How to Have a More Environmentally-Friendly Holiday Season

Americans create a lot of waste during the holidays. According to Stanford University, we throw away 25% more trash during the holiday season, adding up to 25 million tons of garbage or approximately 1 million extra tons every …

CREDO Tip: The Seven Great National Parks to Visit in Winter

Winter is one of the best times to visit our nation’s beautiful national parks. Imagine standing in snow-blanketed Cooks Meadow with the iconic Half Dome in the background or standing next to Old Faithful Geyser with no one …

Electric Vehicles 101: How to Drive Without Direct Carbon Emissions

In recent years, electric vehicles sales have surged from 1,919 in 2010 to 233,411 in 2018, and analysts predict the trend will continue upward. This increase in sales is due to several factors including price, longer-range batteries and …

6 progressive podcasts to subscribe to right now

We’re living in the golden age of podcasts. According to industry data, there are more than 700,000 active podcasts and more than 29 million available episodes on a wide range of topics that include history, pop culture and …

For privacy and security, get a VPN for your phone

Here at CREDO, protecting our members’ privacy rights is a top priority. We’ve fought the government in court to protect our members’ privacy rights and worked to repeal spying programs like the Patriot Act. There are also steps …

CREDO Tip: Yes, your phone could be listening to you. Here’s what you can do.

Yes, your phone could be listening to you. Here’s what you can do. Your phone could be listening to you – hearing what you say and then pushing ads according to what it thinks your interests are. This …

CREDO Tip: Do these 6 things immediately if you lose your phone

Losing your phone can really stress you out. In a 2017 survey by the Physiological Society, a London-based nonprofit, people ranked losing their phone as life’s 14th most-stressful event, just above moving to a new home.  But there …