Donations Spotlight: Planet Reimagined is mainstreaming the climate movement with fair solutions

Note from the CREDO Mobile team: This July, Planet Reimagined is among three amazing groups that will receive a share of our monthly grant. Funding from the CREDO Mobile community will support Planet Reimagined in its work to mainstream the climate movement with fair solutions.

 Read this important blog post about Planet Reimagined’s critical work, then visit and cast your vote to help send funding to the group to assist its efforts — and the efforts of our other outstanding July grantees.

June 5, 2024, was the 51st annual World Environment Day. On the occasion, UN Secretary-General António Guterres urged world leaders to act immediately to address mounting climate risks, highlighting the dire fact that our planet just endured 12 straight months of record heat.

After attending the special address on climate action by Guterres, Adam Met—U.N.-appointed climate advocate (and the “A” in eight times platinum band AJR)—appeared on CNN Newsroom to reflect on the Secretary-General’s ambitious plan to confront the crisis.

“He laid out a really comprehensive plan,” Met told CNN. “He started by calling fossil fuel companies the godfathers of climate chaos and called on people around the world to stop investing in advertising that supports fossil fuel companies. But at the same time he called for potential, saying they could be the leaders of the renewable energy transition.”

Met then described a climate solution designed by Planet Reimagined, the social impact nonprofit he founded in 2020. The solution, Common Grounds, is a bipartisan effort to engage with fossil fuel companies and independent producers to help them transition by co-locating renewable energy projects on top of oil and gas land. “They really can be the leaders if they put their mind to it and the political will,” Met says.

In his special address, Guterres called for 33 specific actions by different groups, from financial institutions to governments. As the 1.5C threshold of global warming has been breached for a full 12 months for the first time, sustainable approaches and accelerated action must happen—and they will require sweeping policy reform at local, state and federal levels. Ultimately, the scale of the climate crisis demands unconventional cross-sector partnerships, innovations and solutions to advance changes in policy and practice through sophisticated advocacy strategies and publicly accessible communication channels to inspire public audiences on the platforms and channels where they are most engaged.

Planet Reimagined has an innovative solution

In 2020, Met recognized that the movement for climate and environmental justice overall had the problem that advocacy and research take place in silos. This sparked the founding of Planet Reimagined, which is dedicated to building a bridge between thought and action. “There can be robust research showing technically how or why a solution would work,” Met says. “But if we do that research in isolation from advocacy—without engaging with policymakers and without answering the economic, social and political questions, along with the scientific and policy ones—then just having good evidence isn’t enough.”

Planet Reimagined combines rare access to media and entertainment with global partnerships to enable interdisciplinary teams to work nimbly within academia, industry, policy and social movements. Planet Reimagined is advancing real solutions through its Action Research Center (ARC), a new kind of academy that brings together researchers from around the world on fellowships to collaborate on fair solutions to the climate crisis. This model maximizes the impact of research and advocacy through the arc of sequential topics that ladder up from the work of previous fellows, graduating projects from incubation to full-scale implementation.

As a result of this unprecedented action-research model, Planet Reimagined incubated the Common Grounds clean energy idea and graduated it to implementation, achieving rare bipartisan Congressional agreement that sparked an affirmative response from the Department of the Interior. As a result, the Department of the Interior is indicating that, for the first time in U.S. history, it will accept and encourage proposals for new solar and wind projects on top of current and former oil and gas leases on public lands. This landmark response triggered the next stage of Common Grounds: the development of pilot co-location projects in the western U.S. and a digital portal that will help small energy-business owners transition away from fossil fuels to power our economy in a way that is more sustainable.

Additional victories from Planet Reimagined’s ARC include: attracting more than 1,600 fellowship candidates from 110 countries; new research on fan engagement in climate action featured by CNN, Fox, Pollstar, Worth magazine and at the 2024 Music Sustainability Summit; and research on the values of freshwater conservation incorporated into local stakeholder appeals for river restoration in arguments before the Supreme Court of Nepal.

To learn more or get involved, please visit

Vote for Planet Reimagined, Slow Food USA and Supermajority in July.

Every month, CREDO members vote to distribute our monthly grant to three amazing progressive nonprofits. Every vote makes a difference. This July, you can support Planet Reimagined, Slow Food USA and Supermajority.

List of groups CREDO is funding in July: Planet Reimagined, Slow Food USA and Supermajority

Planet Reimagined Logo  Planet Reimagined

Planet Reimagined is fighting the climate crisis with fair solutions for people and the planet. Reaching 100 million people a year to mainstream the climate movement and drive solutions from incubation to implementation through a new kind of academy that turns research-driven THOUGHT into collective ACTION to fuel positive CHANGE.

Slow Food USA logo Slow Food USA

Slow Food USA advocates for a future where all people can access good, clean and fair food. We cultivate nationwide programs and a network of local chapters, host educational events and advocacy campaigns, and build solidarity through partnerships. We unite to advance joy and justice in our foodways.

Supermajority Logo Supermajority

Supermajority is building women’s political power to create a future where all people are truly equal. Supermajority is driven by a single-minded purpose—to strengthen the political power of women to make the Majority Rules real for all people. We have the power to build the world we deserve — where our lives are safe, our bodies are respected, work is valued, our families are supported, and our government represents us.

Your vote this month will determine how we divide our monthly donations among these three progressive groups. Be sure to cast your vote to support one, two or all three by July 31st.

CREDO Mobile customers who use our service everyday are the reason we are able to make these donations each month. Learn more about CREDO Mobile and help make progressive change every time you use your phone.

June’s grantees thank you for your support.

Each month, CREDO members vote on how we distribute funding to three incredible nonprofits. In June, CREDO members voted to distribute our monthly donation among Fair Fight Action, Government Accountability Project and Advocates for Trans Equality.

When our customers use CREDO Mobile service, they generate funds for our donations program. At the end of the month, we nominate three nonprofits to receive donations, then our community members vote to decide which groups will get how much. The next month, we do it again.  Our June non-profit grantees thank you.

Fair Fight Action

As the late John Lewis once said, the right to vote is the most powerful nonviolent tool or instrument in a democratic society. With your support, we can work to ensure the freedom to vote for all eligible Americans. Thank you. – Lauren Groh-Wargo, CEO, Fair Fight Action

Headshot of Lauren Groh-Wargo, CEO of Fair Fight Action

To learn more, visit

Government Accountability Project

Thank you for help in defending whistleblowers and promoting their verified concerns about democracy & truth. – Louis Clarke, CEO, Government Accountability Project

Headshot and quote from: Louis Clarke, CEO, Government Accountability Project

To learn more, visit

Advocates for Trans Equality

Thank you for being a foundational supporter of A4TE. In the face of relentless attacks against our dignity, it is because of the courage of CREDO members and allies like you that we will continue our fight and settle for nothing less than equality.  – Rodrigo Heng-Lehtinen, Executive Director and CEO of A4TE, respectively.

Headshot and quote from Rodrigo Heng-Lehtinen, Executive Director and CEO of A4TE, respectively

To learn more, visit

Now check out the three groups we are funding in June, and cast your vote to help distribute our donations.

CREDO Mobile customers who use our products are the reason why we are able to make these donations each month. Learn more about CREDO Mobile, the phone company that is better for all people and the planet. If you are not a customer, please consider switching your service to CREDO Mobile. If you are already a customer, thank you and do tell your friends.

Donations spotlight: Help Supermajority mobilize 430,000 young women across the country to vote their values this election

Note from the CREDO Mobile team: This July, Supermajority is among three amazing groups that will receive a share of our monthly grant. Funding from the CREDO Mobile community will support Supermajority in its work to mobilize 430,000 young women across the country to vote their values this election.

 Read this important blog post about Supermajority’s critical work, then visit and cast your vote to help send funding to the group to assist its efforts — and the efforts of our other outstanding July grantees.

We at Supermajority are driven by a single-minded purpose: to strengthen the political power of women and create a future where all people are truly equal.

Our organization was founded in 2019 by a group of incredible women activists working on the frontlines of economic, racial and reproductive justice: Cecile Richards, Ai-jen Poo and Alicia Garza. They realized that the leading social movements in our country had something in common. Women were leading and doing the majority of the work but there wasn’t a place for us to come together across issues and collectively create change.

So they started Supermajority, which today is building a community of women so powerful and united that our leaders have no choice but to make this country work for us. Our definition of women is expansive. It includes trans and cisgender women, gender nonbinary people, trans men and anyone who has been marginalized due to their gender. In partnership with more than 75,000 women across the United States, we wrote the Majority Rules, our guiding principles that, when realized, will build a world beyond even our radical imagination.

These are the Majority Rules

Rule 1: Our lives are safe. We live free of fear, intimidation and violence at home, at work and in our neighborhoods—no matter where we’re from, who we love or how we identify.

Rule 2: Our bodies are respected. The healthcare system takes our needs seriously, from treatment to research to women making decisions about if and when to start a family.

Rule 3: Our work is valued. We are paid equally and promoted equally too. The jobs primarily done by women—from teaching to caregiving—are valued and supported. All women can retire with dignity and enjoy the life they worked hard for.

Rule 4: Our families are supported. We are no longer forced to make impossible and unfair choices between family and work. Providing the best care for our families, from infancy to old age, is possible and affordable for all of us.

Rule 5: Our government represents us. From the school board to the White House, women are represented. The right to vote is protected and promoted, all voters have access to the polls and every vote is counted.

And the Super Rule: The lives and experiences of women—particularly women of color—are front and center in addressing all of our nation’s challenges. From economic justice to reproductive freedom to gun violence prevention, the people most impacted must be at the forefront of the solutions.

How we’ll win in 2024

Young women must be seen as the political force that they are in key elections in 2024—because they’re the ones who will protect our freedoms.

We’re laser-focused on six priority states where we can make real change happen: Michigan, Pennsylvania, Arizona, North Carolina, Georgia and Virginia. We plan to turn out a collective 430,000 young women voters—particularly infrequent and nonvoting women ages 18 to 35— because we know they’re a crucial segment needed to grow the progressive women’s voting bloc and achieve policies that will make the Majority Rules real for all people.

This is absolutely critical at a time when nearly all people in America feel like their vote doesn’t matter and change never happens. We know that our political system isn’t working and that big corporations and power-hungry, out-of-touch politicians are to blame. But we also know that we have the collective power to change this and get what we need.

How to join our movement

Become a member. All we do is powered by our members. When you join our free membership program, you’ll get access to respected experts and leaders through our member events. You’ll be part of a diverse community of values-driven people across the U.S. and be reminded regularly that you’re not alone and you have hope whenever you feel disheartened. And you’ll receive ongoing education, training and leadership opportunities to help dismantle centuries’ worth of misogyny and racism.

If you believe in a world where everyone is truly equal, then you belong with Supermajority! Take action with us.

One woman can be ignored. Two women can be dismissed. But thousands of women, working together, are unstoppable. We are a movement of people more than 500,000 strong who are ready to take action. Join us now and help impact that will be one of the most consequential elections in this nation’s history.

Please also vote to send CREDO Mobile donations to Supermajority. Every dollar is critical to help us turn out 430,000 young women voters in November and transform this country.

To learn more and join our movement, please visit

We won’t go back

Two years ago, on June 24, 2022, the Supreme Court set women’s rights back half a century.

It reversed Roe v. Wade and opened the door for states to pass laws that restrict or ban abortion, which half of states have now done.

The court’s six reactionaries have made their intention clear. They want to take our nation backward. With one decision, they’ve pushed women back to 1972, to the days when sexual discrimination was legal and women weren’t allowed to make their own choices.

If you’re of a certain age, you’ll remember those days. We remember them too. And we liked a lot about them. American Pie and Let’s Stay Together. The Poseidon Adventure and Cabaret. Carrot cake, tie-dye and playing outside till dark.

Fun stuff. But fond as we are of Flip Wilson and platform shoes, we don’t want to go back 1972. We won’t. Because it was bad in all sorts of ways, especially for women. They couldn’t have a credit card in their own name. They could legally be fired if they got pregnant. And they couldn’t end a pregnancy without risking jail.

We’ll say it again. We won’t go back.

If you feel the same, now is the time to take action. You can do it by voting. You can do it by choosing companies that share your commitment to choice.

You can do it by joining CREDO Mobile.

To date, CREDO Mobile has donated over $11 million to nonprofit groups working hard for women’s rights, including Planned Parenthood, the National Abortion Hotline, Global Fund for Women and many others.

CREDO Mobile is the one phone company as dedicated to reproductive freedom as you are. Join us and you’ll get all you want from your mobile service: competitive plans, great deals on new devices and the nation’s top-rated, most reliable network.

And you’ll get much more. You’ll get an easy, effective way to make a difference in the world by supporting a company that’s committed to progressive causes like women’s rights, free and fair elections, economic justice and climate action.

Ready to raise your voice for choice? Switch to CREDO Mobile, the phone company that shares your values.

Over the rainbow: How “pinkwashing” dilutes the true meaning of Pride Month

Pride Month is here and the rainbow flags are flying. Unfortunately, a lot of those flags are a fig leaf.

Corporations unfurl them in June to show support for the LGBTQ+ community—and do some Pride marketing to push their products. Then, when the month is over, they go back to business as usual, which all too often means hostility to LGBTQ+ rights.

It’s called “pinkwashing.” It’s when companies use the rainbow flag to virtue-signal solidarity with LGBTQ+ people without making any meaningful commitment to inclusion and diversity. Or, worse, it’s when companies use the flag to hide their anti-LGBTQ+ behavior.

Like the social media platform that ran a Pride-themed campaign while refusing to take down homophobic videos. Or the retailers that features Pride merchandise every June but forget all about the LGBTQ+ community on July 1.

This is a problem. Pinkwashing misleads consumers and dilutes the meaning of Pride Month. It wraps a vital movement in candy-colored marketing and suggests the state of LGBTQ+ rights is hunky-dory, when it definitely is not. The Human Rights Campaign has declared a “national state of emergency” for LGBTQ+ Americans “following an unprecedented and dangerous spike in anti-LGBTQ+ legislative assaults.” States across the U.S. are passing anti-LGBTQ+ laws and they pose a real threat to LGBTQ+ people.

This is the true state of LGBTQ+ rights today. And this is why we should never forget that Pride Month is not about rainbow sales and half-off “Love Is Love” crop-tops. It’s about struggle and resistance. At its foundation, it’s about the Stonewall Rebellion, when patrons of a Greenwich Village gay bar, fed up with police threats and beatings, fought back for four days and ignited the LGBTQ+ civil rights movement.

If you support LGBTQ+ rights, you should know that there is an easy way for you to raise your voice for these rights not only for Pride Month but every month. In fact, every day.

It’s CREDO Mobile. For us, Pride is a year-round cause. That’s why we don’t drape our website in rainbows each June. That’s why we regularly send donations to nonprofit groups like the National LGBTQ Task Force, the Transgender Law Center and the ACLU. Since our very first donations, back in 1986, we’ve donated more than $15 million to progressive nonprofits working for equality and civil rights.

Join us now and we’ll donate $50 to Family Equality, which works to ensure that everyone has the freedom to find, form and sustain a family by advancing equality for the LGBTQ+ community. We’ll also give you $250 off a new smartphone or $240 in bill credits if you bring your current phone to CREDO Mobile. Learn more at

Grantee highlight: Government Accountability Project empowers whistleblowers to expose government and corporate wrongdoing

Note from the CREDO Mobile team: This June, Government Accountability Project is among three amazing groups that will receive a share of our monthly grant. Funding from CREDO Mobile will support GAP in its work to litigate whistleblower cases, expose wrongdoing to the public, and promote government and corporate accountability.

 Read this important blog post about GAP’s critical work, then visit and cast your vote to help send funding to the group to assist its efforts — and the efforts of our other outstanding June grantees.

On February 3, 2023, a Norfolk Southern train carrying more than 1 million pounds of highly toxic chemicals derailed in East Palestine, Ohio. Much of the lethal freight spilled immediately into the ground, water and air. Tank cars containing 116,000 gallons of vinyl chloride did not rupture but hung in the balance.

To address the threat, railway executives pressured state and local officials to vent and burn the vinyl chloride, while U.S. Environmental Protection Agency officials stood idly by. The fire sent up a dioxin-laden black plume that covered the region. Residents were evacuated but not for long. Within days, the EPA pronounced the town safe and sent its lead administrator, Michael Regan, to publicly drink water from an East Palestine tap. The EPA said the monitors on its high-tech surveillance plane showed no lingering toxics.

Then whistleblowers began coming to us. A former lobbyist for the chemical industry told us and Congressional offices that the vinyl chloride fire had not been the clean-and-complete burn that government agencies said it was. He called for the EPA to do widespread independent testing because dioxins and even worse chemicals were a major biproduct of the burn. Instead, the EPA relied on railway contractors to perform the tests.

Another whistleblower client of ours, a skilled technician with decades of experience testing for hazards, visited the city dozens of times to test in homes and throughout the community. He found alarming results. In response, the EPA impugned his professionalism to journalists and others behind closed doors, even though it had previously praised his work.

To verify the concerns of whistleblowers, we filed extensive Freedom of Information Act requests for EPA documents about its test procedures and results. We were surprised when the agency denied our ask to expedite the processing of our requests, forcing us to file a (successful) lawsuit to reverse that denial. The agency even refused to waive its processing fees — the first time in our 47-year history that any state or federal agency had done so.

With our suspicion of corruption growing, we sent our environmental investigator to East Palestine. She met with residents who described strange rashes, feelings of disorientation, dizzy spells, brain fog, severe respiratory episodes, unusual gastrointestinal illnesses and other serious health problems. Residents said even the inspectors testing for contaminants had become ill, although they reported no problems. Two inspectors allegedly told a resident that they were having a difficult time, morally and emotionally, listening to the lies that railway officials were telling residents.

We have now learned from the scientists who conducted the flights in the EPA’s surveillance plane that the EPA purposely waited to begin its monitoring until after the toxic plume had dissipated. They also reported that the EPA turned off the plane’s monitors when over the contaminated creeks and waterways flowing from the accident site and only tested for 7 minutes, when the EPA would usually fly around for hours. With its own results not conclusively showing the area to be safe, the EPA lied to the nation and declared that the results of its aerial testing did show it was safe for residents to return. The whistleblowers further reported that, had the EPA launched the flights immediately after the derailment, the vinyl chloride burn could have been avoided, because in fact the vinyl chloride tankers were not at risk of imminent explosion.

Because these revelations and our complaint to the Office of Inspector General have now made national news, potential whistleblowers are lining up to speak with us. We currently represent nearly 100 whistleblower clients courageous enough to speak the truth. Our mission is to protect them, protect their jobs and ensure that they don’t drown beneath the waves they make. We’re also launching more campaigns like the one in East Palestine, because the better people know us and the more impact we have, the more whistleblowers will come forward.

Over the past 47 years, we’ve developed over 35 federal laws that Congress later enacted. Passage is usually unanimous because there is bipartisan consensus: whistleblowers are society’s most powerful tool to fight illegality, abuses of power, public health dangers, environmental threats, gross waste, politicized science and other wrongdoing. Insider information, effectively investigated, strategically applied and brought to public attention, has the potential to transform government agencies and private companies in profound ways.

Truth-tellers are the antidote to corruption, because they bring sunlight to the dark corners of our society. But they can’t do what they do without organized, experienced, expert help, which is what we provide daily. When whistleblowers stand alone, it’s easy for bureaucracies like the EPA and corporations to identify, harass and ruin them, rather than clean up their act. But as soon as we become involved, we change the narrative, as we have done in East Palestine. We bring the full weight of law enforcement, the news media, other public-interest organizations and citizen groups to bear on the wrongdoers. And we fight to see that truth-tellers are defended and honored for doing what’s fair, just and right.

Grantee highlight: Advocates for Trans Equality fights for the legal and political rights of transgender people

Note from the CREDO Mobile team: This June, Advocates for Trans Equality is among three amazing groups that will receive a share of our monthly grant. Funding from the CREDO Mobile community will support Advocates for Trans Equality in its work to create a world where trans people can live their lives joyfully and without barriers.

 Read this important blog post about Advocates for Trans Equality’s critical work, then visit and cast your vote to help send funding to the group to assist its efforts — and the efforts of our other outstanding June grantees.

In March, the National Center for Transgender Equality and the Transgender Legal Defense and Education Fund merged to form Advocates for Trans Equality. This was a significant moment in the ongoing fight for transgender equality.

The launch of Advocates for Trans Equality (A4TE) isn’t just the merger of two powerful organizations, it’s a beacon of hope in a time when the rights of transgender people are under constant attack. This unification signifies a critical step forward — but the journey toward true equality will be long, requiring both celebration and unwavering support.

Let’s first acknowledge the cause for celebration. A4TE brings together the National Center for Transgender Equality and the Transgender Legal Defense and Education Fund, two organizations that boast a combined 40 years of experience in securing legal and political victories for the transgender community. Their work has been instrumental in dismantling barriers, promoting understanding and paving the way for a more just society. Thus A4TE is a force multiplier, combining expertise, resources and a powerful collective voice that will significantly amplify the fight for transgender equality.

This celebration, however, is shadowed by a stark reality. The fact that we need an organization like A4TE emphasizes the ongoing struggle for the basic rights of trans people. Anti-trans legislation is on the rise, targeting rights from healthcare access to routine community activities. Transgender people face discrimination in housing, employment and public spaces. They were the subject of 510+ anti-trans bills throughout the U.S. in 2023 alone. The fight for equality is far from over but A4TE will be a powerful force of resilience and determination for the transgender community.

This is where our role as allies is crucial. Celebrating A4TE is a fantastic first step but it cannot be the only one. We must move forward in solidarity with our transgender siblings. This means actively educating ourselves about transgender identities and experiences. It means challenging prejudice and discrimination wherever we see it. It means advocating for inclusive policies and legislation.

There are countless ways to demonstrate solidarity. Please support A4TE and our fight to promote equitable transgender initiatives. Please amplify trans voices on social media and in your community. And, perhaps most important, please listen with an open mind and heart to the experiences of transgender people.

The launch of A4TE is a victory — a victory shared by many. It’s a testament to the strength of the transgender community and a call to action for allies. Let us celebrate this milestone but let us not forget the fight that continues. Together, through unwavering commitment and collective action, we can help create a world where transgender people are not just tolerated but celebrated for who they are.

For CREDO Mobile customers, supporting A4TE is an investment in a more just and equitable future. CREDO Mobile is a company built on progressive values and A4TE’s mission to secure legal and lived equality for transgender people perfectly aligns with those values. When you vote to direct a grant to us this June, you’re not just making a contribution, you’re supporting an organization that makes a real difference in the lives of transgender people. It’s a powerful way to turn your everyday actions into positive change.

Donations spotlight: Fair Fight Action works for fair elections in Georgia and around the country

Note from the CREDO Mobile team: This June, Fair Fight Action is among three amazing groups that will receive a share of our monthly grant. Funding from CREDO Mobile will support Fair Fight Action, which was founded by Stacy Abrams, in its campaign to educate voters about elections and their voting rights, encourage voter participation in elections and ensure fair elections in Georgia around the U.S.

 Read this important blog post about Fair Fight Action’s critical work, then visit and cast your vote to help send funding to the group to assist its efforts—and the efforts of our other outstanding June grantees.

Almost four years ago, Georgia voters shocked the nation and the world, enduring harsh, even ruthless conditions to turn out in historic numbers. Ever since, far-right extremists have worked to remove members of Georgia’s multiracial, multigenerational coalition from the voter rolls via mass voter challenges.

These challenges are part of a coordinated effort to target voters who pose a threat to entrenched interests. Their intended consequence is to shrink the electorate and, by extension, decide who gets a say in the future of our democracy. The people behind the challenges use race-neutral, racially targeted language to mask their true intention, which is to hold onto their power as it is eroded by the shifting population of Georgia. According to the 2020 Census, Georgia was 51.9% white in 2020. Given that the population of people of color in Georgia is growing at a faster rate than the population of white Georgians, it is likely that white Georgians now make up less than 50% of the state’s population.

SB 189: Georgia’s latest voter-suppression law

In May, Georgia Gov. Brian Kemp signed yet another voter-purge bill, SB 189. It’s a law aimed at mass disenfranchisement that will especially impact Black, Brown, rural, senior and unhoused voters across the state. The new law, which goes into effect in July, could affect thousands of Georgians by:

  • Removing computer-readable QR codes from ballots. The cost of doing this could reach $300 million and will put more strain on already underfunded and overworked county boards of elections.
  • Placing an extreme burden on election administrators by imposing rapid, unrealistic ballot-processing turnaround mandates.
  • Opening more pathways for vigilantes to kick voters off the rolls via mass challenges.
  • Implementing confusing, vague and disenfranchising new rules for unhoused voters.

With SB 189, Gov. Kemp is building on his legacy as a vote-suppressor. He has now signed into law three election-administration bills that are inherently anti-voter. These efforts have marked his tenure in public service since he was the secretary of state. He has long been a willing participant in efforts to undermine our democracy, notwithstanding the praise he’s gotten for saying no to Donald Trump in the aftermath of the 2020 election.

Just two months after that election—and a month after the January 6 insurrection—Kemp drafted, pushed and signed SB 202, which handed anti-democracy vigilantes a free pass to work on purging voters they don’t like from the voter rolls. Make no mistake, this is an open attack on the Georgia voters who showed up in record numbers to cast a ballot in spite of a pandemic, long lines, and efforts to intimidate and influence their votes.

A chilling effect

According to findings by Fair Fight Action, thousands of Georgians will be impacted by the recent legislation, including 6,000 unhoused folks in Fulton County alone. Coupled with SB 202, SB 189 will have a deep chilling effect, with implications not just for this election but for all elections conducted in Georgia in the future.

Voter challengers have made their intentions clear: keep voting as far out of reach as possible, particularly for Black and Brown voters. In Forsyth County, Black voters represent 3.59% of registrants but make up 6.18% of challenged voters. In Cobb County, where 49% of registrants are voters of color, these voters were 61% of the voters challenged. In Dekalb County, young people ages 18-34 make up 30.08% of voters but comprised 39.43% of the voters challenged.

Here’s what Fair Fight Action is doing to fight back.

  • We’re working to restore voters to the rolls.
  • We’re fighting anti-voter legislation and laws that impact free and fair elections.
  • We’re exposing vigilantes and their networks to raise awareness of their efforts.
  • We’re recruiting and supporting election workers to ensure right-wing attacks don’t have their intended effect, which is to undermine election administration.

Still in the fight—and in it to win it

We’re still in the fight because of your support. Indeed, our work would be impossible without the backing of individuals and organizations who are willing to stand with us as we continue supporting Georgia voters and election workers.

Democracy is at grave risk without people who are committed to protecting it. The voter-challengers are relentless and will not stop. This is the case not only in Georgia but across the U.S., as far-right activists challenge voters around the country and try to remove them from the voter rolls. A majority of these activists are tied to national anti-voting networks.

The future of our nation is in the balance. And that’s why your support is so crucial. With your help, we will have the resources and tools we need to help Georgians—and all Americans—overcome barriers to voting and secure their freedom to vote once and for all.

Our May grantees thank you for your support

Each month, CREDO members vote on how we distribute funding to three incredible nonprofits. In May, CREDO members voted to distribute our monthly donation among the National Immigration Law Center, UltraViolet, and

These donations are made possible by CREDO Mobile customers and the revenue they generate by using our services. The distribution depends entirely on the votes of CREDO members like you. And for that, our May grant recipients thank you.

National Immigration Law Center

“NILC’s work isn’t possible without the support of dedicated allies like you. Thank you for joining our collective fight to defend immigrants’ rights and ensure that we all have the freedom to thrive, regardless of where we were born” –  Kica Matos, President

Thank you quote from the National Immigration Law Center with photo of Kica Matos, President

To learn more, please visit:


“Thank you CREDO members! Your support for UltraViolet helps us build a feminist future and make the dream of gender justice a reality.”  –  Nicole Regalado, VP of Campaigns

Thank you quote from UltraViolet and photo of Nicole Regalado, VP of Campaigns

To learn more, please visit:

“We deeply appreciate your support. Despite registering over 5 million voters since 2020, our team is relatively small, and we rely on supporters like you to ensure we can sustain our innovative tools and accurate information.” –  Andrea Hailey, CEO,

Thank you quote from and a photo from Andrea Hailey, CEO,

To learn more, please visit:

Now check out the three groups we are funding in June, and cast your vote to help distribute our donations.

CREDO Mobile customers who use our products are the reason why we are able to make these donations each month. Learn more about CREDO Mobile, the phone company that is better for all people and the planet. If you are not a customer, please consider switching your service to CREDO Mobile. If you are already a customer, thank you and do tell your friends.