Obama’s trip to Alaska and “Mission Accomplished” moment on climate

President Obama arrived in Alaska yesterday to talk about climate change, in the very place where he just approved Shell to drill in the Arctic. This despite the fact that scientists have made it clear: 100% of Arctic …

A New York Times article that every AT&T customer should read.

Yesterday, the New York Times ran a front page story about a special, decades-long partnership between the NSA and AT&T. AT&T customers in particular need to read about their telecom’s “extreme willingness to help” carry out unconstitutional surveillance …

Dazed and confused? Maine’s Tea Party governor writes me a letter

Earlier this year, over 1,200 CREDO activists in Maine signed a petition we had launched urging Governor Paul LePage to drop a politically motivated lawsuit against President Obama’s executive orders to keep immigrant families together. In response, the …

Introducing CREDOClimateHeroes.com

I’m excited to announce the launch of CREDO Climate Heroes, an activist grant program that will give $500 to 50 activists or small groups who are protesting, blockading and confronting the fossil fuel industry and the decision-makers who …

Video explainer: Preventing a war with Iran

CREDO members and our allies have signed over 223,000 petitions (which we recently delivered to Congress) and made over 43,000 calls to Congress asking Democrats to support diplomacy with Iran. Amazing. Our work opposing the deal was recently called out in a …

400,000 signatures against war with Iran

On Wednesday, we issued a powerful challenge to Democrats in Congress: Support the Iran nuclear peace deal, or prepare to answer to your constituents for sabotaging diplomacy and pushing for war. On Capitol Hill, Congressional Progressive Caucus members …

90,000 activists demand investigation of child imprisonment

Over 90,000 activists have urged Attorney General Loretta Lynch to investigate the practice of putting children in adult prisons! This miscarriage of justice has to end. We’re delivering our petition to the attorney general next week, and we …

Petition: The Monsanto Protection Act is back — and worse than before

The biggest threat to GMO labeling that we’ve ever seen could soon become law if we don’t act now. Republican Congressman Mike Pompeo, Monsanto’s hand-picked representative in Washington, has combined his anti-GMO labeling bill, the “DARK Act,” with …

Petition: Fix the Voting Rights Act now

Fifty years ago this summer, at the height of the civil rights movement, Congress passed and President Lyndon B. Johnson signed the Voting Rights Act to prohibit racial discrimination in voting. The law wasn’t perfect, but it frequently …

Petition: Stop the sneak attack on Net Neutrality

On June 12, the Federal Communications Commission’s (FCC) Open Internet Order mandating the strongest Net Neutrality protections in history finally went into effect. It was a tremendous victory for the millions of Americans, including hundreds of thousands of …