Hollaback! is working to end harassment with the 5Ds of bystander intervention

Hollaback! works to end harassment in all its forms by transforming the culture that perpetuates hate and harassment. We carry out this mission by building the power of everyday people to create safe and welcoming environments for all.

One of the main pillars of our work is bystander intervention: we train people to respond to, intervene in, and heal from harassment. We recognize that the systems and structures that create and reinforce harassment across our society are fundamentally made of people. We aim to equip everyday people with the tools to undo harassment in their everyday lives and to create impact in the organizations, institutions, and businesses around them. 

Injustice can feel overwhelming: It can be hard to know what each one of us can do to help ourselves and communities feel safe – especially in times of crisis. Bystander Intervention is a safe and accessible tool that you can use to act when witnessing harassment. It’s something we can all do to show up for one another and make our communities safer. In fact, research from Cornell University shows that bystander intervention significantly reduces trauma for the person being harassed. In Hollaback!’s trainings, we outline the 5Ds of bystander intervention – actions you can take to make a difference.

Let’s talk about what the 5Ds can look like in action:

Distract: Creating a distraction to de-escalate the situation 

Distraction draws attention away from the intensity of the harassment and ultimately de-escalates the situation. For example, you could drop your coffee — and people would scramble to help you clean it up or avoid the mess. You could also start a conversation with the person experiencing the harassment. Here, the idea is to build a safe space with the person being harassed while denying the person doing the harassing from getting the attention they are seeking.

Delegate: Finding someone else to help

Our favorite person to delegate to intervene is the one right next to us. Like us, they could share the very human desire to take care of other people. Unlike us, they may not have been trained in bystander intervention. Asking them to document a situation, intervene directly, or go and grab the manager while you monitor a situation are simple ways to create support for you when intervening, as well as for the person being harassed. You can also reach out to your HR department if you’re at work, and/or the social media companies where the harassment occurs — but it’s best to check in with the person being harassed first.

Document: Creating documentation and giving it to the person who was harassed

Whether you’re using your cell phone camera, pen and paper, or saving screenshots and hyperlinks, documentation is powerful. It offers their power back to the person being harassed and gives them the reassurance that what happened was wrong — while simultaneously giving them the concrete evidence they will need if they decide to report it.

Delay: Checking in on the person who experienced the harassment

Sometimes the harassment occurs too quickly for any intervention during it, so your intervention happens after the fact, and hence, is delayed. When this happens, a quick check-in can remind the person that what happened wasn’t okay and that anyone would be upset by it.  When you Delay, you’re showing them that you’ve got their back regardless of what they choose to do about it (even if they choose to do nothing).

Direct: Setting a boundary with the person doing the harassing, and then turning your attention to the person being harassed

This is the most misunderstood of the 5D’s. It’s easy to assume that it’s about telling the person doing the harassing off, or at the very least, educating them. But it’s not really about them at all — or even about you for that matter. Like all of the 5Ds, it’s about prioritizing the person being harassed. Start by setting a boundary: say,“Hey, what did you mean by that?” or “That’s so disrespectful; give them some space.” Then turn your energy away from the person doing the harassing, toward the person being harassed. As tempting as it may be, don’t get into a  back and forth.  People actively harassing others aren’t in a mindset to learn at that exact moment, anyway.

In Hollaback!’s bystander intervention trainings, we say that each person has a superpower – a method of intervention that they feel most comfortable with.  If you’d like to find your superpower, learn more about the 5Ds, and practice showing up as a bystander, we invite you to join one of Hollaback!’s upcoming bystander intervention trainings, including trainings addressing anti-Asian/American harassment and xenophobia, conflict de-escalation training, street harassment, online abuse, and more. 

CREDO and supporters like you make it possible for our trainings to be free and accessible – thank you for investing in a world where everyone has the right to access public space!


Earth Guardians are Finishing the Year Strong with Support from CREDO Members

For nearly 30 years, Earth Guardians (EG) has been one of the leading grassroots, intergenerational organizations empowering young people in the environmental and climate justice spaces. We train diverse youth to be effective leaders in the environmental, climate, and social justice movements across the globe, using art, music, storytelling, on-the-ground projects, civic engagement, and legal action to advance solutions to the critical issues we face as a global community.

As an organization, we empower youth and invite them into key decision-making and visioning roles. Our staff team includes adult professionals as well as youth from around the globe. The Earth Guardians vision is shaped collaboratively by Staff, our Youth Council, a worldwide network of Regional Directors (RD), and an Indigenous Youth Committee, all of whom work together to design and support national and global youth campaigns and projects. Many of our EG youth leaders have been invited to speak about our work at high-profile engagements worldwide, which has drawn thousands more young people to Earth Guardians as supporters and crew members. As a result, today we are a global organization with over 300 on-the-ground crews (groups of young people at the heart of the organization who join together to design and implement community projects) located in more than 70 countries.

As ecosystems are affected by crises across the planet, climate, environmental, social, and political activism has flourished, particularly among young people, and Earth Guardians has risen to the challenge of connecting, supporting, and empowering youth to be impactful in these spaces. We have expanded our staff and Youth Council, joined powerful coalitions of other climate- and justice-focused organizations, and launched many new high-impact programs, campaigns, and trainings to help young people worldwide who are looking for connection, answers, and ways to kickstart their own activism and contribute to solutions.

The 2021 crew training offered to Earth Guardians’ U.S. crews, or frontline groups, of mainly young activists and artists who represent and are supported by EG, and engaged in the issues and needs of their communities. This was a comprehensive training designed to help crew leaders lean into their fullest potential and to collaborate on and create more effective campaigns and projects. Workshops at the training will center on holistic and intersectional leadership skills, project management, coalition-building, and regenerative solutions. With intersectionality and social justice teachings incorporated throughout, this training is focused on grouping individual  participants with similar project ideas or passions, and ensuring that each participant leaves with a well-constructed project, as well as ongoing support, that can be immediately adopted in their own communities.

Earth Guardians launched a program to offer direct financial support to young people and crews in the form of project grants, which directly benefit communities through efforts like tree plantings, traditional plant gardens, and ceremonial community space development as well as youth-led frontline actions, such as opposition to the Keystone XL pipeline.

We also train youth leaders who are responsible for managing multiple crews and campaigns within their respective global regions. EG aims to build RD’s leadership skills in a way that offers better vision, strategy and organization in the global climate movement for expanded impact. Further, EG hopes to enrich knowledge from the variety of shared experiences our RDs bring as the youth navigate different backgrounds, cultures, ages, and even regional-specific issues among the group. Training topics include project management and leadership, climate justice education, and justice equity diversity & inclusion principles. Climate change is a global issue that needs a global response, in this, EG sees the interconnectedness of our RDs as fundamental to the solution.

Now in its third year and building on the success from previous Indigenous youth trainings, EG’s Indigenous Youth Committee is organizing a week-long training specifically for Indigenous youth leaders from across Turtle Island. At the training, youth will honor and share their traditional ways of life while honing in on developing leadership skills and their inherent wisdom around social and environmental justice issues directly impacting their communities including Indigenous sovereignty, regenerative agriculture, ceremony, traditional medicines, frontline resistance, and decolonization while providing space for healing. The goal is to equip Indigenous youth with education, mentorship, and a network of support to continue building sovereignty among Native Nations, as EG sees this as a key solution to the climate crisis.

This is what we have in store for the final quarter of 2021 – all which will be possible through the support of CREDO Members. 


Here’s how to unlock your phone with Face ID while wearing a mask

We’re 18 months into the pandemic, and we all know that face masks are critical to help slow the spread of COVID-19. 

But we also know that it’s impossible to unlock our phones in public using facial recognition while wearing our masks. While this sounds like a problem of privilege, there are many people who must wear masks in their workplaces all day (think nurses, food service workers and other essential employees) and need to use their phones without removing their masks.

If you’re still struggling to quickly unlock your phone in public while wearing a face mask, we’ve got you covered. In this week’s tip, we’ll show you how to unlock your iPhone or Android device while wearing a face mask using facial recognition or Face ID.

How to unlock your iPhone using Face ID while wearing a mask

Instructions if you own an Apple Watch

Early in the pandemic, there were few good solutions for Apple users who wanted to unlock their phones with Face ID while wearing a face mask. In the months since, Apple has introduced a clever solution, but it requires an extra Apple device — an Apple Watch — which will act as a secondary authentication device to unlock your phone. Here’s how to enable this feature:

Before you begin:

  1. You must own an iPhone that uses Face ID (iPhone X or later) and has iOS 14.5 or later, as well as an Apple Watch Series 3 or later with watchOS 7.4 or later
  2. Make sure your Apple Watch and iPhone are paired and that both have Bluetooth and WiFi enabled.
  3. Ensure your Apple Watch has a passcode, and wrist detection is turned on.

How to enable & use the feature:

  1. Put on your Apple Watch & unlock it. Then, put on your mask.
  2. Go to Settings > tap Face ID & Passcode and type your passcode.
  3. Find Unlock with Apple Watch, then turn on the feature next to your watch’s name.
  4. To unlock your phone while wearing your mask, raise or touch your phone to wake it up.
  5. Glance at the screen, which should unlock it. Then, you can slide the screen up to begin using it.

If you’re having trouble, visit this help page at Apple. If you have a new iPhone 13, you may need to update your iOS. If all else fails, you can still use a passcode to unlock your device.

Train your phone to recognize your mask (maybe)

This is an unofficial tip, but you may be able to train your iPhone to recognize your face while wearing a mask. There are many anecdotes and YouTube videos claiming this is possible. You’ll need to set up an alternate appearance with your mask on or partially on. 

We haven’t tried this for ourselves, so we can’t vouch for its effectiveness. The folks at 9to5mac detail some possible steps you can take if you’d like to reset your Face ID or set up an alternate appearance using this method. Give it a try and let us know how it goes!

Unlock your Android with facial recognition while wearing a mask

We must preface this by saying this is also an unofficial tip so we cannot guarantee success. However, Android also has a version of facial recognition that can unlock your phone without entering a passcode or pattern — and may work if you’re wearing a mask.

To enable it, you have to set up an alternate appearance similar to the steps for the iPhone noted above. Here’s how, but please note that these instructions may vary or not work depending on your device’s manufacturer or version of Android OS.

  1. Unlock your device and put on your mask.
  2. Go to Settings > Security (or Security & Location, or Biometric & Security) 
  3. Tap Face Recognition
  4. Tap Add Alternative look
  5. Follow the on-screen instructions to add a new trusted appearance


Vote for Earth Guardians, Hollaback!, and Supermajority this October

Every month, CREDO members vote to distribute our monthly donation to three incredible progressive causes – and every vote makes a difference. This October, you can support climate justice, ending harassment and women’s rights by voting to fund Earth Guardians, Hollaback!, and Supermajority.

Earth Guardians

Earth Guardians works to inspire and empower youth globally, to participate and lead in creating impactful solutions to the climate crisis. Youth leaders connect through the arts, storytelling and community organizing.

CREDO funding will directly support youth empowerment to create powerful change using arts, storytelling, organizing and legal action. Your vote will enable Earth Guardians to inspire impactful solutions to the critical issues we face as a global community.


Hollaback! works to end harassment in all its forms by transforming the culture that perpetuates hate and harassment. The organization carries out this mission by building the power of everyday people to create safe and welcoming environments for all.

Your support will provide free bystander intervention trainings at a time of increased need. With CREDO members, Hollaback! can meet this moment, providing people with effective skills to de-escalate and end harassment against impacted communities.


Supermajority is a racially diverse, intergenerational community of over 5 million women who are organizing and voting for a more equitable future. The organization is uniting women with shared values of safety, dignity, and respect to transform our country.

Funding from CREDO will support women as voters. Supermajority is sharpening online tools and resources to make organizing and volunteering easier than ever and pushing conversations forward on women’s priorities like care, paid leave, and a living wage.

Your vote this month will determine how we divide our monthly donation among these three progressive groups. Be sure to cast your vote to support one, two or all three by October 31.

CREDO members who use our products and services everyday are the reason we are able to make these donations each month. Learn more about CREDO Mobile and CREDO Energy and join our movement.


CREDO’s Progressive Crossword Challenge: Can you answer all 11?

Do you Reduce, Reuse and _ _ _ _ _ _ _? Did you “Feel The _ _ _ _?” Do you know how much CREDO has donated to progressive organizations since we were founded in 1985?

If you can answer these, then you should have no trouble with CREDO’s Progressive Crossword Challenge!

Test your progressive knowledge by answering all 11 crossword puzzle clues — either on-screen or printed out — then check your answers on our blog.

Try your hand at our new progressive crossword below, then scroll down for the answers. Don’t cheat!


1 – An organization not conducted or maintained for the purpose of making a profit
2 – Pride month
3 – Post-9/11 government surveillance act
5 – “Feel the _ _ _ _”
7 – Most common natural disaster around the world
8 – Year Roe v. Wade was decided


4 – State with the most restrictive abortion la as of Sept. 2021
5 – Acronym for a social movement dedicated to fighting racism and police brutality against Black people
6 – An action you take during elections
9 – Last of the three Rs
10 – Total amount donated by CREDO Mobile so far
11 – Phone company that donates $2 million annually to progressive nonprofits



Our September grantees thank you for your support

Each month, CREDO members vote on how we distribute funding to three incredible nonprofits. Those small actions add up – with one click, you can help fund groups working for voting rights, climate justice and women’s rights. In September, CREDO members voted to distribute our monthly donation to Democracy for America, Inside Climate News, and Women’s March.

These donations are made possible by CREDO customers and the revenue they generate by using our services. The distribution depends entirely on the votes of CREDO members like you. And for that, our September grant recipients thank you.

 Democracy for America

Thank you CREDO Members! Your support will allow us to launch a comprehensive data driven organizing campaign in support of our candidates up and down the ballot. Your commitment to social change empowers our volunteers to be able to reach voters all over the country.” – Yvette Simpson, CEO Democracy for America

To learn more, visit https://www.democracyforamerica.com.

Inside Climate News

Thank you for your continued support and partnership! CREDO members like you make it possible for Inside Climate News to continue to raise the bar for groundbreaking, independent journalism focused on the escalating climate crisis.” – David Sassoon, founder and publisher

To learn more, visit https://insideclimatenews.org/.

Women’s March

Thank you for your support of our movement. CREDO members like you make Women’s March’s work possible– CREDO grants have supported the millions of women in our base to take action for gender, racial, and economic justice.” – Rachel O’Leary Carmona, Executive Director, Women’s March

To learn more, visit womensmarch.com.

Now check out the three groups we are funding in October, and cast your vote to help distribute our donations.

CREDO members who use our products are the reason why we are able to make these donations each month. Learn more about CREDO Mobile, the carrier with a conscience.

How to transfer your data to a new smartphone

It’s one of the most common questions we get: How do I transfer all the data and information from my old smartphone to my brand new or gently used phone?

The good news is that moving your information to a new phone these days is really easy — and only takes a few simple steps to get up and running on your new device.

In this week’s tip — just in time for the brand new iPhone 13 — we’ll run through how to transfer your data and settings to a new device in a few easy steps.

Moving data from your old iOS device to a new iPhone or iPad

Apple has made moving your data from one phone to another incredibly easy with a system called “Quick Start.” Here’s how to automatically move your important data to your new device.

Before you start:

  1. Have your Apple ID and password ready.
  2. If you have an Apple Watch, unpair it from your old phone.
  3. Make sure you have a backup of your old device before beginning. Here’s how to back up your phone.

Transfer your data (courtesy of Apple)

  1. Choose a time when you will not need to use both your old and new devices. The process may take a little while.
  2. Plug in both devices; ensure your old phone is turned on. Place both devices near each other, and turn on your new device.
  3. A screen appears on your current device that offers the option of using your Apple ID to set up your new device. Make sure that it’s the Apple ID that you want to use, then tap Continue. If you don’t see the option to continue on your current device, make sure that Bluetooth is turned on.
  4. Wait for an animation to appear on your new device. Hold your current device over the new device, then center the animation in the viewfinder.
  5. Wait for a message that says Finish on New [Device]. If you can’t use your current device’s camera, tap Authenticate Manually, then follow the onscreen steps.
  6. When asked, enter your current device’s passcode on your new device. Then follow the instructions to set up Face ID or Touch ID on your new device.
  7. When you see the Transfer Data from [Device] screen, tap Continue to begin transferring your data from your previous device to your new device. Or you can tap Other Options to transfer apps, data, and settings from your most recent iCloud backup or transfer from a backup on your computer.

Quick note: This method is only available if your devices are running iOS 11 or later (Here’s how to check). 

If you are unable or do not want to use Quick Start to move your data, you can also check out how to use iCloud or iTunes or Finder from Apple’s website

Moving data from your old Android device to a new one

Transferring your data from an old Android to a new one is just as easy. You will still need to backup your old phone, but the process to transfer your data is quite simple.

Before you begin:

  1. Charge both phones
  2. Double-check that you are able to unlock the old device
  3. On your old phone, go to Settings and sign in with your Google account. 
  4. Backup your data: Go to Settings > System > Backup, then choose Backup Now > Continue. (Note that these instructions may be different depending on your device’s manufacturer)

Transfer your data (courtesy of Google)

  1. Turn on your new phone.
  2. Tap Start. If you don’t see “Start,” you can copy your data manually.
  3. When asked, choose to copy apps and data from your old phone.
  4. If you have a cable to connect your phones, follow the on-screen instructions to copy your data.
  5. If you don’t have a cable:
    1. Tap No cable? > Ok.
    2. Tap A backup from an Android phone.
    3. To copy your data, follow the on-screen instructions.

If you are having trouble, you can copy your data manually from one phone to the other. Here’s how.

How to transfer your data from iOS to Android — or Android to iOS

Some new and existing CREDO members sometimes make the switch from Android to a new iPhone, or vice-versa. While transferring data to a new operating system isn’t difficult, it does involve a few extra steps.

That’s why we have a separate blog post to walk you through this painless migration. Check out our previous post “How to migrate your phone’s data from Android to Apple iOS — and back.”


How to instantly speed up a sluggish smartphone

Is your smartphone not running as quickly as it used to? Is it acting slowly when you open new browser tabs or switch from app to app? 

We know how frustrating it can be — but don’t worry! The fix could be something as easy as cleaning up some space or clearing out your cache. Here are a few simple tricks to get your phone running like new again.

If you’ve noticed that your smartphone feels generally slower than it did when you first unboxed it, then you might need to clear your device’s cache, the temporary storage of data that keeps your phone from having to download the same data over and over again. 

Your phone’s cache usually keeps your device running quickly, but if it gets full, it’s time to empty it out. Clearing your browser and app cache will free up valuable space, especially on older models, and hopefully speed up internet browsing and general phone performance at the same time. Here’s how:

Instantly Speed up your Apple Device

Clearing cache on an iPhone or iPad using Safari (via Apple)

  1. Go to Settings > Safari
  2. Tap Clear History and Website Data, then confirm.

If you use another common browser on your iPhone or iPad, here are the instructions for Google Chrome and Firefox.

Offloading apps on Apple device to clear space

You may also see improvement by deleting data or cache for individual apps on your smartphone, especially if you have a device that has limited storage. 

You can do this by offloading certain unused apps that are using up a lot of space, which will temporarily delete the app from your device, but retain its settings and documents if and when you decide to download the app again. 

  1. Go to Settings > General > iPhone Storage (or iPad Storage)
  2. Scroll down to see a list of apps arranged by how much storage space each is using.
  3. Tap the app that is using up a lot of space.
  4. If you’re not currently using the app, but want to save its data and documents, click Offload App.
  5. If you don’t think you’ll use the app again, and you also don’t care about losing associated data, click Delete App.

Alternatively, you can enable your Apple device to offload unused apps automatically when you’re running low on space. You can do this by going to Settings > General > iPhone Storage (or iPad Storage) and click Enable to turn on that feature.

Instantly Speed up your Android Device

Clearing cache on an Android device using Chrome (via Google)

  1. On your Android phone or tablet, open the Chrome app.
  2. At the top right, tap three dots for More.
  3. Go to History > Clear browsing data.
  4. At the top, choose a time range. To delete everything, select All time.
  5. Next to “Cookies and site data” and “Cached images and files,” check the boxes.
  6. Tap Clear data.

Clearing app cache on an Android device

Similar to the iPhone, you can clear out cache for individual apps to improve performance. (Note: Instructions may vary depending on manufacturer and model)

  1. Go to Settings > Storage > Internal Storage
  2. Tap Cached Data
  3. Tap “OK” to clear out app cache for all apps.

Here are some additional tips from Google on speeding up an Android device.

Restart your device

When all else fails, it’s always a good idea to restart your device, which can free up some memory, stop background processes or unstuck an app that is causing you problems.

Consider upgrading your device

If your phone still isn’t performing the way you’d like, consider upgrading your device. We are offering some amazing deals on the latest smartphones — and your phone bill will help empower climate justice, civil rights and economic justice, at no extra cost. Visit CREDOMobile.com and find the phone that’s right for you!


These corporations are funding the Texas ban on reproductive rights

When an extreme abortion ban went into effect earlier this month in Texas — where 7 million women of reproductive age live — one in every ten women in the country now have had their reproductive rights essentially stripped away. 

The right-wing Texas politicians who sponsored this attack on abortion rights are funded by some of the largest household brands in the country, including big names in insurance, technology, automotive and Big Telecom — most notably, the mobile giant known for its blue globe logo and long-time backing of Republican causes.

If you’re looking to change your consumer behavior, or if you want to hold these corporations accountable, check out the top 10 corporations who funded the Texas ban on reproductive rights.

The Texas law, commonly referred to as S.B 8, is one of the most deplorable attacks on reproductive freedom in the country and bans abortion after six weeks, before most people even know they are pregnant. The law rewards private citizen bounty hunters for turning in anyone who helps someone receive reproductive care.

Thanks to the tenacious research and reporting by Judd Legum and his team at Popular Information, here are the top corporations that have bankrolled the sponsors of S.B. 8:

Their analysis also revealed that many of these companies have publicly come out in favor of women’s rights, then privately donated hundreds of thousands to extreme politicians who wage war on women’s rights and restrict abortion care.

Take, for example, AT&T — a long-time funder of right-wing causes and politicians. In 2020, AT&T issued a report on diversity and inclusion saying that “gender equity and the empowerment of women” was a core value of the company. And just last month, it celebrated Women’s Equality Day, saying it was “a day to reflect on the many challenges women in our society still face to achieve equity.”

Challenges, indeed…like seeking reproductive care in Texas. With $301,000 donated to the sponsors of S.B. 8, AT&T is making it much harder for women and those seeking abortion to achieve equity.

It’s not surprising that AT&T is near the top of this list, but it’s still loathsome. As of March of this year, AT&T donated $574,500 to the backers of Texas voter suppression bills. The company donated millions to Donald Trump and hired his criminal associates. Over the last two years AT&T donated $1,079,500 to anti-LGBTQ federal politicians, and another $2.7 million anti-LGBTQ politicians in 2017 and 2018. 

Here at CREDO, our customers can be confident that their phone bills will never fund anti-women or anti-abortion politicians. Just the opposite: Since 1985, our members have helped us donate more than $10 million to groups fighting for women’s rights and reproductive freedom, like Ultraviolet, NARAL Pro-Choice America and National Latina Institute for Reproductive Justice. We are proud to be one of Planned Parenthood’s largest corporate contributors, having donated more than $3 million over the last three decades.

If you’re not a CREDO member yet and want your mobile phone to empower women’s rights, along with climate justice, civil rights, economic justice, visit CREDOMobile.com and find the right phone and mobile plan for you.


Immediately update your phone to protect yourself from this dangerous spyware

Researchers recently discovered a vulnerability that could allow dangerously invasive spyware to be installed on Apple devices, so we are urging all owners of iPhone, iPad, Apple Watch and Mac products to immediately update your devices to protect yourself from this spyware that can allow someone to control your phone without your knowledge.

While it’s unlikely your phone has been infected with this malicious spyware, known as Pegasus, it’s important you update your devices immediately. The software has been found on the devices of journalists, activists and executives, so we are asking everyone — whether or not you’re a CREDO customer — to update your devices right now to prevent this spyware from being installed on your device. 

To learn more and for a quick tip on how to update your Apple devices, please click here.

Pegasus was developed by Israeli cyber-surveillance company NSO Group and allows hackers to access and control your devices without your knowledge. The New York Times referred to it as the “Holy Grail of surveillance because it allows governments, mercenaries and criminals to secretly break into someone’s device without tipping the victim off.”

Apple quickly released updates for its products to address the vulnerability, including iOS 14.8 and iPadOS 14.8 as well as updates for macOS Big Sur, macOS Catalina and watchOS. Here’s how to update your devices to protect yourself from this threat:

How to update your iPhone, iPad or iPod to iOS 14.8

  1. Plug your device into power and connect to the internet with Wi-Fi.
  2. Go to Settings > General, then tap Software Update.

If your device says it’s already updated to version 14.8, then you should be all set. Additionally, it’s always a good idea to turn on automatic updates.

How to update macOS

  1. From the Apple menu  in the corner of your screen, choose System Preferences > Software Update.
  2. Click Update Now or Upgrade Now.

How to update your Apple Watch

  1. Open the Apple Watch app on your iPhone.
  2. Tap My Watch > General > Software Update > Tap Download and Install.