Vote for Earth Guardians, Health Care Voices and VoteRiders in August

Every vote makes a difference. This month CREDO Mobile is supporting 3 amazing progressive nonprofits.  How the donation is allocated is up to you and your vote.

List of Groups CREDO Mobile is funding in August: Earth Guardians, Health Care Voices, and VoteRiders

Earth Guardians Logo Earth Guardians

Earth Guardians is an international trailblazer in youth development for climate justice solutions, especially among marginalized groups and those most affected. We utilize education, training, community building, and direct action – shifting power into the hands of the next generation. Your vote will help us train diverse youth to be influential leaders at the forefront of the global climate movement, using art-vism, civic engagement, non-violent direct action, and community-led regenerative solutions. Support grassroots climate justice solutions today!

Health Care Voices LogoHealth Care Voices

We’re a grassroots group of health care advocates for affordable comprehensive health care, fighting the high cost of care in America, and making our health care system work better for all. We stay independent by never taking money from Big Pharma. Funding from CREDO will help bring back our weekly streaming show, CareTalk, answering your questions about navigating the U.S. health care system, and help us offer more free online media trainings for activists like you to make your voices heard.

VoteRiders Logo VoteRiders

VoteRiders seeks to ensure that no eligible voter is prevented from casting a ballot that counts due to voter ID laws, either directly from lack of acceptable ID or indirectly because of voter confusion. Funding from CREDO members will help ensure that millions of voters in the 38 states with voter ID laws have what it takes to cast a ballot. Your support will also help these individuals use their new IDs to gain access to employment, housing & more!

Voting is quick, easy and free. Be sure to vote by the end of the month.

CREDO Mobile customers who use our service everyday are the reason we are able to make these donations each month. Learn more about CREDO Mobile and help make progressive change every time you use your phone.