July’s Grantees thank you for your support

In July, CREDO members voted to distribute our monthly donation among Planet Reimagined, Slow Food USA and Supermajority. Three great nonprofits all working for a better world. We are proud to partner with them. We are so thankful for our CREDO Mobile customers. When our customers use their CREDO Mobile service, they generate funds for our donations program.

Planet Reimagined

Thank you for joining the climate justice movement! Donations from CREDO members reinforce the much-needed resources to unite and mobilize climate experts, policymakers, businesses, young climate leaders, and broad audiences for measurable impact. – Adam Met, PhD; Planet Reimagined Founder & Executive Director; 8X Platinum Artist as the A in AJR

Headshot of Planet Reimagined founder Adam Met

Learn more about Planet Reimagined and their mission to fight the climate crisis and deliver fair solutions for people and the planet here:  https://www.planetreimagined.com/

Slow Food USA

Thank you to the CREDO community for supporting our work to make food more local, sustainable, worker-centered and delicious. Your advocacy for Slow Food USA empowers our network of fierce volunteer leaders and talented food producers!  – Bilal Sarwari, Interim Executive Director

Headshot of Bilal Sarwari, Interim Executive Director Slow Food USA

Learn more about Slow Food USA and their work to create a food system that prioritizes the preservation and promotion of good, clean, and fair food here: https://slowfoodusa.org/


Thank you for voting for Supermajority! CREDO members are helping us reach and inspire young women to get civically engaged. Building our collective power would not be possible without the support of partners like CREDO’s donation program!  – Taylor Salditch, Executive Director

Headshot of Taylor Salditch, Executive Director of Supermajority

You can learn more about Supermajority and their work to mobilize young women here: https://supermajority.com/

Now check out the three groups we are funding in August, and cast your vote to help distribute our donations.

CREDO Mobile customers who use our products are the reason why we are able to make these donations each month. Learn more about CREDO Mobile, the phone company that is better for all people and the planet. If you are not a customer, please consider switching your service to CREDO Mobile. If you are already a customer, thank you and do tell your friends. No other company has a community centered donations program like this.