5 questions for Sam, CREDO Retention Specialist

Five questions for Sam, Customer Retention Specialist at CREDO, who has been with CREDO since 2012. Sam is on the phone every day with our CREDO Mobile customers, helping them upgrade their devices. 1. What is the best …

Transparency is a core value for CREDO

The need for technology and telecommunications companies to seriously address privacy and transparency is back in the headlines. In April, Microsoft went to court asking to be granted the right to inform customers when their email and private …

A conversation with Ray Morris, CREDO’s new CEO

Tell us about your professional background. I’ve spent 30 years in progressively more responsible roles as a technologist and engineering guy. Therefore, I came into this role from the product side. This naturally led me to see how …

Why every day is Earth Day at CREDO

CREDO staff volunteering at Slide Ranch, a nonprofit that teaches environmental stewardship to children Earth Day is a day for all of us to embrace the reality that the future of our planet is in our hands. A …

Fighting back against discrimination in North Carolina

CREDO fights for equality and opposes discrimination in any form. We celebrated the city of Charlotte’s efforts to stand with transgender people and make their city more inclusive of all its residents. And in that same vein, we …

Small providers top Consumer Reports survey

The annual Consumer Reports ranking of wireless providers is out, and we really love the headline: “Small Providers Top the Big Four in New Consumer Reports Survey.” You can see the full ranking here. We care deeply about …

#WeAreEFF: CREDO is proud to fund the Electronic Frontier Foundation

Almost a year ago, in February 2015, the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) finalized historic Net Neutrality rules designed to stop Internet Service Providers and telecommunications companies from discriminating against content on the Internet. CREDO activists and customers played …

6 Questions for Heidi Hess, CREDO’s lead women’s rights campaigner

Heidi Hess is a Senior Campaign Manager with CREDO Action. If you passed by her on the sidewalk, you probably wouldn’t guess that she’s our strategic campaign mastermind on all things women’s rights. But she’s that and more, …

7 questions for CREDO cofounder Laura Scher

It’s not easy to run a socially responsible business, to offer products that make sense for your customers, make revenue for your company—and make change for the world. But it can be done. CREDO has done it for …

How CREDO Slingshot can increase the impact of your business

CREDO Mobile invites social impact ventures to apply to the CREDO Slingshot program! The CREDO Slingshot program is a marketing accelerator with the goal to help qualified social change enterprises expand their reach and grow their impact. We …