Tuesday Tip: How to use your phone as a personal Wi-Fi hotspot

These days, almost any smartphone can also work as a personal Wi-Fi hotspot. That means you can use it to connect a laptop, tablet or another phone to the internet, same as you’d use the Wi-Fi connection at …

Tuesday Tip: How to block a phone number

Scammers, telemarketers, robocalls. There are a lot of different reasons why you might want to block certain numbers. Luckily, there are ways to do it on Android and iOS phones. They take a bit of tapping, but it’s …

What is 4G LTE (and why you should care)

4G LTE. You’ve seen the billboards and the TV commercials and the ads on the side of the bus. But you might not know exactly what it means—and how it can make a difference in your daily life. …

Resisting Trump’s racist war on Dreamers

If there’s one singular issue that solidified Donald Trump’s core racist base during his campaign — and now his occupation of the White House — it’s his blind hatred of immigrants. From his absurd proposal to build a …

VICTORY: California enacts landmark legislation to protect immigrants

We just threw a huge wrench in Donald Trump’s deportation agenda. Thanks to the relentless activism of our friends at the ICE Out of California Coalition and tens of thousands of CREDO members, Gov. Brown signed the California …

Activism works: CREDO members helped to defeat Trumpcare again

Progressive grassroots activists, including hundreds of thousands of dedicated CREDO members, saved health care coverage for tens of millions of Americans – yet again. Despite right-wing extremist Republican Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell’s best efforts, some Senate Republicans …

Tuesday Tip: How to text from your computer

There are times when it’s quite useful to send a text message from your computer to a cell phone. Maybe you’ve lost your own phone, you’re over your text limit for the month or you’re at some exotic …

As CREDO fights for civil rights, AT&T stands with Trump’s bigotry

Recently, in response to Donald Trump’s vile and racist comments about professional athletes, hundreds of National Football League (NFL) players kneeled and linked arms during the national anthem in a tremendous show of unity with their fellow players …

CREDO stands up to protect our precious public lands

Republicans’ longtime plan to hand over national parks, monuments and other public lands to developers and the fossil fuel industry has a very good friend in Donald Trump. During his campaign, Trump made every indication he would be …

How you can help those affected by Hurricane Irma

For the second time in just a few weeks, a massive and highly destructive hurricane — Hurricane Irma — hit the United States, causing untold damage, displacing millions, and killing dozens of people. Everyone here at CREDO has …