Where to find outstanding 2016 election coverage

Where are we getting our election news in 2016? With thousands of media outlets covering the election, CREDO thought we would share with you some of our favorite places to get news about the election. These aren’t mainstream …

7 Twitter accounts every progressive should follow

Who do you follow on Twitter? What progressives have the most interesting feeds and share the best information? Here is our list of some thoughts that people in the CREDO Mobile HQ office had about who you should …

CREDO Activists and the movement for Black lives

At the beginning of July, we saw, in horrific detail, the murders of Alton Sterling and Philando Castile at the hands of police. At the end of the month, Baltimore prosecutors’ attempt to hold Baltimore police officers accountable …

WATCH: Dangerous Donald can’t be trusted with nuclear codes

Last week, Donald Trump encouraged an adversarial foreign power — Russia — to cyberspy on a secretary of state’s emails: “Russia, if you’re listening, I hope you’re able to find the 30,000 emails that are missing,” he said …

PRESSURE MOUNTING: 135,000+ Petition DNI Clapper to Withhold Security Briefings from Trump

Pressure is building on Director of National Intelligence James Clapper not to allow Donald Trump to be given classified national security briefings. Since Wednesday:

MUST WATCH: Reverend William J. Barber II on Reviving the Heart of Our Democracy

If you haven’t yet, please take a moment to watch Reverend William J. Barber II’s powerful remarks Thursday at the Democratic National Convention: A transcript of Rev. Barber’s remarks can be found below.

No classified national security briefings for Donald Trump

It’s stunning. Donald Trump just asked Russia to spy on the United States. Here’s how the New York Times reported the news (emphasis ours): Donald J. Trump said Wednesday that he hoped Russia had hacked Hillary Clinton’s email, …

Rock Against the TPP kick-off concert in Denver draws huge crowds

More than a thousand concert-goers streamed into Summit Music Hall in Denver Saturday to see Rock Against the TPP, headlined by Tom Morello (Rage Against the Machine, Prophets of Rage, and Audioslave) and a slate of performers and …

Our activism works: NBA pulls All-Star Game from North Carolina

Our activism works. Today, news broke that the NBA is moving the 2017 All-Star Game from Charlotte because of HB 2, North Carolina’s discriminatory, anti-LGBT law. After HB 2 passed, the NBA criticized the law as being against its …

WARNING: Your Cell Phone Might Be Funding Hate.

Is your cell phone company sponsoring Donald Trump’s hate? If you are an AT&T customer the answer might be yes. That’s because AT&T has agreed to be the official provider for “Communications, Video and Technology” at Donald Trump’s …