs is a perfect example that is particularly relevant today. Other policy prescriptions include work sharing, which in the time of Covid would allow workers to maintain their ties to their employer and hold onto their benefits. CEPR has also pushed to have states adopt state-run retirement plans to offer a universal low-cost alternative to private 401(k)s.
Just as importantly, we work with numerous stakeholders to ensure that our policy solutions are enacted. CEPR educates policymakers at the national, state and local levels. We provide advocates with the data-driven research they need to successfully pursue social change. Our partnerships with grassroots groups have resulted in real victories. Eileen Appelbaum’s unique research showing that paid leave programs are not “bad for business” has been crucial in the fight for paid leave. And we were a founder of the Fed Up coalition, which has successfully changed the way in which the Fed operates so that it better serves the people.
Since its inception CEPR has been at the forefront of research on the policy debates of “tomorrow”, from the housing bubble and paid family leave to Private Equity and the Fed Up campaign. Our work is more crucial than ever as the world grapples with how to address the economic devastation caused by the Covid 19 pandemic and the insidious effects of systemic racism. CEPR remains committed to looking at economic issues through a social and racial equity lens and will continue to call out the root causes of inequality and push for an economic recovery that works for everyone.
This month, the Center for Economic and Policy Research joins Free Speech For People and Green America on our December donations ballot to share a portion of our monthly grant. Please visit to vote for one, two or all three organizations to help us determine how to distribute these donations among these amazing groups.
Posted on December 3, 2020
6 Great Holiday Gift Ideas From CREDO Grantees
Are you wondering what you should get for your progressive loved ones this holiday season?
We have some good news for you! We’ve curated some of our favorite gift ideas from current and past CREDO grantees to make shopping a little bit easier this year. Whether it’s supporting civil rights, climate justice or equality, our progressive grantees have some great holiday gifts that you can purchase safely from the comfort of your home.
Sunrise Movement
Sunrise Movement is building an army of young people from the plains to the mountains to the coasts to win the Green New Deal and center racial and economic justice in the fight against the climate crisis. Since 2019, CREDO members have helped us donate over $100,000 to help Sunrise Movement fight for climate justice.
At Sunrise Movement’s online store, you can stock up before the holidays on branded winter wear, like this beanie made by Collection, a network of environmentally sustainable and worker-owned cooperatives in Western North Carolina, or a cool 3-ply, union-printed face mask with “Green New Deal” stamped on the front. You can also purchase stickers, posters, water bottles and other accessories with the organization’s famous logo.
Shop Sunrise Movement’s store here.
American Civil Liberties Union
Whether it’s winning full equality for LGBTQ people, fighting for immigrants, ending mass incarceration, or preserving abortion or voting rights, the ACLU is on the frontlines defending all people from government abuse and overreach. Since 1988, CREDO members have helped us donate $1.5 million to the ACLU.
This year, the ACLU is offering a wide range of gifts to support their work, from t-shirts featuring slogans like “trans people belong” and “No body is illegal” to their popular “Know your rights” handbook in print form and a stress ball in the shape of the Constitution (currently out of stock, but restocking soon).
Check out their staff picks, or browse the entire ACLU store.
Planned Parenthood
Planned Parenthood was founded over 100 years ago on the idea that women have the right to access the information and care they need to live healthy lives. Today, the Planned Parenthood Action Fund fights to protect that right — no matter what. Since 1986, CREDO has donated over $3.5 million to Planned Parenthood and its affiliates, and we’re proud to be among the organization’s largest corporate donors.
At the Planned Parenthood marketplace, you can find apparel with the now-iconic “I Stand with Planned Parenthood” logo or a t-shirt featuring the phrase “Stand with Black Women” designed by Black woman entrepreneur and owner of District of Clothing, Dionna Dorsey. There, you can also find a wide range of bags, hats, drinkware, stationary, and health care brochures to purchase.
Visit Planned Parenthood’s marketplace to support their important work.
She the People
She the People elevates the voice and power of women of color as leaders, strategists, organizers and voters. The organization is building an inclusive, multiracial coalition to realize the promise of American democracy. CREDO has donated $36,465 to help She the People keep women of color in the news and strengthen their organizing and progressive issues in the center of national media, and support gatherings of women of color in swing states.
She the People’s online store is also small, but mighty. In addition to apparel including phrases like “Love. Justice. Belonging. Democracy.” and “We are the women making the dreams of our ancestors a reality,” the store features gorgeous prints by Kayla Jones, an incredibly talented queer, Black graphic designer, art director and activist.
Visit She the People’s online store here.
Black Voters Matter
Black Voters Matter believes that effective voting allows a community to determine its own destiny. Towards this end, Black Voters Matter works to strengthen and expand civic engagement in Black communities. It is a power building organization that believes that voting and electoral organizing is one way to build power. This August, CREDO members helped us donate $81,040 to the organization, which helped them in part to reach 15 million Black voters during the election.
Black Voters Matter’s online store is small, but powerful. It features only two articles of clothing for sale — a hoodie and a t-shirt with the organization’s signature phrase “Black Voters Matter” on the front and the words “It’s About Us” on the back.
Get your Black Voters Matter apparel here.
Amnesty International
Amnesty International is a global grassroots movement and one of the world’s foremost defenders of human rights. With millions of activists worldwide, the organization works tirelessly toward fair treatment for people everywhere. Since 1986, CREDO members have helped donate more than $1.3 million to support Amnesty International’s work.
At Amnesty International’s USA store, you can find a 3-pack of washable, reusable “I <3 Human Rights” face masks, candle-to-dove mugs, t-shirts and sweatshirts adorned with the group’s logo, and a wide assortment of bags, hats and accessories featuring pride, social justice and human rights slogans.
Check out Amnesty International’s shop here.
BONUS GIFT: The iPhone 12 from CREDO Mobile
We’re excited to announce that the iPhone 12 is now available from CREDO Mobile! Now’s your chance to get 55% off the new iPhone 12, while supporting our grantees every month at no extra cost to you! If you’re not already a customer but would like to join, click here to get started. If you’re a current customer looking for a special iPhone 12 add-a-line deal, click here!
Posted on December 2, 2020
Vote for Center for Economic and Policy Research, Free Speech For People and Green America
Every month, CREDO members vote to distribute our monthly donation to three incredible progressive causes – and every vote makes a difference. This December, you can support economic justice, protecting our democracy, and climate justice by voting to fund the Center for Economic and Policy Research, Free Speech For People and Green America.
Center for Economic and Policy Research
CEPR fights for economic justice in the US and abroad, offering progressive policy solutions that protect the most vulnerable and upend inequality. CEPR’s original research centers social and racial equity to create economic power for the people.
Support from CREDO will help CEPR provide real policy solutions to address the economic devastation caused by the pandemic. Support for essential workers can’t end when the lockdown does. CEPR will continue to fight for equal opportunity for all.
Free Speech For People
Free Speech For People fights to take on big money in politics; to ensure free and fair elections; to challenge corporate abuse of the Constitution to evade public interest laws; and to advocate for amendments to the Constitution to reclaim our democracy.
Support from CREDO members will help Free Speech for People to expand its legal and legislative efforts to abolish super PACs; to end foreign-corporate money in elections; to defend the right to vote and the integrity of our elections; and to protect democracy.
Green America
Green America – a trusted national nonprofit since 1982 – mobilizes consumers, investors, business leaders, and corporations to take economic action to create a more socially just and environmentally sustainable society.
With CREDO’s support, Green America will push corporations to cut their emissions and reform labor practices, help make our food system more sustainable, and empower individuals across the country to take actions that build a better world for all.
Your vote this month will determine how we divide our monthly donation among these three progressive groups. Be sure to cast your vote to support one, two or all three by December 31.
CREDO members who use our products and services everyday are the reason we are able to make these donations each month. Learn more about CREDO Mobile and CREDO Energy and join our movement.
Posted on December 1, 2020
Our November grantees thank you for your support
Each month, CREDO members vote on how we distribute funding to three incredible nonprofits. Those small actions add up – with one click, you can help fund groups working to provide international medical relief, end homelessness, and combat the climate crisis. In November, nearly 40,000 CREDO members voted to distribute our monthly donation to Doctors Without Borders/Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF), the National Low Income Housing Coalition, and the YEARS Project.
These donations are made possible by CREDO customers and the revenue they generate by using our services. The distribution depends entirely on the votes of CREDO members like you. And for that, our November grant recipients thank you.
Doctors Without Borders/Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF)
“Thank you CREDO and its members for your support of Doctors Without Borders/Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF). Your generosity helps doctors, nurses, midwives and many others provide life-saving medical care to people in urgent need around the world.” — Avril Benoît, Executive Director
To learn more, visit
National Low Income Housing Coalition
“In these challenging times, it has never been clearer that housing is healthcare. To the CREDO board and membership: thank you for supporting NLIHC’s ongoing efforts to end homelessness and housing poverty. Together, we can achieve housing justice.” — Diane Yentel, NLIHC President & CEO
To learn more, visit
The YEARS Project
“Thank you so much for your support! CREDO members like you make it possible for The YEARS Project to combat the misinformation campaigns of well-funded climate deniers and press for climate justice before it is too late. Welcome to the fight!” — Joel Bach, Founder and Executive Producer
To learn more, visit
Now check out the three groups we are funding in December, and cast your vote to help distribute our donations.
CREDO members who use our products are the reason why we are able to make these donations each month. Learn more about CREDO Mobile, the carrier with a conscience.
Posted on December 1, 2020
How are CREDO members feeling over this holiday season? Here are the survey results.
As you know, this holiday season is like no other, and for many of us, things haven’t always been easy.
That’s why last month, we wanted to touch base with you, our members, to see how you were coping with the prolonged pandemic, gauge how you were processing the season and ask what you are thankful for in spite of the difficult times.
More than 8,000 CREDO members took our survey, and the results are in. Despite the hardships many of us are facing, many CREDO members are still so thankful for what they have, whether that’s their health or family, our shared progressive values, the results of the election (“Goodbye Trump!”), or the hope of a vaccine. Our members also shared some incredible and heart-wrenching stories of their recent experiences. Thank you for sharing your personal stories — it truly means so much to know how each of our members are feeling, especially during these times.
Here is a quick recap of some of the highlights from the survey:
In the midst of the pandemic, this Thanksgiving may have felt very different. Were your celebrations, if any, different than normal?
More than half of respondents believed that Thanksgiving celebrations were “extremely” or “very” different this year, with more than 90 percent believe they were unlike years past.
In which of the following ways, if any, were your Thanksgiving celebrations different?
Almost all CREDO members who responded were taking measures to reduce any possible transmission, whether that’s smaller gatherings, social distancing, or video calls.
Agree or Disagree? The crises of this year have helped me put some important things in perspective.
82 percent of respondents believe the crises of this year have put important things into greater perspective. We agree, too.
Which of the following, if any, have you held more dearly this year?
As we put more into perspective, we also tend to hold those important things more dearly too, including our healthy, family, relationships, justice, nature, equality and community.
What are you most thankful for this season?
We also asked our members what they are most thankful for right now. Here’s just a small sample:
“Being with my other half”
“My health”
“Being able to pay my bills”
“My family’s safety and good health”
“Surviving but stressful.”
“Trump is on his way out”
“My children”
“Being able to provide food every week to families in need”
“Being alive”
Posted on December 1, 2020
Every day is Giving Tuesday at CREDO
Today is Giving Tuesday, the global movement established to promote generosity and kindness and inspire millions to give back.
Here at CREDO, every day is Giving Tuesday for our members. That’s because CREDO donates $1 million every year to the progressive causes we all care about, like voting rights, reproductive freedom, LGBTQ equality, racial and climate justice, and so much more, all at no extra cost to our customers. In fact, our members have helped us donate more than $90 million to nonprofit organizations since 1985.
In addition to the 200,000 meals we donated recently to help those experiencing food insecurity over the holidays, we’re also donating to three amazing groups this month — Center for Economic and Policy Research, Free Speech For People and Green America.
On this Giving Tuesday, we’re not asking for your financial support. Instead, we’d like to give you the opportunity to give back without opening your wallet by helping us decide how to distribute our December donations.
Please visit and vote for one, two or all three of these great nonprofits fighting for economic justice, protecting our democracy, and climate justice. There, you can also learn more about our donations program and view the hundreds of organizations we’ve donated to over the years.
Posted on November 26, 2020
A big “Thank You” from the CREDO team
Dear CREDO members,
As we gather for a very different kind of Thanksgiving celebration this year, we wanted to take a moment to give a big “thank you” to you, our CREDO customers and members.
During a year that, for many of us, has been difficult to be thankful for much, we are truly thankful for everything you’ve done to help us give back to so many who needed our help and fight for our progressive values when times were tough.
Because of CREDO members like you, we were able to go above and beyond our regular donations — nearly $2 million each year to progressive nonprofits — to help groups that needed it the most.
In April, we established a COVID relief fund to rush $75,000 in donations to frontline organizations responding to the pandemic. In May, during nationwide protests for racial justice in the wake of George Floyd’s murder, we donated an extra $50,000 to Color of Change to continue their critical work fighting injustice in all its forms. In August, as the election season heated up, you helped us donate $250,000 to groups protecting the right to vote. In September, after Republicans stole another Supreme Court seat, we gave $50,000 to Take Back the Court.
This month, thanks to you, we are donating 200,000 meals to families experiencing hunger this holiday season. And to the thousands who responded to our recent Thanksgiving survey — the overwhelming majority who are celebrating today in small groups with immediate family to help slow the pandemic — we want to thank you, too.
From all of us here at CREDO, have a safe Thanksgiving, and we look forward to the upcoming season with hope and gratitude that you’re on our side.
With thanks,
The entire team at CREDO