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Download your Biden-Trump debate bingo cards here

If you tuned into the first presidential debate, you know it wasn’t very presidential at all. Interruptions, lies, distortions, false attacks, you name it! Donald Trump turned the debate into a circus, with a clown taking center stage.

The second of three debates was to be held on Thursday, but in the Trump era, nothing is ever certain. As you likely know, Trump and many members of his (maskless) staff contracted COVID-19. With new debate rules and a virtual format in place to keep folks safe, Trump balked at the idea and the debate was canceled.

Voters deserve to watch a substantive discussion from the candidates because this is a serious election. Luckily, the third debate is still scheduled for October 22 — and we’ve put together two fun Debate Bingo Cards to bring some levity to what might otherwise be another nerve-racking debate.

From the important issues like climate, the Supreme Court and racial justice to more light-hearted quips from the candidates, you and your friends can play along during the next debate — and maybe yell less at the TV this time around!

Click Here to Download & Print Our Presidential Debate Bingo Cards and Markers