Vote for Planet Reimagined, Slow Food USA and Supermajority in July.

Every month, CREDO members vote to distribute our monthly grant to three amazing progressive nonprofits. Every vote makes a difference. This July, you can support Planet Reimagined, Slow Food USA and Supermajority.

List of groups CREDO is funding in July: Planet Reimagined, Slow Food USA and Supermajority

Planet Reimagined Logo  Planet Reimagined

Planet Reimagined is fighting the climate crisis with fair solutions for people and the planet. Reaching 100 million people a year to mainstream the climate movement and drive solutions from incubation to implementation through a new kind of academy that turns research-driven THOUGHT into collective ACTION to fuel positive CHANGE.

Slow Food USA logo Slow Food USA

Slow Food USA advocates for a future where all people can access good, clean and fair food. We cultivate nationwide programs and a network of local chapters, host educational events and advocacy campaigns, and build solidarity through partnerships. We unite to advance joy and justice in our foodways.

Supermajority Logo Supermajority

Supermajority is building women’s political power to create a future where all people are truly equal. Supermajority is driven by a single-minded purpose—to strengthen the political power of women to make the Majority Rules real for all people. We have the power to build the world we deserve — where our lives are safe, our bodies are respected, work is valued, our families are supported, and our government represents us.

Your vote this month will determine how we divide our monthly donations among these three progressive groups. Be sure to cast your vote to support one, two or all three by July 31st.

CREDO Mobile customers who use our service everyday are the reason we are able to make these donations each month. Learn more about CREDO Mobile and help make progressive change every time you use your phone.