On climate change: CREDO Mobile makes a difference

In early 2024, we sent a donation to Inside Climate News, the leading voice of independent climate journalism and a powerful force in the fight to save our planet.

In 2015, ICN broke the story of Exxon and its decades-long campaign to spread disinformation about global warming and undermine climate action—all for the sake of Exxon profit. This was a crime against humanity and Exxon is now on trial for it. But the trial would not be happening without the work of Inside Climate News.

In 2020, ICN uncovered American and Chinese factories that were emitting large volumes of nitrous oxide, a potent greenhouse gas, despite having access to inexpensive abatement technology. Now, four years later, the story is being used by the U.S. State Department to move toward a potential climate agreement between the US and China to significantly reduce emissions of nitrous oxide – to the tune of taking approximately 50 million cars off the road.

Since receiving our 2024 donation, ICN has accelerated its efforts. It has published over 800 stories so far this year and they’re reaching a wide audience. ICN now has more than 10 million regular readers and it has connected with an additional 6.5 million readers in 2024 through its partnership with Apple News.

ICN is providing important coverage of the 2024 elections and implications for the climate, like the role played by fracking in Pennsylvania’s competitive Senate race. ICN expanded its local reporting network in June with the addition of a bureau in North Carolina that has already broken a number of major environmental stories.

ICN was able to do all these things because our customers do one thing: use our service. When they do, they raise much-needed donations for progressive nonprofit groups like ICN. If you’re a CREDO Mobile member, thank you. If you’re not, please join us now and make a difference in the world—just by using your phone.