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The Center for Biological Diversity Action Fund Fights for Wildlife and the Environment

The passing of Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg, and the cynical and hypocritical power grab to fill her seat before the November election shows that politics has profound consequences for our planet.

 A conservative majority on the Supreme Court that’s locked-in for generations will undo critical progress on fights to stop climate change, the wildlife extinction crisis and the collapse of ecosystems around the world. It will make it much harder for environmental advocates to even go to court for wildlife, public lands and the environment. It will further silence voices of Americans who oppose Trump’s anti-wildlife and anti-environment agenda. And it will empower special interests to accelerate their irreversible plundering of our planet for a quick buck.

These events have made our mission to save life on earth that much more pressing.

The Center Action Fund

There’s never been a more critical moment for our wildlife, wild places, public health and the planet.

All of them are threatened by powerful corporations and special interests that have brought billions of dollars to bear to gut the fundamental safeguards that protect the air we breathe, the water we drink, our nation’s public lands, and our most imperiled wildlife. All this is taking place while we face the quadruple existential threats of an extinction crisis, climate emergency, a seemingly endless and deadly pandemic, and systemic racism.

The Center for Biological Diversity Action Fund believes that protecting the environment is a bedrock American value that should rise above partisan politics. We seek to strengthen our core environmental laws, support lawmakers from all political parties that believe in a healthier environment, and to hold accountable any politician regardless of party who does not.

At a time when complacency is the norm, the Center for Biological Diversity Action Fund does not accept the status quo of modern-day partisan politics. Instead, we proactively use our influence to ensure that elected officials place conservation at the forefront of national policy. 

Protecting Wildlife, Habitat, and Human Health by Fighting to Preserve the Endangered Species Act, Clean Air Act and Public Lands:

The Endangered Species Act (ESA) is our nation’s most successful environmental law. Despite this success, anti-wildlife members of Congress continue to attack the Act and the animals and plants it protects every chance they get. The Center Action Fund tracks legislative attacks on the ESA, and calls out top enemies of the Act.

Public lands are continually under the eye of greedy corporate interests, with increasing threats of inappropriate uses like mining, logging, and excessive grazing, which would essentially leave precious habitats defunct. The overwhelming majority of Americans across the political spectrum support protecting our more than 600 million acres of public lands and 4.5 million square miles of ocean. But these cherished places are under attack by members of Congress who seek to exploit them to help polluters maximize corporate profit.

Clean air shouldn’t be an issue under debate. The Clean Air Act protects people from pollution-related health problems and, according to the EPA, has been a good economic investment for the country. Yet this bedrock environmental law is constantly at risk of being weakened by members of Congress who are, shamefully, not acting in the interest of their constituents’ health.

Since January 2017, Congress has introduced at least 76 attacks on one of our most essential environmental laws.

You Can Help.

Today, we find ourselves in a fight for life or death – for ourselves and the planet, in the most important election of our lifetime.  Check out our current list of endorsements and find out how you can get involved in this election.

Help ramp up our fight to protect our planet by voting for the Center for Biological Diversity Action Fund in this month’s CREDO grant.

CREDO is proud to be a long-time ally of the Center for Biological Diversity and the Center for Biological Diversity Action Fund. Over the years, our members have helped us donate more than $1.1 million to help the organization fight for climate justice. To learn more about our donations program and vote for this month’s grantees, please visit