CREDO Tips: 4 tips to tell you if a news story is real or fake

It’s Donald Trump favorite way to dismiss real news he doesn’t like. Ironically, he’s guilty of spreading so many lies – more than 8,000 in his first two years – that he’s a one-person fake news outlet. Sadly, …

The Best Tech & Lifestyle Tips from 2019 So Far

Time certainly does fly – we’re already one-quarter of the way through 2019! Time to take stock of the progress you’ve made on your New Year’s resolutions, file your taxes and nail down your Pride plans. Here’s a …

Tuesday Tip: How to Stop Auto-Updates on an Android Cell Phone

We’ve all been there. In the midst of a discussion, you state a fact that your friend doubts. For example, you tell your friend that two U.S. presidents have been impeached. But your friend insists that number is …