Posted on April 7, 2016
CREDO exclusive: New Tom Tomorrow comic on the Supreme Court Vacancy
For progressives who care about money in politics, gun safety, the environment and nearly any other issue of consequence, it is critical that we win the fight against Republican obstruction of President Obama’s Supreme Court nominee. CREDO members have …
Posted on April 5, 2016
3 progressive-friendly apps for your smartphone
These days there are phone apps for everyone. Apps for travelers, apps for foodies and apps for exercise enthusiasts. There’s an app called Carrr Matey that guides you back to your parking spot in a pirate voice. There …
Posted on April 5, 2016
Great news: The DOJ is investigating voter disenfranchisement in Arizona
Big news: The Department of Justice (DOJ) has launched an investigation into voter disenfranchisement in Arizona’s March 22 primary election.1 This development came after more than 113,000 other CREDO activists signed our petition to the DOJ demanding an …
Posted on April 5, 2016
Why every day is Earth Day at CREDO
CREDO staff volunteering at Slide Ranch, a nonprofit that teaches environmental stewardship to children Earth Day is a day for all of us to embrace the reality that the future of our planet is in our hands. A …
Posted on April 1, 2016
VICTORY: California raises the minimum wage to $15 per hour
We did it. On Thursday to cheers of “Si se puede,” the California Legislature passed a historic bill to raise the minimum wage in California to $15 per hour. Gov. Jerry Brown is expected to sign the bill …
Posted on April 1, 2016
Help stop the Republican Supreme Court Obstructionist Club: Round up your bill
At CREDO, we’re doing all we can to fight back against and call attention to Republicans’ unprecedented Supreme Court obstruction and hold them accountable for their cynical effort to block the nomination of Merrick Garland and appoint another right-wing judge …