Donations update: Support Rise Up as it partners with powerful women and girl leaders to transform the world

Note from the CREDO Mobile team: This March, Rise Up is among three amazing groups that will receive a share of our monthly grant. Funding from the CREDO Mobile community will help Rise Up as it partners with women, girls and allies who are transforming their communities and countries in a global movement for justice and equity.

Read this important blog post about Rise Up’s critical work, then visit and cast your vote to help send funding to Rise Up to support its efforts—and the efforts of our other outstanding March grantees.

Right now, harmful laws and practices deny women, girls and gender-nonconforming people basic rights and freedoms, including access to education, health and economic opportunity.

Local leaders — women, girls and allies — in communities around the world are working to uproot these systems of oppression by advocating for gender equity and justice. However, without access to the training, funding and support networks they need, these leaders face significant challenges and their voices often go unheard.

At Rise Up, we’re addressing global challenges differently. Since 2009, our powerful network of 800 leaders has successfully advocated for over 185 new and improved laws and policies, positively impacting more than 160 million people globally.

To advance gender equity, we invest in the power, resilience and agency of local leaders who best understand their own lived realities and develop their own solutions to the problems they face in their unique social, cultural and political contexts.

We identify visionary local leaders in countries around the world, listen to their hopes and goals, recognize their power, support their ideas and invest in their advocacy strategies. Each Rise Up Leader participates in an intensive leadership and advocacy training program, has the opportunity to receive competitive grant funding to advance gender-equitable laws and policies, and is connected to a global network of peers, allies and funders — all with the goal of creating meaningful, lasting change.

Rise Up embraces an intersectional approach and focuses on the three core areas of education, health and economic opportunity because these are central to women and girls’ ability to pursue their aspirations and achieve success safely and autonomously.

In the face of enormous obstacles, we’ve seen Rise Up Leaders persevere to achieve the change their communities and countries need most by successfully advocating for laws, policies and programs that improve the lives of women, girls and gender-nonconforming people.

2024 is a very special year for Rise Up, as we’re celebrating our 15th anniversary. In partnership with Rise Up Leaders and their organizations, we’ve made significant progress on some of the world’s biggest challenges in those 15 years. We’ve helped bring an end to child marriage in India, strengthened protections for gender-based violence survivors in Nigeria, increased women’s economic opportunities through workplace-safety measures in South Africa, improved access to education for girls in Kenya and enhanced prenatal and postpartum care for Black mothers in the U.S.


Rise Up Leader spotlight

Nsini Udonta has seen the effects of gender-based violence in Nigeria, through her personal experience in an abusive marriage and through her work at a domestic violence shelter. With Rise Up’s support and funding, Nsini successfully advocated for the implementation of a law to ensure domestic violence cases would be fast-tracked for processing within 72 hours, protecting 4.5 million women and girls from violence in Nigeria.

“My hope for the future is to see equity, opportunity and social justice for women and girls in Nigeria and across the globe,” Nsini says.

Even though achieving gender equality and empowering all women and girls is one of the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals, we are not on track to achieve gender equality by 2030.

We know that realizing Rise Up’s vision of an equitable world is a long and uphill battle but we remain hopeful and action-oriented due to Rise Up Leaders’ tenacity. Each dollar of support for Rise Up goes toward powerful Rise Up Leaders who are transforming their communities and countries.

Rise Up Leader spotlight

Riya Thakur joined the Rise Up network with a decade of experience and a vision to combat a lack of sexual and reproductive health services in underserved parts of Delhi. Riya worked to increase young people’s access to sexual and reproductive health services to prevent unwanted pregnancies and improve school enrollment outcomes. With the training and funding she received from Rise Up, Riya and the Population Foundation of India achieved the support of the Delhi government and ensured that 550,000 young people now have the ability to make their own decisions about their bodies.

“The unique design of the Rise Up leadership initiative helps advocates and leaders to implement their ideas through the provision of financial support,” Riya says. “This helps create a ripple of change — one leader to many.”

The time for urgent action to advance gender equity is now. As we at Rise Up celebrates our 15th anniversary this year, we also are ready for the hard work ahead.

We can’t do this work alone. We need your support to strengthen the global movement for gender equity and justice. Together, we can make a difference and back Rise Up Leaders who are working for a future where everyone can thrive.

To learn more about what we do, please visit

How to use your phone to scan your important tax documents

Tax Day is right around the corner, and if you haven’t filed yet, it’s time to quickly get all your documents in order.

The best way to save, store or upload your tax documents, especially if you have paper copies, is by digitizing them.

You don’t have a scanner? Not a problem! You can easily scan all your documents right from your smartphone. Here’s how.

Scanning tax documents from your iPhone or iPad

There are a few ways to digitize your tax documents from an iPhone or iPad. The simplest way is to simply open your camera app and take photos of each document. Make sure you place your documents on a well-lit, flat surface and snap a picture of each one. This method will be a bit time consuming, since the files will be stored as images (not PDFs) and you will need to manually crop and organize each one.

However, our preferred method is using the Files app, which will automatically recognize, scan and crop your documents and help you organize them for easy sharing at a later date. Here’s how to get started:

    1. Open the Files app on your iPhone or iPad
    2. Tap the Browse tab (likely in the bottom corner)
    3. Tap the three dots in the top right corner and choose Scan Documents
    4. Position your document on a well-lit flat surface and hover your phone’s camera over the document. The app should automatically recognize and scan it. The file will be placed in your scanned documents
    5. Continue scanning documents until you are done. Click Save.
    6. Choose the folder you would like to save your documents in, or click the three dots at the top of your screen to create a new folder. Click Save to save your documents.

Scanning tax documents from your Android device

Scanning documents on Android devices can vary from manufacturer to manufacturer. Some models have a built-in scanning function in the Camera app, while others do not. However, you will likely use Google Drive on your Android to store your documents, photos and other important information, so here’s how to use Google Drive to scan your tax documents, which should work across all Android models.

  1. Open the Google Drive app. (If you don’t have Google Drive installed on your device, download and install it from Google Play here.)
  2. Tap the “+” button, then tap Scan.
  3. Position your document on a well-lit flat surface and hover your phone’s camera over the document, then tap the shutter button. You can now edit, crop or rotate the image.
  4. To add more documents, tap the + button.
  5. When you’re finished scanning, click Save. Now give your document a name and organize your files in Google Drive.

Donations update: Support Stop AAPI Hate in its effort to end racism and discrimination against Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders

Note from the CREDO Mobile team: This March, Stop AAPI Hate is among three amazing groups that will receive a share of our monthly grant. Funding from the CREDO Mobile community will help Stop AAPI Hate in its mission to advance the multiracial movement for equity and justice by building power in its communities, working in solidarity with other communities of color and advocating for comprehensive solutions that tackle the root causes of race-based hate.

Read this important blog post about Stop AAPI Hate’s critical work, then visit and cast your vote to help send funding to Stop AAPI Hate to support its efforts—and the efforts of our other outstanding March grantees.

“My elderly grandmother was chased and almost attacked by a racist man as he was yelling at her to go back to China and Chinatown. The man was about to push my grandmother down a flight of stairs until she begged him not to and was able to run away.” – Woman in California

“I was walking up the stairs to a restaurant in the suburbs and this individual said, ‘Hey, Osama bin Laden.’ I asked him, ‘What did you say?’ and he said, ‘F–k you.’” – Man in Georgia

Anti-Asian and Pacific Islander (AAPI) hate has a long and deep history in the United States. At the onset of the Covid-19 pandemic, hate acts against our communities dramatically increased, generating immense fear and pain. Recognizing the need to document the alarming rise of anti-AAPI racism and discrimination, AAPI community leaders and activists launched Stop AAPI Hate as an online reporting center.

Stop AAPI Hate is a coalition founded by Chinese for Affirmative Action, the Asian American Studies Department at San Francisco State University and the AAPI Equity Alliance after they recognized the need to document the rise of Covid-19-related racism and ramp up efforts to address anti-AAPI hate more broadly. In four short years, Stop AAPI Hate has become the nation’s largest reporting center documenting anti-AAPI hate acts and has received more than 11,000 reports. We also leverage our wide-reaching platform to combat racist stereotypes, elevate the diverse experiences of AAPIs, advocate for policies and inspire everyday people to take action against hate.

Today, our work extends beyond pandemic-related hate. Anti-Asian scapegoating and political rhetoric are on the rise, compelling Stop AAPI Hate to ramp up our efforts to tackle not just interpersonal hate but also institutional and societal hate. We’re leveraging data and research, policy and advocacy, strategic communications and community care strategies to fight anti-AAPI hate in all its forms. Our recent work includes:

Stop the Blame, a national campaign dedicated to tackling anti-Asian political scapegoating by confronting the rising tide of racist and xenophobic political rhetoric and policies targeting Asians in America.

An online data visualization tool that boosts access to data from our hate acts reporting center, which includes real-life stories from AAPIs impacted by hate as well as interactive dashboards.

New reports that highlight the diverse forms of hate AAPI communities experience and encourage tailored solutions to combat various types of racism and discrimination.

Funding from CREDO Mobile supports Amazon Watch in its fight to protect the Amazon rainforest

The Amazon is on the brink. A record drought is drying up rivers and killing irreplaceable wildlife like rare freshwater dolphins. Megafires are burning the rainforest by the square mile. Mega-development, extractive industries and agribusiness are adding to the destruction.

But thanks to long-term resistance and organizing by Amazonian peoples, we still have a chance to protect the remaining rainforest. For over 28 years, Amazon Watch has worked to protect the rainforest—and our climate—in solidarity with in solidarity with Indigenous peoples. Amazon Watch carries out campaigns for human rights, corporate accountability and the preservation of the Amazon’s vital ecological systems in partnership with Indigenous, forest and traditional peoples throughout the Amazon Basin.

To do all this, Amazon Watch needs support—and CREDO Mobile provides it. In August, our customers and community members voted to send a significant grant to Amazon Watch and it will enable the group to continue its mission to defend the rainforest.

Here’s a report from our friends at Amazon Watch that describes the many ways our donation is making a difference.

Recent victories

One of the key ways CREDO Mobile supports Indigenous peoples is through Amazon Watch’s Amazon Defenders Fund (ADF). The ADF is built on nearly three decades of trusted partnership with Indigenous nations and local organizations.

Amazon Watch’s team receives requests from partners in many forms — from WhatsApp messages and voice memos to larger proposals — and mobilizes solidarity funds quickly, sometimes in as little as an hour. Nimble, effective responses are critical to assisting Earth Defenders at risk, uplifting Indigenous leadership, protecting land rights and driving solutions.

Here are some of the recent solidarity funds we’ve mobilized to Amazonian partners to advance their autonomy and self-determination, with CREDO Mobile’s generous support.

  • Legal support for Indigenous rights in Brazil. We mobilized funds to the Association of Indigenous Peoples of Brazil (APIB) to bolster its legal department. With Brazil’s shifting political landscape and strong mining and agribusiness lobbies, APIB’s legal presence in the capital of Brasília has become crucial to securing Indigenous land rights in the country.

The legal department aims to enhance its capacity for political advocacy and legal action as it works to protect the Yanomami peoples who are facing a humanitarian crisis caused by illegal mining in their territories and battles to defeat the Marco Temporal “time limit trick,” which would undermine Indigenous territorial rights.

  • Protection of Indigenous territories from mining and oil in the Western Amazon. The Amazon Defenders Fund supported the Kutukú Shaimi Protective Forest Committee’s fight against mining with funds for solar power that, among other benefits, enables internet access, which is crucial for timely communication in hard-to-reach communities in the Ecuadorian Amazon.

Funds were also mobilized to support the Sápara peoples’ 2023 assembly, which emphasized the importance of unity and coordination among the Sápara nation’s 23 communities in defending their territories against oil exploration and extraction.

  • Amplification of advocacy by Peru’s Indigenous communities. The ADF mobilized solidarity funds to the Interethnic Association for the Development of the Peruvian Rainforest, Peru’s national Indigenous federation, for its strategic advocacy and communications to combat deforestation and protect territorial rights defenders. Additional support was provided for gender equity work to strengthen the power of Amazonian women leaders.
  • Support for Mining Out of the Amazon. In addition to the solidarity funding and accompaniment described above, with CREDO Mobile’s funding, Amazon Watch is ramping up our campaign to get Mining Out of the Amazon. Legal and illegal mining cause major environmental and human rights abuses in the Amazon.


Together with Indigenous partners and allies, Amazon Watch is strategically campaigning to halt mining in the Amazon basin by: publishing risk alerts exposing the disastrous impacts of major mining companies’ operations to their shareholders and investors; coalition-building with Canadian First Nations leaders resisting the same corporations; advancing Indigenous land rights so that Amazonian peoples can say no to mining in their territories; accompanying legal processes for justice; supporting Indigenous leaders’ presence at mining industry events and climate conferences; and much more.

Thanks to CREDO Mobile’s support, we’re making progress. Brazilian federal prosecutors are now suing to annul Canadian mining company Belo Sun’s dubious contract aimed at opening what would be Brazil’s largest open-pit gold mine in the heart of the Amazon. Belo Sun filed a retaliatory lawsuit that unjustly targets community leaders, environmental defenders, researchers and Amazon Watch staff (while not positive, this demonstrates just how impactful our actions are). Belo Sun’s stock tanked over the course of these actions, which shows the impact and progress of our #MiningOutoftheAmazon campaign.


New initiatives

Amazon Watch has a number of important new projects in progress.

  • Amazon Underworld and related activities. On November 22, 2023, Amazon Watch, in collaboration with Amazon Underworld and the Global Initiative Against Transnational Organized Crime, released “Amazon Underworld: Illegal Economies in the World’s Largest Rainforest.” This groundbreaking report covers the expansion of organized crime in the Amazon and makes the necessary case that any efforts to contain organized crime must be rooted in Indigenous land rights, territorial governance and communal economies.

Solutions must protect Indigenous peoples who resist organized crime from violent retaliation. These solutions offer an essential alternative to existing policies favoring repression and militarization without addressing the factors contributing to organized crime’s expansion. In conjunction with the report’s release, Amazon Watch has convened meetings with Indigenous partners, allies, embassies, UN departments and government officials in Peru, Ecuador, Colombia and Panama to address the research and concerns raised in the report and advance Indigenous-led solutions.

  • Amplification of Indigenous voices against the Ferrogrão. Right now in Brazil, Munduruku, Kayapó and Apiaká peoples and their allies are resisting the development of a mega-railroad known as the Ferrogrão (“grain railroad”), which would violate their right to consultation in their territories and imperil the Amazon.

The Ferrogrão is a priority of Brazil’s agribusiness lobby and major commodity traders like Cargill and would have a devastating human rights and environmental footprint. The complete infrastructure package could destroy over 285,000 football fields of natural vegetation (which would emit 75+ million tons of carbon), cause serious biodiversity loss, reduce vital ecosystem services and impact 16 Indigenous territories. In 2021, project development was suspended via an injunction but, last May, Brazil’s Supreme Court authorized the resumption of studies on the Ferrogrão.

Next month, the Supreme Court will issue a new ruling on whether the project should advance or if the original injunction should stand. Amazon Watch is coordinating closely with Indigenous peoples and local communities affected by the Ferrogrão. This includes: coordinating strategic communications and advocacy among diverse movement partners; amplifying the rights of Indigenous communities, like the right to free, prior and informed consultation (FPIC) regarding activities in their territories; advancing campaigns to officially recognize Indigenous land rights; educating the public about the complicity of companies like Cargill in the destruction of the Amazon and the violation of forest peoples’ rights; and increasing popular resistance to the Ferrogrão.

In December, more than 100 Munduruku, Kayapó and Apiaká people disrupted a hearing on the Ferrogrão to make clear that the project violates their rights to FPIC in their territories.

If you’d like to learn more or get involved with Amazon Watch, please visit

Donations update: Support Reproductive Freedom for All as it fights to pass proactive policies for reproductive freedom and hold anti-abortion extremists accountable

Note from the CREDO Mobile team: This March, Reproductive Freedom for All is among three amazing groups that will receive a share of our monthly grant. Funding from the CREDO Mobile community will help Reproductive Freedom for All (formerly NARAL Pro-Choice America) in its mission to fight for access to abortion, birth control, paid parental leave and protections from pregnancy discrimination.

Read this important blog post about Reproductive Freedom for All’s critical work, then visit and cast your vote to help send funding to Reproductive Freedom for All to support its efforts—and the efforts of our other outstanding March grantees.

In September 2023, NARAL Pro-Choice America announced that we would chart a new path forward as Reproductive Freedom for All. For the last 55 years, our organization and members have unapologetically helped lead the charge on both the state and national levels to protect and advance reproductive freedom through grassroots organizing, electoral change and political advocacy. Now, we’re in a unique and pivotal moment to reimagine the future of our movement and work — and it’s a moment we can’t afford to waste, especially with the looming 2024 elections, which will decide the fate of statehouses, Congress and the White House and, with them, the future of reproductive freedom.

As we have learned from our partners in the reproductive justice movement, the term “pro-choice” does not reflect the realities of those most affected by attacks on abortion access and reproductive freedom at large. For many — and especially for communities of color and others who are marginalized by our society’s institutions — there was never a choice.

Our new name, Reproductive Freedom for All, is an affirmation of our values that acknowledges our fight won’t be won until reproductive freedom is truly a reality for each of us. So while our core mission isn’t changing, our vision for how we get there is. Our more than 4 million members are fired up and we want more of the 8 in 10 Americans who support abortion access to join us so we can create a more powerful and diverse coalition.

To build power and take on the fights coming our way, we are reinvigorating our organizing program by:

  • Emphasizing digital and relational organizing at both the state and national levels to mobilize our members to take action to protect, restore and expand abortion rights and access.
  • Expanding our campus organizing program with an emphasis on community colleges — which we piloted in Michigan in 2022 — to states like Nevada and Arizona.
  • Continuing to pioneer innovative research and drive cutting-edge messaging while leading the way when it comes to uncovering methods to reach new and diverse audiences.
  • Working alongside our partners to elect reproductive freedom champions in key races in 2024 and beyond and to support legislation that advances our rights.
  • Centering the fact that the systemic undermining of our democracy has impacted Black people, people of color, LGBTQ+ people, people with disabilities and young people the most.

With President and CEO Mini Timmaraju at the helm, we’ve doubled down on our commitment to diversity, equity and inclusion. And we’ve built and championed powerful statewide efforts alongside our partners to block egregious abortion bans and restrictions, and expand abortion coverage and access.

Since Roe v. Wade was overturned nearly two years ago, the 8 in 10 Americans who support the legal right to abortion have made their voices heard loud and clear. This includes voters in red, blue and purple states — and people across the political and ideological spectrum. Our big wins over the last two years have been delivered by a diverse, inclusive coalition of voters, which demonstrates the importance of centering those most impacted by bans on abortion, including: Black, Latina/o/x, Asian American, Native Hawaiian, Pacific Islander and Indigenous people; the LGBTQ+ community; immigrants; young people; people with disabilities; and other historically oppressed communities.

With that knowledge, we are running our largest-ever electoral program ahead of the 2024 elections to mobilize even more of the 8 in 10. The upcoming elections will decide the future of this fight. We are working to ensure reproductive freedom champions are elected from statehouses to the White House and that we protect and expand abortion rights and access through ballot measures.

The stakes for this election could not be higher — Trump’s anti-abortion extremist allies have already laid out an 887-page blueprint that includes, in painstaking detail, exactly how he could leverage virtually every arm, tool, and agency of the federal government to attack abortion access. It is up to us to stop them.

Reproductive Freedom for All is a demand. It’s a call to action. And it’s a vision of the future we’re fighting for. It will take all of us to elect reproductive freedom champions and defeat anti-abortion extremists. Reproductive freedom can unite us all — we hope you’ll join us.

To support our efforts and learn more about what we do, please visit

Vote for Reproductive Freedom for All, Rise Up and Stop AAPI Hate this March

Every month, CREDO members vote to distribute our monthly grant to three incredible progressive causes – and every vote makes a difference. This March, you can support Reproductive Freedom for All, Rise Up and Stop AAPI Hate.

Reproductive Freedom for All

Reproductive Freedom for All mobilizes our 4 million members to fight for access to abortion, birth control, paid parental leave, and protections from pregnancy discrimination. We work for a future where reproductive freedom is a reality for us all.

Reproductive freedom is under unprecedented threat. Your support will help us give our members—and would-be members—a vehicle from which they can see themselves and activate in the fight for political and policy change.


Rise Up

Rise Up advances gender equity and justice in education, health, and economic opportunity by partnering with visionary local leaders around the world. We build power with women, girls, and their allies by providing training, funding, and connection to a global network to help them achieve meaningful, lasting change.

CREDO’s support will enable us to find, train, and support more local leaders around the world to scale their impacts and advance laws, policies, and norms to transform their communities and countries for a more gender-equitable world.


Stop AAPI Hate

Stop AAPI Hate strives to advance the multiracial movement for equity & justice by building power for our communities, working in solidarity with other communities of color, & advocating for solutions that tackle the root causes of race-based hate.

Join us in advancing the multiracial movement for equity & justice by powering our efforts to document anti-Asian and anti-Pacific Islander hate acts, bolster civil rights protections, & advocate for policies that create safer communities for all.

Your vote this month will determine how we divide our monthly donations among these three progressive groups. Be sure to cast your vote to support one, two or all three by March 31.

CREDO members who use our products and services everyday are the reason we are able to make these donations each month. Learn more about CREDO Mobile and join our movement.

Our February grantees thank you for your support

Each month, CREDO members vote on how we distribute funding to three incredible nonprofits. In February, CREDO members voted to distribute our monthly donation among Brady: United Against Gun Violence, Center for American Progress and Inside Climate News.

These donations are made possible by CREDO customers and the revenue they generate by using our services. The distribution depends entirely on the votes of CREDO members like you. And for that, our February grant recipients thank you.


 Brady: United Against Gun Violence

“CREDO is an incredible partner in helping fuel Brady’s mission to free America from the epidemic of gun violence.” – Kris Brown, President, Brady: United Against Gun Violence

To learn more, visit


Center for American Progress

“Thank you! We’re honored to have your support in our mission to advance the lives of all Americans.” – Stefan Romberg, Chief Development Officer, Center for American Progress

To learn more, visit


Inside Climate News

“Thank you for your continued support and partnership! CREDO members like you make it possible for Inside Climate News to continue to raise the bar for groundbreaking, independent journalism focused on the escalating climate crisis.” – David Sassoon, Founder and Publisher, Inside Climate News

To learn more, visit


Now check out the three groups we are funding in March, and cast your vote to help distribute our donations.

CREDO members who use our products are the reason why we are able to make these donations each month. Learn more about CREDO Mobile, the carrier with a conscience.

New Year’s Resolutions Survey Results

Back in January, we asked members about their New Year’s Resolutions. We wanted to share these results with you.

Most people did not make resolutions in 2024, but more than 2/3 of respondents have made resolutions sometime in the past.

By far, the most common resolution was to exercise more – over 50% of respondents made that resolution. Other popular resolutions were: Clean/organize my living space, Eat better, do more for the environment and read more books. 23% of people said they wanted to be more conscious consumers. 17% wanted to increase their political participation.

We had some inspiring responses:

I strive to get better every day, not just once a year.
Keep it reasonable. Baby steps are okay. Improvement but not full blown change is still success.
I just want to be my best self everyday while encouraging others to do the same. Loving one another and planet every single day
Focusing more on my true purpose and enjoying life at the same time.
Slow down. Get more rest and recharge.

Some fun responses:

Not to make any more New Year’s Resolutions, and this is the ONE RESOLUTION I HAVE FAITHFULLY KEPT, WITHOUT BACKSLIDING!

And some great advice:

Keep on Keeping on
Floss my teeth every day
Try to see the good in people
Be more kind.

Funding from CREDO Mobile helps the National LGBTQ Task Force fight for the rights of LGBTQ+ people

LGBTQ+ Americans are under attack. Recently, the Human Rights Campaign, an LGBTQ+ advocacy group, declared its first-ever national state of emergency for LGBTQ+ people “following an unprecedented and dangerous spike in anti-LGBTQ+ legislative assaults.”

In statehouses across the U.S., over 75 anti-LGBTQ+ laws were passed in 2023, more than double the number in 2022. It’s a nationwide campaign to restrict LGBTQ rights and, on the street, it can have lethal consequences. Fueled by the rhetoric of conservative politicians, extremists are going after the LGBTQ+ community. LGBTQ+ people are nine times more likely than non-LGBTQ+ people to be victims of violent hate crimes.

The vast majority of Americans support LGBTQ+ rights and now is the time for that majority to stand up for the LGBTQ+ community.

Here at CREDO Mobile, we do it every day. We also give much-needed funding to nonprofit groups fighting for LGBTQ+ rights. In August, CREDO Mobile customers and community members sent a significant donation to the National LGBTQ Task Force, which works to build a future where everyone is free to be their entire selves in every aspect of their lives.

Our grant helped the Task Force put on its 2024 Creating Change Conference in New Orleans in January. Creating Change is the nation’s foremost political, leadership and skills-building conference for the LGBTQ+ movement. The five-day program in January included hundreds of workshops and training sessions, and many networking opportunities for attendees. It’s a vital event in the Task Force’s ongoing effort to train and mobilize thousands of activists across the nation to create a world where you can be you.

Other change-inducing initiatives operated by the Task Force include:

  • Queering Equity: LGBTQ+ people are a part of every community and they have distinct needs caused by intersecting manifestations of oppression. Queering Equity creates solutions that address these needs while centering the most marginalized among us.
  • Queering Faith: To build an equitable society for LGBTQ+ people, we must continue to emphasize that people of faith are not our adversaries — and that equity and religious freedom are interconnected and mutually reinforcing.
  • Building Power: The Task Force has played a pivotal role in mobilizing, training, organizing — and at times challenging — the LGBTQ+ movement over the past 50 years. Organizers are the heart and soul of the Task Force and it works continuously to train and empower a new generation of leaders.
  • Queering Democracy: The Task Force is committed to ensuring a fair democracy by queering the census, queering the vote and prioritizing the watchdog role of FedWatch, a Task Force program that monitors and publicly comments on administrative policy and government data. The Task Force also works on voting rights, federal legislation and policy formation and regulations.

Queer the Vote is a Task Force project dedicated to educating and mobilizing LGBTQ+ rights supporters during key elections. As everyone knows, the 2024 election could be the most key in our nation’s history and this is why the Task Force has significantly expanded its Queer the Vote project with a new website,, and a pledge for people to confirm their participation in the elections.

Queer the Vote encourages LGBTQ+ people and allies to go to the polls in 2024 and make an impact for the LGBTQ+ community. It builds grassroots people power and creates the conditions to deliver concrete wins for LGBTQ+ people. It does this by ensuring year-round engagement, enhancing the volunteer experience through skills-building workshops, building partnerships, increasing visibility and setting measurable goals.

To learn more about Queer the Vote and all the vital work that the National LGBTQ Task Force does, go to