How Does CREDO Mobile’s Donations Program Work

CREDO Mobile isn’t like most companies. Our passion isn’t dollars—it’s change. And it’s been that way since we started, in 1985. It was then, at the height of the “greed is good” Reagan era, that our founders launched a company focused not only on the bottom line but on a higher purpose: a better world. It’s been more successful than we ever thought possible. We’ve been able to donate over $95 million to nonprofit groups fighting for civil rights, equality, the environment, women’s rights and more.

But we always get the question: How is CREDO able to donate every month to groups that share our values at no extra cost to our members? Here’s an inside look at how it all works.

Every CREDO Mobile customer is a philanthropist

We work hard every day to provide the best possible mobile phone service to our customers. We take a portion of the revenue generated by the business and distribute it to the three progressive nonprofits we are supporting that month.

What groups does CREDO Mobile Fund?

We fund progressive nonprofit groups that believe in our values and fight along with us for greater social change. We primarily fund organizations that fall generally within six broad categories: Civil Rights, Climate Justice, Peace, Women’s Rights, Economic Justice and Voting Rights. We fund nonprofits that are working for societal change –  organizations that other companies might not necessarily support. Organizations with a clear point of view. It is a good thing to help feed the hungry. It is also a good thing to build a society where people are not hungry – and that is the kind of progressive social change we are working for.

Some recent grantees include Democracy Now!, the ACLU, Rainforest Action Network, Social Security Works, Black Voters Matter, Friends of the Earth, March for Our Lives, and Abortion Care Network. You can see a list of groups recently funded here.

The groups we support are chosen democratically. Throughout the year, CREDO Mobile customers, CREDO employees and members of the general public nominate nonprofit groups to receive donations funding. The CREDO team invites organizations to apply to our Donations Program and also vets other potential organizations. Each month, we present a handful of those organizations to all CREDO employees who then vote on the final three organizations that appear on our monthly ballot to receive a donation. It is very difficult to choose from so many important and deserving nonprofits.

You can nominate a group for funding here.

Voting to distribute funding

Here’s what makes CREDO’s philanthropy truly special and different from other companies: We let you vote to decide how we distribute the donations among three nonprofit groups. It’s truly democratic. Each month, CREDO customers, supporters and the general public visit  to vote for the group (or groups) they’d most like to see funded. Donations are then distributed according to their votes.

You can vote now

Monthly voting is open to anyone who wants to take a few seconds to vote on our ballot and direct funding to the progressive nonprofit(s) of their choice. You can vote for 1, 2 or all 3 groups. You can vote every month if you like – but only one time per month.