It’s Pi Day: Let’s celebrate pi (and pie)

March 14 is Pi Day. (3.14, get it?) It’s a day to celebrate mathematics. “An annual opportunity for math enthusiasts to recite the infinite digits of pi, talk to their friends about math and eat pie,” say the …

Pi is a remarkable number: Here’s an outrageous one

Friday, 3/14, is Pi Day. It’s a day to celebrate math and the wonder of numbers. Specifically, it’s a day to celebrate pi, the wonderful number that goes on forever. Here’s another number that goes on forever—or seems …

It’s Pi Day: Let’s celebrate math—and fight inequality

March 14 is Pi Day. It’s a day (3.14, naturally) to celebrate the amazing number pi, which goes on forever without repeating. More broadly, it’s a day to appreciate mathematics and get better acquainted with the power of …