Our January grantees thank you for your support

Each month, CREDO members vote on how we distribute funding to three incredible nonprofits. Those small actions add up – with one click, you can help fund groups working for climate justice, economic justice and reproductive rights. In January, CREDO members voted to distribute our monthly donation to Action for the Climate Emergency, People’s Action and Planned Parenthood Action Fund.

These donations are made possible by CREDO customers and the revenue they generate by using our services. The distribution depends entirely on the votes of CREDO members like you. And for that, our January grant recipients thank you.

Action for the Climate Emergency

Thank you, CREDO members! Your generosity makes it possible for ACE to educate, activate and support a new generation of climate and democracy organizers like me, and our community of 750,000 youth who are taking action on the climate emergency.” – Hakim Evans, ACE Fellow Alumnus

To learn more, visit acespace.org.

People’s Action

Thank you! Organizing is the craft of bringing people together to build power where it did not exist, to then change how things work. Your contribution helps us build the power we need to win change people can feel in our everyday lives.” – George Goehl, Director, People’s Action Institute

To learn more, visit peoplesaction.org.

Planned Parenthood Action Fund

Thank you for your support, which keeps the Planned Parenthood Action Fund strong as we fight for reproductive freedom and health care access. Together, we will work to build a more equitable future for all people.” – Alexis McGill Johnson, President and CEO, Planned Parenthood Action Fund

To learn more, visit https://www.plannedparenthoodaction.org/.

Now check out the three groups we are funding in February, and cast your vote to help distribute our donations.

CREDO members who use our products are the reason why we are able to make these donations each month. Learn more about CREDO Mobile, the carrier with a conscience.