CREDO funding supports the Center for Disaster Philanthropy to ensure equitable disaster recovery for marginalized communities

When marginalized people most need help, the Center for Disaster Philanthropy makes sure they get it. That’s why CREDO Mobile supports CDP.

CDP mobilizes philanthropy to enable all communities to withstand disasters and recover equitably when they happen. It allows donors to give with the knowledge that their gift will empower marginalized communities to rebuild and recover stronger. It does this by ensuring that the communities are engaged in recovery as agents rather than objects of assistance.

With the climate crisis causing more frequent and more severe natural disasters, CDP’s mission is more urgent than ever. No longer are devastating hurricanes, wildfires and floods once-a-generation events, they now strike often, wiping out lives and entire communities with frightening regularity.

Take tornadoes. From January to April 2024, there were 547 tornadoes in the U.S., almost double the average from 1991 to 2020. Tornado alley is growing and putting millions more people in harm’s way. And “tornado clusters” are now a thing, with multiple twisters at once tearing through regions. A series of powerful storms in the central and southern U.S. over the Memorial Day weekend killed at least 26 people.

CDP’s Tornado Recovery Fund helps communities hit by tornadoes. Donors contribute to the fund knowing that their gift will be targeted to long-term, equitable recovery. The fund prioritizes:

  • Assistance for Black-led and women-led organizations that have or can build trust networks with survivors.
  • New housing that’s affordable, as well as housing repair and utility support, especially for low-income people in communities of color
  • Improved response capacity and infrastructure to minimize future impacts to marginalized communities.
  • Investment in equitable and holistic programs to equip communities that have limited resources and low organizational capacity with the means for future disaster recovery.

CDP doesn’t do airdrops and photo ops. It puts in time, and taps the knowledge and experience that resides in communities affected by disasters. It relies on local populations, particularly marginalized people, for guidance, because they’re best-positioned to recognize the path toward equitable recovery.

CREDO support of the Center for Disaster Philanthropy

Our donation has helped the recent growth of CDP’s relief operations. With CREDO support, CDP has been able to expand its efforts through improved education programs and through its own grantmaking.

Since February, CDP has made 19 grants to disaster-recovery efforts around the world, with a focus on low-attention crises, underfunded disasters and marginalized populations. CDP has also produced and promoted seven webinars and published 35 blog posts.

Together, CREDO and CDP are making a difference

When disasters strike, it’s marginalized people who suffer most. Wherever they are, CDP reaches them and delivers the long-term, equitable recovery they need. And it does so with support from CREDO funding.

If you’re a CREDO customer, thank you for helping CDP minimize the human impact of disasters worldwide. If you’re not a customer, please consider joining now. You’ll get all you want from a phone company: the nation’s top-rated network, competitive plans and great deals on new devices.

And you’ll get much more. You’ll get an easy, effective way to make a difference in the world by generating much-needed donations for progressive nonprofits dedicated to the causes you believe in, like the environment, human rights and economic equality.

To learn more about the critical work CDP does, go to