CREDO Tip: How to participate in the Global Climate Strike

The climate crisis is worse than we ever thought, and we have a little over a decade to drastically transform our economy and reduce carbon emissions to ensure we leave the next generation with a habitable Earth.

That’s why here at CREDO, we are doing everything we can to slow the climate crisis, including participating in the Global Climate Strikes – a massive, week-long, youth-led event to demand climate justice for everyone and end the age of fossil fuels. 

This Sept. 20, people all around the world – including the staff at CREDO offices across the country – will walk out of our workplaces and homes to join young climate strikers in the streets at thousands of marches and demand an end to the age of fossil fuels. 

We urge you to join us for the Global Climate Strikes, too. Here are some ways you can get involved.

Here are 4 ways you can join the Global Climate Strike. 

1.  Join the Global Climate Strike.

In 2018, Greta Thunberg started a single-person strike on the steps of the Swedish Parliament House. That strike went viral

Young people united in solidarity and led the way for climate justice by striking from school every Friday. The hashtags #FridaysforFuture and #ClimateStrike are now the rallying cries of millions. The message is simple: If not you, then who? If not now, then when? 

On Sept. 20, three days before the U.N. Climate Summit in NYC, young people and adults will strike all across the United States and world to demand transformative action to address the climate crisis

To find a Climate Strike year you, visit the Global Climate Strike website.

2.  Help CREDO decide how to allocate funds to groups fighting for climate justice.

Every month, CREDO donates to progressive causes – $1 million a year and more than $94 million to date. 

This month, CREDO is donating an additional $50,000 to five groups fighting for climate justice and the Green New Deal. But we need your help! 

Click here to cast your vote and help us distribute donations to five groups fighting the climate crisis.

3. Spread the word

Messages are only powerful if people hear them. Support the cause by helping to spread the word! Tell everyone – your friends, family, co-workers, classmates, teammates and adversaries – because as Greta said, “Everyone should mobilize for the 20th-27th of September because this is a global issue which actually affects everyone.”

There are plenty of free resources online that will help you spread the word at the Global Climate Strike and Strike with Us websites. 

On social media, be sure to use the hashtags #StrikeWithUs and #ClimateStrike and check out CREDO’s Facebook and Twitter accounts for great content to share leading up to and during the Climate Strikes.

Our allies at also have additional resources to help you share your story about why you’re participating in the Climate Strikes. You can find those here.

4. Organize a group in your community.

This year the Global Climate Strikers have made organizing easier than ever by providing both workplace and community organization and action plans. 

  • For workplace organizing and action plans, click here
  • For community organizing and action plans, click here

Use these action plans to activate your networks. Think of the organizations, clubs or faith groups you belong to. Maybe you’re in a dinner club or a book club? Talk about the climate strikes at your next meeting. Are you a teacher? Organize faculty and encourage your students to participate.

In the days leading up to Global Climate Strikes, organize a poster day. Creating your strike day materials together is a great way to activate your community. 

If you don’t want to create your own poster, we have some great posters for you to download, print out and take with you to the marches.

We hope to see you on the streets on Sept. 20! To RSVP for a Climate Strike near you, please visit the Climate Strike website here.