Donations spotlight: Help Supermajority mobilize 430,000 young women across the country to vote their values this election

Note from the CREDO Mobile team: This July, Supermajority is among three amazing groups that will receive a share of our monthly grant. Funding from the CREDO Mobile community will support Supermajority in its work to mobilize 430,000 young women across the country to vote their values this election.

 Read this important blog post about Supermajority’s critical work, then visit and cast your vote to help send funding to the group to assist its efforts — and the efforts of our other outstanding July grantees.

We at Supermajority are driven by a single-minded purpose: to strengthen the political power of women and create a future where all people are truly equal.

Our organization was founded in 2019 by a group of incredible women activists working on the frontlines of economic, racial and reproductive justice: Cecile Richards, Ai-jen Poo and Alicia Garza. They realized that the leading social movements in our country had something in common. Women were leading and doing the majority of the work but there wasn’t a place for us to come together across issues and collectively create change.

So they started Supermajority, which today is building a community of women so powerful and united that our leaders have no choice but to make this country work for us. Our definition of women is expansive. It includes trans and cisgender women, gender nonbinary people, trans men and anyone who has been marginalized due to their gender. In partnership with more than 75,000 women across the United States, we wrote the Majority Rules, our guiding principles that, when realized, will build a world beyond even our radical imagination.

These are the Majority Rules

Rule 1: Our lives are safe. We live free of fear, intimidation and violence at home, at work and in our neighborhoods—no matter where we’re from, who we love or how we identify.

Rule 2: Our bodies are respected. The healthcare system takes our needs seriously, from treatment to research to women making decisions about if and when to start a family.

Rule 3: Our work is valued. We are paid equally and promoted equally too. The jobs primarily done by women—from teaching to caregiving—are valued and supported. All women can retire with dignity and enjoy the life they worked hard for.

Rule 4: Our families are supported. We are no longer forced to make impossible and unfair choices between family and work. Providing the best care for our families, from infancy to old age, is possible and affordable for all of us.

Rule 5: Our government represents us. From the school board to the White House, women are represented. The right to vote is protected and promoted, all voters have access to the polls and every vote is counted.

And the Super Rule: The lives and experiences of women—particularly women of color—are front and center in addressing all of our nation’s challenges. From economic justice to reproductive freedom to gun violence prevention, the people most impacted must be at the forefront of the solutions.

How we’ll win in 2024

Young women must be seen as the political force that they are in key elections in 2024—because they’re the ones who will protect our freedoms.

We’re laser-focused on six priority states where we can make real change happen: Michigan, Pennsylvania, Arizona, North Carolina, Georgia and Virginia. We plan to turn out a collective 430,000 young women voters—particularly infrequent and nonvoting women ages 18 to 35— because we know they’re a crucial segment needed to grow the progressive women’s voting bloc and achieve policies that will make the Majority Rules real for all people.

This is absolutely critical at a time when nearly all people in America feel like their vote doesn’t matter and change never happens. We know that our political system isn’t working and that big corporations and power-hungry, out-of-touch politicians are to blame. But we also know that we have the collective power to change this and get what we need.

How to join our movement

Become a member. All we do is powered by our members. When you join our free membership program, you’ll get access to respected experts and leaders through our member events. You’ll be part of a diverse community of values-driven people across the U.S. and be reminded regularly that you’re not alone and you have hope whenever you feel disheartened. And you’ll receive ongoing education, training and leadership opportunities to help dismantle centuries’ worth of misogyny and racism.

If you believe in a world where everyone is truly equal, then you belong with Supermajority! Take action with us.

One woman can be ignored. Two women can be dismissed. But thousands of women, working together, are unstoppable. We are a movement of people more than 500,000 strong who are ready to take action. Join us now and help impact that will be one of the most consequential elections in this nation’s history.

Please also vote to send CREDO Mobile donations to Supermajority. Every dollar is critical to help us turn out 430,000 young women voters in November and transform this country.

To learn more and join our movement, please visit