Our January grantees thank you for your support

Each month, CREDO members vote on how we distribute funding to three incredible nonprofits. In January, CREDO members voted to distribute our monthly donation among Public Counsel, Rainforest Action Network and She Should Run.

These donations are made possible by CREDO customers and the revenue they generate by using our services. The distribution depends entirely on the votes of CREDO members like you. And for that, our January grant recipients thank you.


Public Counsel

“Thank you, CREDO members, for helping Public Counsel work towards a more equitable society where all people thrive, with systems and laws delivering the promise of justice to all.” – Kristen Jackson, Interim President and CEO, Public Counsel

To learn more, visit www.publiccounsel.org.


Rainforest Action Network

Thank you for your support of Rainforest Action Network. While ‘action’ is our middle name, we can only win with the collective power of our network! Together, we will do what is necessary to challenge corporate power and systemic injustice.” – Ginger Cassady, Executive Director, Rainforest Action Network

To learn more, visit www.ran.org.


She Should Run

“Thank you for supporting She Should Run! As we work to inspire women from all walks of life to consider their political power, it’s going to take all of us, including CREDO members like you, that will make this movement possible.” – Erin Loos Cutraro, Founder + CEO, She Should Run

To learn more, visit www.sheshouldrun.org.

Now check out the three groups we are funding in February, and cast your vote to help distribute our donations.

CREDO members who use our products are the reason why we are able to make these donations each month. Learn more about CREDO Mobile, the carrier with a conscience.

Donations update: Support much-needed reporting on the climate crisis by Inside Climate News

Note from the CREDO Mobile team: This February, Inside Climate News is among three amazing groups that will receive a share of our monthly grant. Funding from the CREDO Mobile community will help ICN in its mission to provide essential reporting and analysis on climate change, energy and the environment for the public and decision-makers, and monitor government, industry and advocacy groups and hold them accountable for their policies and actions.

Read this important blog post about ICN’s critical work, then visit CREDODonations.com and cast your vote to help send funding to ICN to support its efforts—and the efforts of our other outstanding February grantees.

Inside Climate News is the leading voice of independent climate journalism in the country. Our groundbreaking work reduces greenhouse gas emissions, holds polluters accountable, empowers voters and protects communities suffering from environmental injustice.

Now in our 17th year, we’ve built the largest dedicated climate newsroom in the country, driving ahead of the curve on climate change reporting. We’ve published thousands of stories, released investigations that have permanently changed the national conversation and won dozens of awards, including a Pulitzer Prize for National Reporting.

In 2015, the ICN team revealed how Exxon worked at the forefront of climate misinformation, denying the science its own researchers had confirmed. ICN’s investigation spawned the global hashtag #ExxonKnew and earned many of journalism’s highest honors, including recognition as a finalist for the 2016 Pulitzer Prize for Public Service.

Through our local reporting network, we get high-quality, fact-based climate news out in front of underserved audiences across the country. Last year, we opened new bureaus in Chicago, Phoenix, Orlando, El Paso and Birmingham and, so far in 2024, in Wyoming and New Mexico.

We make our work available for free to more than 175 partner news outlets, large and small. From California to Florida and Pennsylvania to Texas, we reach readers through their local outlets, most of which struggle to afford environmental reporting of their own. The goal is to provide a vital and fundamental civic service and to inform underserved readers with accurate and balanced news about the climate crisis afflicting their daily lives.

Our journalists have decades of expertise reporting on a topic that is still new to many reporters today. The team has had a defining impact on national climate coverage and continues to publish agenda-setting stories. Now we are again breaking new ground in our coverage of environmental justice, focusing on how climate impacts disproportionately affect communities of color and burden vulnerable populations. The newsroom also welcomes, trains and mentors up-and-coming journalists of color through an ongoing fellowship program.

Inside Climate News covers science and politics, human health and agriculture, super pollutants and wildfire, extreme weather and conservation, international law and Indigenous rights, freshwater and oceans, wind energy and plastics, forests and glaciers, animals and ecosystems, Wall Street and elections, utilities and renewable energy — just about everything that is touched by climate change.

We conduct investigations, build bodies of work, and tell stories that change hearts and minds and have seminal and enduring impact. Here is a sample of recent groundbreaking work:

  • State of Denial: A multi-part expose of Texas’ environmental regulators and how they enable pollution of air and water, harming human health and the environment.
  • Bag It: A hard look at the hype surrounding “advanced recycling,” with on-site visits to multiple operations, from Texas to Indiana, that are struggling with technology which has yet to work as promised.
  • Harm City: A five-part series co-published with the Baltimore Banner that chronicles the quest for environmental justice and climate adaptation in Baltimore.
  • Axed: A close look at the U.S. Forest Service and how it’s logging mature trees, stirring controversy and depleting the carbon sink.
  • The Education of Judith Kimerling: The inspiring story of an American lawyer’s epic struggle to stop expanding oil operations from harming Indigenous peoples in Ecuador’s Amazon.

Unlike our primary competitors, ICN’s work can reach anyone, anywhere — free of charge — with no paywall or subscription fee, and fills a public service mission that only ICN, at the moment, can fill.

This month, you can vote to help CREDO Mobile distribute a portion of our monthly grant to Inside Climate News and help our reporting of the facts about the climate crisis.

Learn more about the vital work of ICN at InsideClimateNews.org.

Donations update: Support Brady in its work to end the epidemic of gun violence

Note from the CREDO Mobile team: This February, Brady is among three amazing groups that will receive a share of our monthly grant. Funding from the CREDO Mobile community will help Brady in its mission to free America from gun violence and create safer communities nationwide.

Read this important blog post about Brady’s critical work, then visit CREDODonations.com and cast your vote to help send funding to Brady to support its efforts—and the efforts of our other outstanding February grantees.

Gun violence in America is a public health crisis that devastates communities nationwide. Every day, more than 300 people are shot and more than 100 others are killed with guns. Gun violence has become the leading cause of death for children in America. It causes low-birthweight babies in impacted communities due to the stress faced by mothers and it costs our healthcare system $3.5 billion a year. And despite what the gun industry claims, this epidemic is preventable if we enact sensible, evidence-based solutions.

Since our founding in 1974, Brady has led the charge on such solutions to free America from gun violence. Inspired by the roadmap behind successful movements to curb youth smoking, promote seatbelt use and prevent drunk driving, we focus our efforts across three critical areas:

  • Change the laws
  • Change the industry
  • Change the culture

Passing life-saving legislation in Congress and statehouses nationwide

We are at a turning point in the movement to end gun violence. ​​Following the passage of the Bipartisan Safer Communities Act — the first gun-safety law in nearly 30 years — President Biden again delivered for gun safety: His administration established the White House Office of Gun Violence Prevention, which is the first in our nation’s history and will create a coordinated federal response to our gun violence crisis. Brady was integral in helping form the office and we couldn’t be prouder with the result. The office will coordinate support for survivors, families and communities impacted by gun violence, similar to the way FEMA operates, identify executive actions that the president can take, put all efforts of the Biden-Harris Administration to end gun violence under one roof, as opposed to in disparate government agencies working independently, and so much more. This progress is the breakthrough our movement needs to save lives. But we need to ensure it’s just the first step of many.

With your support, we’re also making progress in state legislatures across the country. In a single year, Brady prioritized 100 gun violence-prevention state bills, monitored 200, defended 15 and passed 39 life-saving laws in states across the country. These laws take a comprehensive approach to address gun violence in all its forms. In Illinois, as a direct response to the Highland Park July 4 massacre, we helped ban deadly assault weapons and large-capacity magazines. In California, we helped pass a first-of-its-kind law that will implement a tax on firearm sales to provide sustained funding to gun violence-prevention programs, including community violence intervention efforts. We also worked with Colorado to prohibit the sale and possession of homemade ghost guns, helping to end the proliferation of these unserialized weapons, which are often the weapons of choice for prohibited gun purchasers.

Even when Congress is gridlocked, you can always count on Brady to make vital progress in states across the country to protect our communities from senseless gun violence.

Changing cultural norms and promoting responsible, safe firearm storage

Every day in America, eight kids are unintentionally injured or killed as a result of family fire, which is a shooting involving an improperly stored or misused gun in the home.

Our nonpartisan, award-winning End Family Fire program works to promote responsible gun ownership, spreading awareness among gun owners and non-gun owners alike about the life-saving role of safe firearm storage — which means storing firearms locked, unloaded and separate from ammunition. Unintentional shootings, suicide and firearm misuse are all forms of family fire, which has an outsize impact on young people, veterans and firearm owners. But we’re making a real, lasting difference in communities across the country.

Research shows that 73% of gun owners who have seen our safe storage ads agree that storing all of their guns locked and unloaded reduces the risk of someone dying by suicide in their home — a marked increase from when we launched the program five years ago. Additionally, according to an Ad Council study, approximately half of gun owners or adults in gun-owning households who are aware of End Family Fire report that they have taken steps to store their firearms more safely. So whether or not you own a firearm, we can all be part of the solution. By simply sharing our PSAs, you will help prevent incidents of family fire and save lives.

Changing attitudes and behaviors around firearms by engaging creatives to #Show Gun Safety

Culture-makers, like writers, directors and actors, have always had a deep influence on how we think of ourselves, what we value and how we act. They’ve helped shift attitudes around public health crises, like smoking, drunk driving and seatbelts.

Brady’s Show Gun Safety campaign works with leaders in Hollywood to spark positive norm and behavior change and reshape America’s relationship with guns.

Over the past two years, we’ve worked with the creative community — including Emmy and Academy Award winners — to harness the power of culture-makers to model gun safety on screen. This has included convening Show Gun Safety ambassadors at the White House, consulting on major TV shows, partnering with USC’s Norman Lear Center on gun safety media best practices, hosting a panel at the prestigious Sundance Film Festival, and amplifying the voices of actors and advocates nationwide.

Today, there are more firearms than people in America and we know it’s likely guns will always have a role in the shows and films we watch. Our Show Gun Safety campaign does not ask anyone to stop showing guns on screen. But our nation’s content creators and storytellers have the power to model safety norms and show the consequences of reckless gun use — depictions that help guide us to a safer America free of gun violence. Learn more about Brady’s Show Gun Safety campaign today.

Winning legal reforms and taking the gun industry to court

Brady Legal takes on the gun industry in court to secure justice for the victims and survivors of gun violence. Brady’s litigation centers on limiting the gun industry’s special protections and reforming the practices of irresponsible industry actors.

Recently, with the support of Brady’s legal team, the family members of Charles Carver, Johnny Coxie and Meagan Coxie reached a settlement of more than $2.4 million against Academy Sports + Outdoors, one of the nation’s largest gun dealers. In 2016, Charles David Carvery, Johnny Coxie and Meagan Leigh Coxie were found shot and killed on the property of a now-convicted serial killer. The killer, who was legally prohibited from buying a firearm, used a firearm sold by Academy Sports + Outdoors in an illegal straw purchase. Had Academy Sports + Outdoors acted responsibly, Johnny Coxie, Meagan Leigh Coxie and Charles David Carver might still be alive today. While we cannot bring back Charles, Johnny or Meagan, we at Brady are proud to have represented their families and to work toward ensuring no other family suffers in this way.

This settlement also sends a clear message to members of the gun industry that if they choose to participate in negligent and unlawful business practices, they will be held accountable. To date, our legal team has won over $70 million in settlements and verdicts on behalf of victims and survivors of gun violence.

Learn more about the vital work Brady does at BradyUnited.org.

Donations update: Support the Center for American Progress in its fight to change the country through bold, progressive ideas

Note from the CREDO Mobile team: This February, the Center for American Progress (CAP) is among three amazing groups that will receive a share of our monthly grant. Funding from the CREDO Mobile community will help CAP in its mission to shape the national debate, expose the hollowness of conservative governing philosophy and challenge the media to cover the issues that truly matter.

Read this important blog post about CAP’s critical work, then visit CREDODonations.com and cast your vote to help send funding to CAP to support its efforts—and the efforts of our other outstanding February grantees.

The Center for American Progress is an independent nonpartisan policy institute that is dedicated to improving the lives of all Americans through bold, progressive ideas, as well as strong leadership and concerted action. Our aim is not just to change the conversation but to change the country.

We believe we owe it to future generations to protect the planet and promote peace and shared global prosperity. And we believe an effective government can earn the trust of the American people, champion the common good over narrow self-interest and harness the strength of our diversity. We must chart a path toward building a stronger, more resilient nation that can lead the world and compete and cooperate within it.

CAP is uniquely positioned to help generate policy solutions that aim to achieve objectives which focus on five cross-cutting institutional organizational priorities, all of which apply as much internationally as domestically:

  • Building an economy for all
  • Restoring social trust in democracy
  • Advancing racial equity and justice
  • Tackling climate change and environment injustice
  • Strengthening health

CAP has been around for 20 years and it has been an integral organization in the fight for the rights of the American people. Our position as the preeminent multi-issue progressive think tank, with an extensive network of allies and stakeholders, empowers us to serve as the leader and convener in the several policy areas we focus on.

As a multidisciplinary organization, we can develop and promote cross-cutting policies that examine solutions through a variety of lenses. CAP serves as a one-of-a-kind resource and strategy center for allies across the country, forging relationships with key constituencies, organizations and individuals necessary to create the networks critical to our success today and necessary to win the battles of the future. Our policy expertise and insight and access to the levers of federal power enable us to be bold in building political will.

Watch this short video to learn more about CAP. Or visit AmericanProgress.org.


Vote for Brady: United Against Gun Violence, Center for American Progress and Inside Climate News this February

Every month, CREDO members vote to distribute our monthly grant to three incredible progressive causes – and every vote makes a difference. This February, you can support Brady: United Against Gun Violence, Center for American Progress and Inside Climate News.

Brady: United Against Gun Violence

For 50 years, Brady has united gun owners and non-gun owners alike in the fight against gun violence. With targeted programs designed to tackle the root causes of gun violence in America, Brady works to ensure that every community is safer.

Support from CREDO will bolster Brady’s on-the-ground programs in areas most impacted by gun violence, help us take the gun industry to court, promote safe gun storage, and more. Each vote gets us closer to ending our gun violence epidemic.


Center for American Progress

The Center for American Progress is an independent, nonpartisan policy institute that is dedicated to improving the lives of all Americans through bold, progressive ideas, as well as strong leadership and concerted action.

Join us in recognizing our collective accomplishments as we take on the most urgent challenges of today—from growing the middle class and tackling climate change, to addressing artificial intelligence and protecting democracy.


Inside Climate News

Inside Climate News is the leading voice of independent climate journalism in the country. Our groundbreaking work reduces greenhouse gas emissions, holds polluters accountable, empowers voters, and protects communities suffering from environmental injustice.

Funding from CREDO would allow us to significantly expand our environmental justice coverage, undertake new in-depth climate investigations, and strengthen our work in local news markets as a force multiplier for environmental journalism nationwide.

Your vote this month will determine how we divide our monthly donations among these three progressive groups. Be sure to cast your vote to support one, two or all three by February 29.

CREDO members who use our products and services everyday are the reason we are able to make these donations each month. Learn more about CREDO Mobile and join our movement.

You’re invited: Black History Month Grantee Events

In anticipation of Black History Month – which kicks off, February 1st – we reached out to some of our incredible nonprofit partners to see how they’re planning to celebrate. From trainings to readings to panel discussions, our partners have planned some amazing things and they would love for you to join them.

Everyday Solidarity: Interracial Organizing Stories from The Sum of Us
TIME: February 5, 7:00 PM ET
PARTNER ORG: Zinn Education Fund
LINK: https://www.zinnedproject.org/news/heather-mcghee-on-the-sum-of-us/
On Monday, February 5, 2024, policy advocate Heather McGhee will discuss The Sum of Us: How Racism Hurts Everyone, the young readers’ edition of her bestselling book and the podcast companion series.

D.C. Area Black Lives Matter at School Year of Purpose and Week of Action
TIME: February 5-9
PARTNER ORG: Zinn Education Fund
LINK: https://www.dcareaeducators4socialjustice.org/black-lives-matter-week-action
This local week of action built on the momentum of past years’ successful weeks of action and the National Black Lives Matter at School Year of Purpose campaign in cities across the U.S. to promote a set of national demands based in the Black Lives Matter guiding principles that focus on liberation and racial justice in education for Black youth, educators, and all youth of color.

A New Approach to Teaching the Reconstruction Era: Online Course for Teaching Professionals
TIME: February 8 – March 20; Various Times
PARTNER ORG: Facing History and Ourselves
LINK: https://www.facinghistory.org/learning-events/new-approach-teaching-reconstruction-era-online-course
During this course, you will learn to teach about the Reconstruction era to help students connect this history to the choices they make today. Intended for 7th–12th grade US history, humanities, and English language arts teachers and curriculum specialists.

Bystander Intervention to Stop Hate and Harassment on Campus Training
TIME: February 9, 6:00 – 7:00 PM EST
LINK: https://righttobe.org/events/bystander-intervention-to-stop-hate-and-harassment-on-campus-4/
Everyone deserves to live free of harm, and Right To Be believes in promoting acts of humanity, kindness, and care during challenging times. The organization is dedicated to fostering safer college campuses by empowering individuals to intervene effectively in the face of hate and harassment. Join Right To Be in this 60-minute interactive workshop, designed to empower students (staff and faculty too) with the essential tools to navigate challenging moments and make a difference for someone experiencing harm.

Stand Up Against Street Harassment Training
TIME: February 12, 5:00 – 6:00 PM EST
PARTNER: Right To Be
LINK: https://righttobe.org/events/stand-up-against-street-harassment-8/
How can we take action if we don’t know what to do? Right To Be is offering this free, one-hour, interactive training to train people on how to safely intervene when you witness street harassment — or experience it yourself. During this training you’ll learn a clear, adaptable, and expert-approved set of tools that have been proven to reduce the prevalence of street harassment: Right To Be’s 5Ds of bystander intervention.

REPORT: The Three Labor Market Struggles Facing Black America
PARTNER: Center for Economic and Policy Research
LINK: https://cepr.net/report/the-three-labor-market-struggles-facing-black-america/
The Center for Economic and Policy Research’s Director of Race and Economic Justice, Algernon Austin, outlines three distinct challenges that Black America suffers from in the labor market in this brand new report.

Finishing with impact: CREDO Mobile closes 2023 with a rush of positive change

In a lot of ways, 2023 was a tough year. Those of us who care about progressive change and work for it every day watched as the world seemed to spin backward on many fronts—political, social, environmental.

We saw “leaders” amplifying hate and attacking the rights of women and minorities. We saw economic inequality surge to the point where the richest 1% in the U.S. now own more wealth than the entire middle class. We saw global heating emerge as a force that could soon end our existence on Earth.

That’s the bad news. But amid it all there was good news as well. Progressives fought and won important victories for climate justice, women’s rights, economic fairness and numerous other causes.

Here at CREDO Mobile, we made a lot of good news ourselves. We powered positive change around the world, doing it through our unique—and uniquely effective—donations program, which each month grants much-needed funding to three progressive nonprofit groups working day in and day out for the causes we believe in.

To date, we’ve donated over $95 million to hundreds of nonprofits in the issue areas of economic justice, voting rights, climate justice, civil rights, women’s rights and peace.


Our dollars made change in 2023

In the second half of 2023, we donated to these 18 nonprofits.

These groups are achieving real wins for progressive causes in part due to the donations they’ve received from CREDO Mobile. Here are just a few of the victories they’ve won recently.

  • Amazon Watch pressed President Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva to veto a right-wing attempt to restrain the rising strength of Indigenous peoples in Brazil. This was a critical win for Indigenous rights and for the Amazon rainforest.
  • The ACLU educated and energized voters to go to the polls in November and played a key role in winning election victories in Ohio, Kentucky and Virginia that bolster the right of women to make their own decisions about whether and when to have a child, without interference from judges and politicians.
  • Stand.earth continued to press for institutions to divest from the fossil fuel industry and, in December, announced that Swiss pension fund CPEG, the UK’s Wiltshire Pension Fund and the largest private pension fund in the Netherlands had joined the divestment movement. More than 1,600 institutions, representing $40.6 trillion in assets, have now cut ties with fossil fuel companies.
  • Social Security Works helped expose House Speaker Mike Johnson (R-LA) as an enemy of Social Security who wants to raise the retirement age, cut benefits and force women to have babies so the ultra-wealthy can continue avoiding their fair share of Social Security contributions.
  • The Brennan Center for Justice developed bold solutions to ensure that every eligible American can cast a ballot and worked across the U.S. to defend democracy by making voting more free, fair and easy.


Help us make more positive change in 2024

The CREDO Mobile donations program is simple yet powerful, raising real money and driving real victories for progressive causes.

It works this way. When our customers use our service, they generate funds for the program. At the end of each month, we take those funds and grant them to three nonprofit groups dedicated to progressive change. Then, the next month, we do it again.

These donations cost our customers nothing extra. But they mean everything to the groups we support. If you’re a CREDO Mobile customer, thank you.

If you’re not a customer, please consider joining our movement and helping us make more progressive change in 2024. It’s easy to do. You can bring the phone you have now. You can choose from a variety of affordable plans to suit you—same as the other carriers. And you can enjoy service on the nation’s top-rated network.

Big banks are funding climate chaos but Rainforest Action Network is fighting back

Note from the CREDO Mobile team: This January, Rainforest Action Network (RAN) is among three amazing groups that will receive a share of our monthly grant. Funding from the CREDO Mobile community will help RAN in its mission to preserve forests, protect the climate and uphold human rights by challenging corporate power and systemic injustice through frontline partnerships and strategic campaigns.

Read this important blog post about RAN’s critical work, then visit CREDODonations.com and cast your vote to help send funding to RAN to support its efforts — and the efforts of our other outstanding January grantees.

There are parts of India, the country where I’m from, that are questioning whether or not humans can survive there anymore because of the weather. In the summer of 2022, heatwaves killed 61,600 people in Europe. In the summer of 2023, going outside for a day in my current home of Washington, D.C., was like inhaling 22 cigarettes because of the Canadian wildfire smoke. Over 20 million acres of wild lands were burning there, 21 times more than the average this decade.

Also last summer, 100 million people in the U.S. were under heat advisories, as dangerous weather burned crops, delivered killing heat strokes and caused power grid failures as people tried to stay cool running their air conditioners all night long. This was on top of the disasters of fire and flood. Death Valley, in California, experienced the hottest temperatures ever recorded on the planet, which also happened in 2020 and 2021.

These events are not random, they’re clearly linked to climate change caused by the burning of fossil fuels. World scientists have issued dire warnings yet fossil fuel companies expand supply, making record profits — and big banks help them. Since the Paris Agreement was signed, banks have poured $5.5 trillion of financing into fossil fuel companies. Last year, banks pumped $669 billion of cash into fossil fuel companies while thousands of people died from flooding in Nigeria, India and Pakistan, in addition to the tens of thousands of people who died in the European heatwave.

One of the worst sources of climate chaos isn’t coal or oil. It’s methane gas — rebranded in recent decades by the industry as liquified natural gas (LNG). What is called LNG is mostly methane, a gas that has 80 times more warming power than carbon dioxide. Not only is methane gas a dangerous climate pollutant, it is also a bad business bet. It faces a money-losing glut amid competition from renewables: Europe is aiming to have 45% of its energy from renewables by 2030 and Asian environmental organizations like CEED Philippines reject the idea that their region must switch from coal to gas and then to renewables. Instead, they present the proof that renewables can — and must — scale now.

A methane gas pipeline explodes every two days in the U.S., on average. The build-out of methane gas facilities is also happening in Black, Brown and Indigenous communities in the Gulf South that have for decades been dealing with the toxic impacts of petrochemicals. Methane gas is not a transition fuel, it is a fossil fuel that we cannot afford to expand.

Despite the deaths and explosions, banks continue to fund this fossil fuel, with 25-plus export projects being proposed in the U.S. Gulf alone, up from the four currently operating. One of the most dangerous facilities — the Rio Grande Valley Project by NextDecade — just announced that due to support from banks like JP Morgan Chase it has enough financing, despite French banks pulling out. JP Morgan Chase has showered the methane gas sector with $8 billion since the Paris Agreement.

While the Esto’k Gna people of the Comecrudo Carrizo Tribe in Brownsville, Texas, can’t go outside because of the heat, they are fighting to stop this project on their sacred ancestral lands, which are also at risk of falling debris from SpaceX explosions. Yet banks and the government decided that a methane gas project that’s 984 acres and bigger than New York City’s Central Park should be built on the last deepwater port that is free from oil and petrochemical shipping on the Texas Gulf coast.

How many people have to die before banks understand that no more fossil fuel projects can be funded? When will they heed the world’s call for financing for climate mitigation, transition and adaptation instead of fossil fuel foolishness? What 1,000-year storm, flood or fire will happen before they move as fast as the world needs them to? How many times will they be complicit in violating Indigenous sovereignty and human rights before listening to the people who are dying from the heat and extreme weather?

Banks must urgently realign their financing toward a future that doesn’t kill tens of thousands of people all over the globe and put a third of the U.S. under a death wave of heat. They should first stop financing any fossil fuel expansion, especially deceptive methane gas projects. They should instead be part of the solution and finance the renewables the world needs to survive.

Learn more about the vital work Rainforest Action Network does at RAN.org.


Our December grantees thank you for your support

Each month, CREDO members vote on how we distribute funding to three incredible nonprofits. In December, CREDO members voted to distribute our monthly donation among the Center for Biological Diversity, the Center for Disaster Philanthropy and Common Cause.

These donations are made possible by CREDO customers and the revenue they generate by using our services. The distribution depends entirely on the votes of CREDO members like you. And for that, our December grant recipients thank you.


Center for Biological Diversity

“Thank you for helping the Center with your vote for nature. Together, we can save our wildlife, wild places. Thanks to you, we’ll fight hard against corporate interests who want to pollute our oceans, log our forests or drill for dirty fossil fuels.” – Kierán Suckling, Executive Director, Center for Biological Diversity 

To learn more, visit www.biologicaldiversity.org.

Center for Disaster Philanthropy

“We appreciate CREDO, its subscribers and the many donors who have contributed to CDP for putting their trust in us to do what we can to support equitable long-term disaster recovery.” – Patricia McIlreavy, President and CEO, Center for Disaster Philanthropy

To learn more, visit disasterphilanthropy.org.

Common Cause

“Thank you so much for your engagement and support…we’re grateful. CREDO members like you fuel our work to defend and nourish our most valuable asset — our democracy — and protect the will of the people.” – Marilyn Carpinteyro, Interim Co-President, Common Cause

To learn more, visit www.commoncause.org.

Now check out the three groups we are funding in January, and cast your vote to help distribute our donations.

CREDO members who use our products are the reason why we are able to make these donations each month. Learn more about CREDO Mobile, the carrier with a conscience.

Vote for Public Counsel, Rainforest Action Network and She Should Run this January

Every month, CREDO members vote to distribute our monthly grant to three incredible progressive causes – and every vote makes a difference. This January, you can support Public Counsel, Rainforest Action Network and She Should Run.

Public Counsel

Public Counsel seeks justice through direct legal services, promotes healthy and resilient communities through education and outreach, and supports community-led efforts to transform unjust systems through litigation and policy advocacy.

Funding from CREDO members will help Public Counsel provide free legal services to a wide range of low-income individuals and communities, including women, immigrants, veterans, foster youth, people experiencing homelessness, and micro-entrepreneurs.

Rainforest Action Network

RAN challenges corporate power exploiting forests, the climate, and human rights, through campaigns based on meticulous research, creative strategy, direct action, and fierce solidarity with communities fighting for justice all over the world.

RAN takes on the world’s biggest banks, insurers, and brands, to fight for policy shifts ending finance for fossil fuels and forest-risk commodities destroying rainforests, and centering the demands of Indigenous and frontline communities.

She Should Run

She Should Run is a nonpartisan nonprofit working to drastically increase the number of women considering a run for public office. We serve women from all walks of life who don’t see the potential of their political power but should.

Funding from CREDO Mobile will enable She Should Run to reach women in the places and spaces where they are already leading, and build programming for the top-of-the-funnel consideration that our research has proven women want and need.

Your vote this month will determine how we divide our monthly donations among these three progressive groups. Be sure to cast your vote to support one, two or all three by January 31.

CREDO members who use our products and services everyday are the reason we are able to make these donations each month. Learn more about CREDO Mobile and join our movement.