Posted on October 16, 2018
Tuesday Tip: How to shift gears and start commuting by bike
Tuesday Tip: How to shift gears and start commuting by bike
Climate change will be much worse and come much sooner than most people think. Antarctica is melting three times faster than it was a decade ago. Storms and other natural disasters are growing stronger because of the changing climate. Within our lifetime, South Asia – home to 20 percent of the world’s population – could be too hot for human habitation.
We should all do our part to slow climate change’s devastating effects.
Here’s one change you can make: ride a bike to work. If city dwellers worldwide would use bikes for just 10 percent of their urban trips, greenhouse gas emissions from motor vehicles in large cities would drop by 11 percent.
Currently, only around 1 percent of urban travel in the United States happens on a bike, but cycling is on the rise. The number of people who got to work by bike increased roughly 60 percent from 2000 to the 2008–2012 period, according to the U.S. Census Bureau. This was the largest percentage increase among all commuting modes.
How far can bikes go? In the Netherlands, 27 percent of all trips taken are by bike. In Amsterdam, it’s 38 percent and in the university town of Groningen, 59 percent of all trips are by bicycle.
Here are a few tips to get you on the path to bike commuting.
Your bike can make or break your bike commute, so choose one that’s comfortable and practical.
The most versatile commuting bike is a hybrid, which is what it sounds like: a blend of road bike and mountain bike. On a hybrid, you’ll sit upright and have better vision and visibility. Hybrids have wider tires than a road bike (more durable and comfortable) but thinner tires than a mountain bike (more mobile).
For a longer commute – or a route with hills – you’ll likely want a road bike with high and low gears. It’ll be faster and easier, provided the streets you travel are reasonably flat and in good repair.
If you’re riding along rough roads, look into a mountain bike. It can take a potholing and keep on rolling. Keep in mind, though, that the knobby tires will slow you down if your commute is primarily on asphalt.
If your commute involves a bus or train, a folding bike could be your best bet. Folding bikes nowadays tuck into small packages that fit almost anywhere.
In addition to these basics, you have many other choices, including a cyclocross bike (sort of a beefed-up road bike) and a town bike (what you most often see in European cities). Another, increasingly popular option is an e-bike, which has an electric motor to assist you up hills and/or over long distances. For full details, consult your local cycle shop.
Whatever bike you choose, make sure you have full-length fenders in case of inclement weather, some sort of luggage rack or saddle bags for carrying your stuff, lights, a mirror, a helmet, and a comfortable seat that’s not too cushiony or it will chafe. Also consider puncture-proof tires, because nothing upends your commute like a flat.
Find a good route
The right route will make your bike commute a more enjoyable experience. The wrong route – one that has trucks, heavy traffic or exhaust fumes – will be stressful and could be dangerous. If you live in a city with dedicated bike paths, seek them out. Your local cycle shop should have maps of local bike paths.
Before you use your chosen route to get to work, give it a trial run on a weekend. Time your trip and see how long it takes. Keep in mind that traffic on your route may vary by the hour of the day, and consider a different route to and from work if necessary.
Give yourself time
Racing out the door and pelting off to work like a sprint cyclist will defeat the purpose. You’ll arrive tired, frazzled and perspiring – and your stint as a bike commuter may be brief.
So give yourself time in the morning. This way, you can pedal at a leisurely pace and enjoy the ride. Perhaps stop for a cup of coffee on the way. Also, plan to arrive at the office a little early, so you can catch your breath and prepare for work. Maybe your office has a shower. If so, get one of those chamois towels that swimmers use. They’re a lot easier to carry than a big bath towel.
Commuting by bike will take time out of your day unless you live in a place with regularly bad traffic – in which case it may be quicker than driving. But think of it this way: Your trip to work is your workout, and it will save you the time you would otherwise spend on exercise.
Here at CREDO, a lot of us bike to work. We hope you’ll join us soon.
Posted on October 15, 2018
Mystery Ted Cruz Posters Revealed to Represent Stand Against Gun Violence
Mystery Ted Cruz Posters Revealed to Represent Stand Against Gun Violence
CREDO Mobile Connects the Dots on Posters of Senator Cruz Appearing in Houston, San Antonio, and Austin Ahead of Senatorial Debate
(Multiple Locations, TX) — Today, CREDO Mobile came forward as the group behind the art installations that quietly went up in locations around Houston, San Antonio, and Austin earlier this month, featuring an image of Senator Ted Cruz.
Early this morning, the images were modified to reveal their true meaning: each dot comprising the image of Sen. Cruz represents one act of gun violence in the United States — for a total of 36,231 since the beginning of 2018 through Aug. 15, 2018. The images now direct viewers to, with information about CREDO’s campaign and how voters can take action against gun violence, including by voting out Sen. Cruz.
“Of the members of Congress most beholden to the gun lobby, Ted Cruz is especially unwilling to do anything beyond sending useless ‘thoughts and prayers’ after mass shootings,” said Heidi Hess, Co-Director of CREDO Action. “It’s time for real action to stop gun violence in Texas and around the country, and show that our votes are more powerful than the NRA’s lobbying dollars. This campaign is one way we are urging Texans, and everyone, to use their vote this November as a weapon against gun violence — and the members of Congress who enable it.”
“For more than 30 years, CREDO has stood for progressive values, like fighting for civil rights, women’s rights and gun control, while also protecting the environment and voting rights,” said CREDO Mobile CEO Ray Morris. “No other phone company — or any company, for that matter — goes to the same lengths to make progressive change a core part of our products and services. We’ve long been calling out and fighting against Ted Cruz for his ties to special interests and the NRA. With this campaign, we’re putting Cruz and the NRA — and all members of Congress who stand in the way of lifesaving gun reform — on notice. CREDO customers and activist members can be proud of this campaign.”
The campaign included 10 plywood murals and thousands of posters featuring the likeness of Sen. Cruz in Houston and Austin, which appeared quietly over the course of the first week in October. In addition, ahead of the October 16 Senate debate, posters were launched in San Antonio. On the evening of October 15, new images were simultaneously installed to reveal the dots’ symbolism, and CREDO Mobile projected the image in downtown San Antonio, launched the website and began a social media campaign to reach Texas voters.
CREDO Mobile has donated over $3 million to organizations working against gun violence, including Moms Demand Action, Mayors Against Illegal Guns, the Brady Campaign and Amnesty International. After the mass shooting at Stoneman Douglas High School in Parkland, Florida, CREDO engaged over 400,000 progressive activists to urge Congress to ban assault weapons, the Senate to block the Concealed Carry Reciprocity Act and corporations to cut ties with the National Rifle Association.
Founded in 1985, CREDO Mobile gives individuals the power to make positive social change every day. Whenever members use a CREDO product or service, they generate critical donations for causes (at no extra cost) and fund vital activism work. Since 1985, CREDO has donated over $86 million to progressive nonprofits, and the company has built a network of over 5.5 million activists.
CREDO Action, part of CREDO Mobile, is a social change network of over five million activists, sending tens of millions of petition signatures and hundreds of thousands of phone calls to decision-makers each year. CREDO Action members also participate in meetings, protests and other direct action for progressive change. Visit CREDO Mobile, CREDO Action and CREDO Donations to learn more.
Posted on October 15, 2018
Mitch McConnell quotes CREDO’s Heidi Hess on the Senate floor
It’s not often you get quoted on the Senate floor – but that’s what happened last week.
Last Thursday, an angry and defiant Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell went to the Senate floor to rail on our quickly growing movement to impeach Brett Kavanaugh from the Supreme Court.
We must be really getting under his skin because McConnell called CREDO “the mob” and quoted me from an NBC news article about our campaign.
Check out McConnell’s comments here.
From their desperate attempts to characterize the movement against Kavanaugh, which is more broadly a movement against patriarchy and white supremacy, as a mob, it is obvious that Mitch McConnell and his fellow Republicans are scared. They know, as we do, that we will ultimately win, against Kavanaugh and against systemic oppression, and they are doing everything they can to try to discredit and shut down our movement as it picks up steam.
McConnell and every single Senate Republican have proven that they care more about helping men escape consequences for sexual harassment and assault than about making sure an accused sexual predator and liar isn’t confirmed to the Supreme Court.
That’s why almost 175,000 thousand CREDO members have taken action to demand that the House immediately begin real and thorough investigations and initiate impeachment proceedings against Brett Kavanaugh.
Here at CREDO, we’re proud to be called out by McConnell and we’re glad that he’s scared of the work we all do together.
You can join the fight here:
Posted on October 9, 2018
CREDO’s 2018 Voter Registration Dates Guide
CREDO’s 2018 Voter Registration Dates Guide:
Find your voting registration, absentee, and early vote dates state-by-state
Voting is a privilege. An honor. And, most importantly, our duty.
The 2018 midterm elections will be one of the most consequential in a generation. And although Donald Trump isn’t on the ballot – his dangerous agenda certainly is. That’s why it’s so critical that progressive voters turn out on November 6 in massive numbers if we want to hold Trump and his corrupt, greedy, racist, misogynistic administration accountable.
Your vote is your voice – make sure it’s heard. But it will only count if you show up, mark your ballot and ensure your friends and family do, too.
With the help of our friends at the Campus Organizing Guide, we’ve put together this state-by-state guide to help you navigate the sometimes confusing and difficult rules and dates surrounding voter registration. Use it to make sure your vote counts and share it with your friends and family.
Want to find out if you’re already registered? Check out our recent tip: “How to register to vote — or find out if you’re already registered
Click your state below to find out important voting dates:
Posted on October 8, 2018
Furious. Grateful. Committed. Voting.
Furious. Grateful. Committed.
That’s how we’re feeling here at CREDO as the Senate gives Brett Kavanaugh a lifetime appointment to the Supreme Court.
We’re furious at the misogyny and white supremacy that put a liar and accused sexual predator on the court. Furious that survivors have to reveal their trauma to get even a chance at justice but still aren’t believed. Furious at the Republican senators who just undermined survivors. Furious at Democratic Sen. Joe Manchin for helping them
We’re grateful for Dr. Christine Blasey Ford, for Deborah Ramirez and Julie Swetnick, and for every brave survivor who took the risk to tell their stories. Grateful for the senators who voted against Kavanaugh. And grateful for everyone who fought Kavanaugh from beginning to end. Thank you to the hundreds of thousands of CREDO members who submitted petition signatures, the tens of thousands who called and everyone who protested and attended vigils. Thank you to our friends at Center for Popular Democracy Action, Women’s March, Be a Hero and UltraViolet who tirelessly led the charge to bring the cancel Kavanaugh message to senators in D.C. – loud and clear. Thanks to allies and activists across the country who stood up and demanded to be heard.
And we are committed. We are going to work to impeach Kavanaugh, hold Sen. Manchin and Republicans accountable and demand the leadership we need from congressional Democrats. We are going to defend our communities, our bodies, our environment and our democracy. And on Nov. 6, we are going to vote. We’re going to vote against misogyny, racism, bigotry and greed. We’re going to vote for equality, justice and freedom. We’re going to vote for all of us and the future we deserve.
Thanks for everything you do.
Posted on October 5, 2018
CREDO victories and activism in September and October
One month ago, no one thought it was possible to stop Brett Kavanaugh from being confirmed to the Supreme Court. In fact, the experts and pundits all thought he would be confirmed by now. But they weren’t counting on multiple courageous women coming forward with sexual assault allegations, and they weren’t expecting such a massive grassroots uprising in opposition. We won’t know yet if we’ll be able to stop Kavanaugh, but we do know that we have a fighting chance because of grassroots activism. We’re proud of the role CREDO members have played in this fight – and we think you should be too.
Hundreds of thousands of CREDO members have signed petitions opposing Kavanaugh’s confirmation. Tens of thousands have called Senate offices. We commissioned polling in Maine, Alaska and New York showing how unpopular Brett Kavanaugh is in those states. On Sept. 4, the first day of Kavanaugh’s confirmation hearing in the Senate Judiciary Committee, two CREDO executives were among the activists arrested for committing civil disobedience by disrupting the hearing. At the same time, CREDO’s mobile billboard was circulating on Capitol Hill to make clear that it is Sen. Chuck Schumer’s job to unite all Senate Democrats in opposition to Kavanaugh. We also drafted and spearheaded a scathing letter urging him to immediately do just that.
Our work in opposition to Kavanaugh’s confirmation has received extensive recognition in the media, with coverage in the New York Times, NBC News, Good Morning America, POLITICO Playbook, Think Progress, HuffPost and dozens of other publications.
It’s all hands on deck in the last days of the fight against Kavanaugh. If you’d like to take action today, you can sign our petition telling the Senate not to give an accused sexual predator a lifetime appointment to the federal bench. If you have a Republican senator, you can call as a constituent to demand a no vote on Kavanaugh. If you have Democratic senators, you can make a call to keep the pressure on Senate Republican leaders.
While working to keep an accused sexual predator off the Supreme Court occupied much of our time in September, we continued fighting on several other fronts.
Net Neutrality victory in California
On Sept. 30, we won a major victory when California Gov. Jerry Brown signed landmark net neutrality legislation into law. This victory was fueled by grassroots activism, including more than 30,000 CREDO members who signed petitions, thousands who made phone calls and those who showed up to more than a dozen in-district meetings CREDO organized with key members of the California Assembly.
As CREDO Campaign Manager Brandy Doyle told the San Jose Mercury News, “thanks to hundreds of thousands of activists who would not give up the fight against all odds, Californians will have real, meaningful net neutrality protections.”
Hyatt Hotels reject hate
Also in late September, the CEO of Hyatt Hotels announced that the company will no longer allow hate groups to hold conferences at its properties. This announcement came after nearly 60,000 CREDO members signed a petition telling Hyatt to cancel its contract with anti-Muslim hate group ACT for America and refuse to host their conferences at its hotels.
Separately, after more than 50,000 CREDO members signed a petition, Twitter announced in early September that it would permanently ban conservative conspiracy theorist Alex Jones from its platform.
Progressive leader Gov. Jay Inslee visits CREDO
On Sept. 14, we were honored to host Washington state’s progressive leader, Gov. Jay Inslee, for a special conversation at CREDO headquarters to discuss his work combating climate change, resisting Trump at the state level and key governors’ races across the country.
As always, you can keep up with everything we’re up to by visiting You can vote on which progressive groups we donate to at And you can connect with us on Instagram, Facebook and Twitter.
Thank you for being a part of our movement for progressive change.
Posted on October 4, 2018
Victory: California enacts meaningful net neutrality protections
Huge grassroots victory! Thanks to hundreds of thousands of activists, including thousands of CREDO members who would not give up the fight against all odds, Californians will have real, meaningful net neutrality protections.
Californians won out against one of the most powerful lobbies in Sacramento. AT&T and other Big Telecom companies opposed this bill with everything they had. But our activism helped to overcome the massive spending by huge corporations trying to stop this important legislation.
Here are some quick statistics highlighting the activism of our members in California that helped secure this victory:
- 30,000+ PETITION SIGNATURES: More than 30,000 CREDO members in California have signed a petition calling on the legislature to “protect the free and open internet in California.” The petition can be found here.
- 2,750+ PHONE CALLS: CREDO members have made more than 2,750 phone calls to the offices of key Assembly members and state senators in support of S.B. 822.
- 15 IN-DISTRICT MEETINGS: In July and August, CREDO helped organize 15 in-district meetings between constituents and the offices of key Assembly members.
We thank Gov. Brown for standing with us and protecting the future of the internet and all our communities who depend on it.
If you’d like to join the only mobile company fighting for a free and open internet, please visit our website at
Posted on October 1, 2018
Our September grantees thank you for your support
Each month, CREDO members vote on how we distribute funding to three incredible organizations. Those small actions add up – with one click, you can help fund groups fighting for economic justice, civil rights and voter participation. In September, over 56,000 CREDO members voted to distribute our monthly donation to Other98, the Southern Poverty Law Center and the Voter Participation Center.
These donations are made possible by CREDO customers and the revenue they generate by using our services. The distribution depends entirely on the votes of CREDO members like you. And for that, our September grant recipients thank you.
“CREDO members rock! Your support makes it possible for Other98 to confront Big Pharma, Big Oil, Big Banks and the billionaire class head-on. With your help, Other98 reaches millions every day and has defeated pipelines and exposed Pharma’s crimes.” To learn more, visit
Southern Poverty Law Center
“Thank you for supporting the Southern Poverty Law Center! With you by our side, we are making a difference in the ongoing struggle for equal justice and equal opportunity in our nation.” To learn more, visit
The Voter Participation Center
“Thank you CREDO members for your support and partnership! Because of your financial support, the Voter Participation Center is able to register and mobilize the rising American electorate – unmarried women, people of color and young people.” To learn more, visit
Now check out the three groups we are funding in October, and cast your vote to help distribute our donations.
CREDO members who use our products are the reason why we are able to make these donations each month. Learn more about CREDO Mobile, the carrier with a conscience.
Posted on October 1, 2018
Vote for these three progressive groups this October
Every month, CREDO members help us choose how to distribute our monthly donation to three great progressive groups. This month, you can vote for organizations fighting for civil rights, reproductive rights and economic justice by casting your ballot for Center for Media Justice, Planned Parenthood and Working Families Party.
Center for Media Justice
The Center for Media Justice fights for racial and economic equity in a digital age. Its mission is to build a powerful movement for a more just and participatory media and digital world – with racial equity and human rights for all.
Funding from CREDO members would help Center for Media Justice organize with local partners to aggressively pursue the technology and data companies that are currently enabling the FBI, Immigrations and Customs and Enforcement and the Department of Homeland Security to violate people of color’s human rights.
Planned Parenthood
Planned Parenthood is America’s most trusted provider of sexual and reproductive health care and provides trusted, affordable health services to more than 8,000 women, men and young people each day.
In the current political climate, Planned Parenthood’s ability to provide its vital services is threatened as never before. Funding from CREDO will help ensure that Planned Parenthood’s health services remain available to those who need them most.
Working Families Party
Working Families Party is the people-powered progressive party fighting for the many, not just the privileged few. It believes that our children’s life chances must not be determined at birth, and America must be a nation that allows all its people to thrive.
Support from CREDO members will enable Working Families Party to identify, recruit and train the next generation of progressive leaders to run for office and help grow and support the activist base that can elect them.
Your vote this October will determine how we divide our monthly donation among these three progressive groups. Be sure to cast your vote to support one, two or all three by October 31.
CREDO members who use our products everyday are the reason why we are able to make these donations each month. Learn more about CREDO Mobile, the carrier with a conscience.
Posted on September 26, 2018
CREDO is rising up for climate, jobs and justice every day
Thanks in part to CREDO members and thousands of activists across the world who joined us and our allies on Sept. 8, the Rise for Climate, Jobs and Justice marches were a big success. More than 250,000 people spanning all seven continents took to the streets to demand that world leaders transition from dirty fossil fuels to renewable energy.
In San Francisco, CREDO members, many of our staff and our Rise for Climate posters were out in full force on the streets marching with tens of thousands of other demonstrators who turned out for “what is being hailed as the largest climate march the West Coast has ever seen.”
But the Rise for Climate marches were just the beginning of a week filled with climate activism. On Thursday, climate justice activists, led by frontline communities, risked arrest taking over the streets to block entrance to Governor Jerry Brown’s Global Climate Action Summit in San Francisco which brought leaders and experts from across the world to discuss the climate crisis.