Posted on May 18, 2016
Women for Women International visits CREDO headquarters
Economic security is an integral part of women’s ability to achieve full equality and freedom. Here in the U.S., CREDO activists are helping fight for equal pay, raise the minimum wage, and guarantee paid sick and family leave. In countries like Rwanda, Kosovo and the Democratic Republic of Congo, CREDO donations are helping to give women in conflict zones the support and skills they need to move from crisis and poverty to stability and self-sufficiency.
Since 1995, Women for Women International (WfWI) has received $452,810— nearly half a million dollars— in donations generated by CREDO members. WfWI works with marginalized women in countries affected by war and conflict. It is currently working in Afghanistan, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Democratic Republic of the Congo, Iraq, Kosovo, Nigeria, Rwanda and South Sudan. It enrolls women in a 12-month training program that creates a safe space where they can heal, form friendships, learn new skills and access resources. Women who complete the program increase their daily personal earnings fourfold, three times as many report practicing family planning, and 11 times as many report sharing information about their rights with other women. WfWI also trains men to be allies and accelerate women’s success at home, in business and in the community.
On May 4, Abdoulaye Toure, WfWI Country Director for the Democratic Republic of the Congo, Antoinette Uwimana, WfWI Country Director for Rwanda, and WfWI CEO Jennifer Windsor visited our San Francisco office to report on their work around the world.
Toure spoke in particular about a savings and loan program that women often join during and after they complete the 12-month program. He said that, beyond teaching women to save money, it helps them recognize their value and potential. “These programs are about building self-confidence,” he said. “At the end, women realize, ‘I have the capacity to do this without additional support.’”
From 2007 to 2009 I was WFWI’s chief marketing officer making it a special privilege to welcome the organization to our office not only because of my close ties but also because I know how impactful the first grant CREDO/Working Assets made to Women for Women International back in 1995 was. At the time, that grant literally kept the doors open for women in need in some of the most challenging places in the world.”

We look forward to finding more ways to work together with Women for Women International to advocate for women’s rights in conflict zones. And we’ll keep you informed of the many ways your membership in CREDO helps this organization and many other progressive nonprofits.
In addition to funding amazing groups like Women for Women International, CREDO has engaged in a number of campaigns fighting for the rights of women around the world. For example, we are fighting to overturn the Helms Amendment, which restricts poor women’s access to vital healthcare services in conflict zones around the globe. You can learn more about this and other CREDO campaigns by clicking here.